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Technology Management



Management of technology


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437 Hits

Sales Management Question Bank



Sales Management Question Bank

Q.1.(a)  What are the various steps in the sales process ?

(b)   How would the sales process differ in the following cases:

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  1618 Hits
1618 Hits

Sales Management Question Bank



Sales Management Question Bank

Q.1.(a)  What are the various steps in the sales process ?

(b)   How would the sales process differ in the following cases:

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  470 Hits
470 Hits

Product Management Question BANK


Product Management Question BANK Q 1 Discuss the role of product manager in the fast changing marketing environment of today.   Q 2 What are the major reasons for firms undertaking portfolio analysis. How would you use the case quadrant approach to balance the product portfolio of a multiproduct company? Illustrate by taking the example of an Indian FMCG company   Q 3 Product line decisions are crucial and vital in an enterprise. Discuss the factors influencing the product line decision.   Q 4 Discuss the pricing options available for a new product. Suggest pricing method in the following situations and explain the reasons.Introducing a line of economy range of men’s footwear (shoes)Breakfast cerealsCompact discs (storage devices)   Q 5 Explain branding as a strategy. How do you decide about the brand name of product – discuss a few approaches with suitable examples.   Q 6 Identify and select suitable positioning for the following products. (faculty notes)High end mobile phone hand setNew brand of wrinkle free trousersUnisex sun glasses   Q 7 Explain the concept of brand equity in the Indian scenario. What considerations make marketer believe that brands are financial assets?   Q 8 Discuss the steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product concept. How would you estimate first time sales for a home appliance introduced for the first time in India?steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product(June 2001)   Q 9 Discuss briefly the various sources of new product ideas you are familiar with. Using attribute analysis how would you generate new product idea for premium ink pen?  &nbsp>Q 10 Briefly explain the major concept generation methods available to the Indian marketer.   Q 11 What are the steps you will undertake to test market the following new products scheduled for launchI. 100 c.c. diesel motorcycleII. Improved premium toilet soapIII. Kitchen-masala paste.   Q 12.What do you understand by the term “Product Launch”? Discuss and evaluate the recent launch of ‘Swift’, the new passenger car from Maruti Udyog Ltd.   Q 13. Distinguish product from brand ? What is the role of product manager in :FMCG company handling premium product line of toilet soaps.Multinational firm associated with health drinks.iii) Leading consumer electronics firm offering a wide range of voltage stabilizers.   Q 14 Discuss the various product planning approaches adopted in your organization or any firm you are familiar with.   Q 15.Discuss the basis for product line decisions in the following :Pharmaceutical firm into formulationsMobile hand set firmDear students you must add 3 to 4 lines own this help in detail   Q 16 Comment on the perils of line extensions. Pickup two firms of your choice where faulty line extension decision proved disaster to the firm.   Q 17 Discuss the concept of product life cycle (PLC). Comment on PLC as an aid to new product development planning strategies. (Faculty notes)   Q 18 Why pricing of products in the Indian context is significant. What factors should marketer consider for competitive advantage while pricing the firms product. Pick up two examples of your choice where pricing strategy contributed to maximize the market share and profitability of the firm.   Q 19 What are the characteristics of a brand and what does a brand communicate ? Illustrate your responses with three power brands in the Indian context .   Q 20Besides employees, why does a firm consider brand as an important and most valuable asset. Discuss. .   Q 21 a) Discuss the scope and significance of product management function in today’s dynamic marketing environment.   b) With the help of suitable examples, explain the characteristics of convenience, shopping and speciality goods.   Q 22 a) Explain the various interpretation of the term ‘new product’ giving suitable examples.   b) Taking the example of educational toys, discuss how you can generate new product ideas usingAttribute analysisFocus groups   Q 23 a) Discuss the importance of packaging for a marketer ofFast moving consumer goodsIndustrial goods   b) With the help of suitable examples explain the factors that can be responsible for the failure of a new product.   Q 24 Does Homemade use an individual or a family branding strategy? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies?   Q 25 What are the characteristics of a good brand name? How do you rate Homemade flavour names based on these criteria?   Q 26 What role does marketing research play in new product development and brand name development? 

  797 Hits
797 Hits

Product Management Question BANK


Product Management Question BANK Q 1 Discuss the role of product manager in the fast changing marketing environment of today.   Q 2 What are the major reasons for firms undertaking portfolio analysis. How would you use the case quadrant approach to balance the product portfolio of a multiproduct company? Illustrate by taking the example of an Indian FMCG company   Q 3 Product line decisions are crucial and vital in an enterprise. Discuss the factors influencing the product line decision.   Q 4 Discuss the pricing options available for a new product. Suggest pricing method in the following situations and explain the reasons.Introducing a line of economy range of men’s footwear (shoes)Breakfast cerealsCompact discs (storage devices)   Q 5 Explain branding as a strategy. How do you decide about the brand name of product – discuss a few approaches with suitable examples.   Q 6 Identify and select suitable positioning for the following products. (faculty notes)High end mobile phone hand setNew brand of wrinkle free trousersUnisex sun glasses   Q 7 Explain the concept of brand equity in the Indian scenario. What considerations make marketer believe that brands are financial assets?   Q 8 Discuss the steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product concept. How would you estimate first time sales for a home appliance introduced for the first time in India?steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product(June 2001)   Q 9 Discuss briefly the various sources of new product ideas you are familiar with. Using attribute analysis how would you generate new product idea for premium ink pen?  &nbsp>Q 10 Briefly explain the major concept generation methods available to the Indian marketer.   Q 11 What are the steps you will undertake to test market the following new products scheduled for launchI. 100 c.c. diesel motorcycleII. Improved premium toilet soapIII. Kitchen-masala paste.   Q 12.What do you understand by the term “Product Launch”? Discuss and evaluate the recent launch of ‘Swift’, the new passenger car from Maruti Udyog Ltd.   Q 13. Distinguish product from brand ? What is the role of product manager in :FMCG company handling premium product line of toilet soaps.Multinational firm associated with health drinks.iii) Leading consumer electronics firm offering a wide range of voltage stabilizers.   Q 14 Discuss the various product planning approaches adopted in your organization or any firm you are familiar with.   Q 15.Discuss the basis for product line decisions in the following :Pharmaceutical firm into formulationsMobile hand set firmDear students you must add 3 to 4 lines own this help in detail   Q 16 Comment on the perils of line extensions. Pickup two firms of your choice where faulty line extension decision proved disaster to the firm.   Q 17 Discuss the concept of product life cycle (PLC). Comment on PLC as an aid to new product development planning strategies. (Faculty notes)   Q 18 Why pricing of products in the Indian context is significant. What factors should marketer consider for competitive advantage while pricing the firms product. Pick up two examples of your choice where pricing strategy contributed to maximize the market share and profitability of the firm.   Q 19 What are the characteristics of a brand and what does a brand communicate ? Illustrate your responses with three power brands in the Indian context .   Q 20Besides employees, why does a firm consider brand as an important and most valuable asset. Discuss. .   Q 21 a) Discuss the scope and significance of product management function in today’s dynamic marketing environment.   b) With the help of suitable examples, explain the characteristics of convenience, shopping and speciality goods.   Q 22 a) Explain the various interpretation of the term ‘new product’ giving suitable examples.   b) Taking the example of educational toys, discuss how you can generate new product ideas usingAttribute analysisFocus groups   Q 23 a) Discuss the importance of packaging for a marketer ofFast moving consumer goodsIndustrial goods   b) With the help of suitable examples explain the factors that can be responsible for the failure of a new product.   Q 24 Does Homemade use an individual or a family branding strategy? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies?   Q 25 What are the characteristics of a good brand name? How do you rate Homemade flavour names based on these criteria?   Q 26 What role does marketing research play in new product development and brand name development? 

  431 Hits
431 Hits

Research Methodology Question Bank



Research Methodology Question Bank


Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ?

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  5012 Hits
5012 Hits

Research Methodology Question Bank



Research Methodology Question Bank


Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ?

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  455 Hits
455 Hits

Top Financial Management question Bank


Top Financial Management question Bank  1. Contrast the salient features of the traditional and modern approaches to financial management.2. Discuss the three broad areas of financial decision making.3. What is the justification for the goal of maximising the wealth of shareholders ?4. Discuss the functions performed by the financial system.5. Give some examples of financial assets.6. Discuss the important functions performed by financial markets.7. List the important functions performed by the financial statements8. Present the account form as well as the report form of the balance sheet.9. Describe the various asset accounts and liability accounts found on a company's balance sheet.10. What are the different types of financial ratios ?11. Discuss the important liquidity ratios.12. Define and evaluate various leverage ratios.13. State the equation for EPS.14. What kinds of questions may be answered with help of cost-volume-profit analysis?15. What assumptions underlie cost-volume-profit analysis?16. Show schematically the planning system of a firm.17. What are the elements of a corporate financial plan?18. What are the benefits of financial planning?19. Why does money have time value ?20. State the general formula for the future value of a single amount.21. What is the difference between compound and simple interest ?22. Describe briefly the various concepts of value.23. Discuss the basic bond valuation model.24. State the formula for a bond which pays interest semi-annually.25. How is the rate of return on an asset defined?26. What is standard deviation? What are its important features?27. Why is standard deviation employed commonly in finance as a measure of risk?28. From the point of view of the option holder, discuss the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration.29. What are the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration, from the point of view of the writer (seller) of the option?30. Explain the put-call parity theorem.31. Why are capital expenditures deemed very important?32. Discuss the phases of capital budgeting.33. Describe the commonly found categories in project classification.34. What are the three elements of the cash flow stream of a project?35. How is the time horizon for cash flow analysis usually established?36. What does the separation principle say?37. List the techniques of risk analysis.38. Discuss the steps involved in sensitivity analysisQ.39.

(a)  Explain Standardisation, codification and variety reduction giving examples.

(b)  Discuss vendor evaluation and rating.  Give a list of factors to be considered.


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  1092 Hits
1092 Hits

Top Financial Management question Bank


Top Financial Management question Bank  1. Contrast the salient features of the traditional and modern approaches to financial management.2. Discuss the three broad areas of financial decision making.3. What is the justification for the goal of maximising the wealth of shareholders ?4. Discuss the functions performed by the financial system.5. Give some examples of financial assets.6. Discuss the important functions performed by financial markets.7. List the important functions performed by the financial statements8. Present the account form as well as the report form of the balance sheet.9. Describe the various asset accounts and liability accounts found on a company's balance sheet.10. What are the different types of financial ratios ?11. Discuss the important liquidity ratios.12. Define and evaluate various leverage ratios.13. State the equation for EPS.14. What kinds of questions may be answered with help of cost-volume-profit analysis?15. What assumptions underlie cost-volume-profit analysis?16. Show schematically the planning system of a firm.17. What are the elements of a corporate financial plan?18. What are the benefits of financial planning?19. Why does money have time value ?20. State the general formula for the future value of a single amount.21. What is the difference between compound and simple interest ?22. Describe briefly the various concepts of value.23. Discuss the basic bond valuation model.24. State the formula for a bond which pays interest semi-annually.25. How is the rate of return on an asset defined?26. What is standard deviation? What are its important features?27. Why is standard deviation employed commonly in finance as a measure of risk?28. From the point of view of the option holder, discuss the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration.29. What are the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration, from the point of view of the writer (seller) of the option?30. Explain the put-call parity theorem.31. Why are capital expenditures deemed very important?32. Discuss the phases of capital budgeting.33. Describe the commonly found categories in project classification.34. What are the three elements of the cash flow stream of a project?35. How is the time horizon for cash flow analysis usually established?36. What does the separation principle say?37. List the techniques of risk analysis.38. Discuss the steps involved in sensitivity analysisQ.39.

(a)  Explain Standardisation, codification and variety reduction giving examples.

(b)  Discuss vendor evaluation and rating.  Give a list of factors to be considered.


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  370 Hits
370 Hits




"Human Resource Management is a staff function but a line responsihility". Comment."Effective management of human resources is essential for the prosperity and welfare of an organisation, a society and a nation". In the light of this statement, describe the role of human resource management."Management of personnel is a basic responsibility of every manager." Discuss."Human Resource Management seeks to achieve personal and social goals." Explain. Outline the major functions of Human Resource Management."Management is personnel administration". Continent.“Personnel function play's a vital role in the whole scheme of management of an industrial organisation." Elucidate."Personnel management is a staff function but a line responsibility". Comment."A good personnel manager is no longer just a hirer and firer of men ". In the light of"A personnel manager is a change agent in the organisation". Elucidate"Management of personnel is the responsibility of every manager and there is no need for a separate personnel department." Explain critically.Define "personnel policies" and describe their nature."Personnel policies serve as guideposts to personnel decisions." Explain"A sound personnel policy must satisfy certain essential conditions." Elucidate."Human resource planning is a prerequisite for effective management of human resources." In the highs of this statement, analyse the significance of human resource planning."Scientific recruitment of personnel and their proper placement are importajtt in effectively achieving corporate objectives." Discuss.“The logical approach to staffing begins with a careful assessment and planning of current and prospective requirements." Comment."Employee selection in India is a process of elimination and not an evaluation." Comment."Interviews stiffer from some limitations". Describe these limitations. How can inter-views he made more effective?“Training programmes are helpful to avoid personnel obsolesence.” Illustrate.“Human resource development is nothing but looking at the development of manpower of an organisation in the light of its requirements” comment.“Job evaluation determines the worth of a job and not of job holder”. comment."Various legislations have imposed upon the employer obligations for providing different kinds of employee services and benefits." Name and explain five such statutory benefits."Scope of labour welfare needs to be considered pragmatically and has to be both dynamic and elastic." Do you agree? Give reasons.“Accurate appraisal of performance is very difficult”. In the light of this statement discuss the problems in performance appraisal.“High rates of absenteeism and labour turnover are harmful to both employers and employees.” Explain."Accidents don't just happen, they are caused". Do you agree with this statement? Justify your views with cogent reasons. What measures would you recommend to prevent accidents in an industrial establishment?"Various legislations have imposed upon the employer obligations for providing different kinds of employee services and benefits." Name and explain five such statutory benefits."Scope of labour welfare needs to he considered pragmatically and has to he both dynamic and elastic." Do you agree? Give reasons."Various social security legislations in India have provided for financial benefits payable by the employer to his employees without the employees having to make any contribution". Name one such legislation and explain the nature of benefits provided for."Industrial worker in India is secured against all social risks from birth to death". Do you agree 7 Give reasons."Too often discipline is thought of only in the negative sense. In reality, positive discipline is more effective and plays a larger role in business management". Discuss the statement and point out the principles to be borne in mind while taking disciplinary action."A sound grievance procedure must contain some essential features." Explain."An effective grievance handling procedure is preventive rather than curative". Explain.


       34."In the highest form of discipline all are self-regulated and all are free." Comment.

some more questions on HR

“Collective bargaining assumes collective wisdom of both management and labour” Discuss."Workers' participation in management is essential to industrial democracy and socialistic pattern of society.” In the light of this statement, discuss the role of workers’ participation in management."Workers' participation in management has failed in India." Do you agree? Give reasons."Worker participation envisages full involvement of workers in management process." Comment."Industrial relations in India are largely regulated, shaped and structured by the State." Comment."There are three actors in industrial relations." Comment'Trade union movement in India has not developed on healthy lines." Discuss."In spite of more than 100 years of experience, Indian trade unions remain under-developed." Elucidate."Trade unions in India have failed to serve the objectives for which they were formed" Do you agree? Give reasons.
  2635 Hits
2635 Hits




"Human Resource Management is a staff function but a line responsihility". Comment."Effective management of human resources is essential for the prosperity and welfare of an organisation, a society and a nation". In the light of this statement, describe the role of human resource management."Management of personnel is a basic responsibility of every manager." Discuss."Human Resource Management seeks to achieve personal and social goals." Explain. Outline the major functions of Human Resource Management."Management is personnel administration". Continent.“Personnel function play's a vital role in the whole scheme of management of an industrial organisation." Elucidate."Personnel management is a staff function but a line responsibility". Comment."A good personnel manager is no longer just a hirer and firer of men ". In the light of"A personnel manager is a change agent in the organisation". Elucidate"Management of personnel is the responsibility of every manager and there is no need for a separate personnel department." Explain critically.Define "personnel policies" and describe their nature."Personnel policies serve as guideposts to personnel decisions." Explain"A sound personnel policy must satisfy certain essential conditions." Elucidate."Human resource planning is a prerequisite for effective management of human resources." In the highs of this statement, analyse the significance of human resource planning."Scientific recruitment of personnel and their proper placement are importajtt in effectively achieving corporate objectives." Discuss.“The logical approach to staffing begins with a careful assessment and planning of current and prospective requirements." Comment."Employee selection in India is a process of elimination and not an evaluation." Comment."Interviews stiffer from some limitations". Describe these limitations. How can inter-views he made more effective?“Training programmes are helpful to avoid personnel obsolesence.” Illustrate.“Human resource development is nothing but looking at the development of manpower of an organisation in the light of its requirements” comment.“Job evaluation determines the worth of a job and not of job holder”. comment."Various legislations have imposed upon the employer obligations for providing different kinds of employee services and benefits." Name and explain five such statutory benefits."Scope of labour welfare needs to be considered pragmatically and has to be both dynamic and elastic." Do you agree? Give reasons.“Accurate appraisal of performance is very difficult”. In the light of this statement discuss the problems in performance appraisal.“High rates of absenteeism and labour turnover are harmful to both employers and employees.” Explain."Accidents don't just happen, they are caused". Do you agree with this statement? Justify your views with cogent reasons. What measures would you recommend to prevent accidents in an industrial establishment?"Various legislations have imposed upon the employer obligations for providing different kinds of employee services and benefits." Name and explain five such statutory benefits."Scope of labour welfare needs to he considered pragmatically and has to he both dynamic and elastic." Do you agree? Give reasons."Various social security legislations in India have provided for financial benefits payable by the employer to his employees without the employees having to make any contribution". Name one such legislation and explain the nature of benefits provided for."Industrial worker in India is secured against all social risks from birth to death". Do you agree 7 Give reasons."Too often discipline is thought of only in the negative sense. In reality, positive discipline is more effective and plays a larger role in business management". Discuss the statement and point out the principles to be borne in mind while taking disciplinary action."A sound grievance procedure must contain some essential features." Explain."An effective grievance handling procedure is preventive rather than curative". Explain.


       34."In the highest form of discipline all are self-regulated and all are free." Comment.

some more questions on HR

“Collective bargaining assumes collective wisdom of both management and labour” Discuss."Workers' participation in management is essential to industrial democracy and socialistic pattern of society.” In the light of this statement, discuss the role of workers’ participation in management."Workers' participation in management has failed in India." Do you agree? Give reasons."Worker participation envisages full involvement of workers in management process." Comment."Industrial relations in India are largely regulated, shaped and structured by the State." Comment."There are three actors in industrial relations." Comment'Trade union movement in India has not developed on healthy lines." Discuss."In spite of more than 100 years of experience, Indian trade unions remain under-developed." Elucidate."Trade unions in India have failed to serve the objectives for which they were formed" Do you agree? Give reasons.
  694 Hits
694 Hits

Human Resource develpment



Human resource development


Q.1.   Explain role of Change Agents in establishing sound HRD Practices in organisations.  Describe any two HRD Practices useful in potential development

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  1089 Hits
1089 Hits

Human Resource develpment



Human resource development


Q.1.   Explain role of Change Agents in establishing sound HRD Practices in organisations.  Describe any two HRD Practices useful in potential development

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  435 Hits
435 Hits




Q.1.  “A training plan should contain all the information necessary for management to make decisions for implementing the training programme.”  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concept.

Q.2.  Distinguish between job ranking and job classification (or grade description)  as methods for job evaluation.  Explain the steps involved in the job classification method.

Q.3.  Human Resource Accounting according to Murdick and Ross is a total system that interacts with other major systems of the organisation.  Explain with example.

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  1194 Hits
1194 Hits




Q.1.  “A training plan should contain all the information necessary for management to make decisions for implementing the training programme.”  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concept.

Q.2.  Distinguish between job ranking and job classification (or grade description)  as methods for job evaluation.  Explain the steps involved in the job classification method.

Q.3.  Human Resource Accounting according to Murdick and Ross is a total system that interacts with other major systems of the organisation.  Explain with example.

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  432 Hits
432 Hits

Advanced Strategic Management


Advanced Strategic Management

1.         What are the various approaches to the corporate management and which one is the best in Indian environment?  Give illustrations.


2.         Identify the various modes of entry Ranbaxy Laboratories has adopted in different regions and discuss the pros and cons of each mode of entry.

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  807 Hits
807 Hits

Advanced Strategic Management


Advanced Strategic Management

1.         What are the various approaches to the corporate management and which one is the best in Indian environment?  Give illustrations.


2.         Identify the various modes of entry Ranbaxy Laboratories has adopted in different regions and discuss the pros and cons of each mode of entry.

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  435 Hits
435 Hits

Management control system


Management control system

Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational

planning and control.

(b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management control," Explain. Whale carp he three key principles elective control and management of operations ?

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  3538 Hits
3538 Hits

Management control system


Management control system

Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational

planning and control.

(b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management control," Explain. Whale carp he three key principles elective control and management of operations ?

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  480 Hits
480 Hits

Business Statistics top short questions



Business Statistics top short questions

Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”.Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution."The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'reversal test'. Comment."Different formulae, to find the value of index, are used in different situations." Comment.Comment on “Laspeyre's has upward bias and Paasche's has downward bias."Comment on "Fisher's index is ideal because it satisfies time reversal and factor reversal test".Comment: "Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and change of scale, whereas regression coefficients are independent of change of origin but not change of scale."“A correlation coefficient r=0.8 indicates a relationship twice as close to r=0.4” Comment.Do you agree with the following statement and comment: "Dispersion indicates the variations round the value of mean, and skewness and kurtosis indicate the nature of variations round the value of means, whether they are symmetrical or not."Comment: "Measures of dispersion and central tendency are complementary to each other in highlighting the characteristics of a frequency distribution.""A cat was sitting on the floor of the house and looking for rats in the kitchen." Count the number of letters in each word of the above statement and make a frequency table (i) of the discrete type (ii) of continuous type by taking the suitable size of the class interval."Every average has its own peculiar characteristics. It is difficult to say which average is the best." Comment.Comment  "Statistics is the science of averages."Comment  "Statistics is a scientific method."Comment  "Statistics is a body of methods for making wise decision in the face of uncertainty."Comment  "Statistics affects everybody and touches life at many points. It is both a science and an art"Comment  "Statistics can prove any thing."Comment  "Proper function of statistics is to enlarge individual experience."Comment "Statistics does study quantitative variable and does not .study qualitative variable."Comment: "Large number of figures are more consistent as compared to small number of figures".
  1096 Hits
1096 Hits