Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects



(1)It is said, Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimessupplementary to each other. Elaborate!

(2)What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.

(3) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched-based applications?

(4)What are the standardized protocols for call control and media mapping in network multimedia communications over packet-based networks? Describe them!

(5)Write a detailed note on emerging trends in convergence of it and consumer electronics.?

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  353 Hits
353 Hits


MIS QUESTION BANK PART 2(39) Excel is a versatile spreadsheet package. It can do wonder for accountants. Comment.(40) With so many ready made and customized software available-The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them.. Do you agree?(41) What makes Java an almost perfect web programming language?What are its disadvantages?(42) What are the different phases of traditional system life cycle?(43) What are the three phases of traditional system life cycle where users are highly involved?(44) What are the various steps and deliverables in the development phase?(45) In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and identifying the information requirements.?(46) What are the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis?(47) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to users?(48) What types of resources are used in an information system?(49) What are the different types of computer based information system used in different functional areas business by organizations?(50) Who are the typical users of information system?(51) What is the most common form of IT enabled organizational change? (52) Which form of organizational change requires business processes to be analyzed simplified and redesign?(53) When outsourcing should be used by the organizations?(54) How Information systems can contribute for total quality management?(55)What are the technology related challenges that are invisible to your organization? Highlight the pitfalls? How integrated software applications can help in this?(56) What are integrated software applications? Talk about their advantages and business utility.(57) Write notes on the business software solutions provided by(a) SAP(b) PeopleSoft(c) Oracle(d) Microsoft(58) Compare the Business solutions provided by Microsoft and SAP. Is the rivalry justified? Clearly highlight the features which are common between the two.(59) Explain briefly the terms:(a) subject orientation(b) granularity(c) aggregations(d) partitioning(e) time variancy.(60) In the context of a data warehouse:(a) what is a concept hierarchy?(b) what do you mean by factual information?(c) what is a snowflake schema?(61) What is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in the focus is due to tlie increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate.(62) What are the types of inventoty management systems? Define them and partition them into further classes. Also, briefly explain each subdivision.(63) What is computerized mnaintenance management? Explain tlie conceptual modelthrough which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained basis.(64) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software, are important economy of data processing and administrative efficiency?(65)Computers are often referred to as 'number crunchers'. Evaluate the statement in the context of financial planning.(66) What are the main features of a cotnpirterised General Ledger System?(67)Identify the role of transaction processing system in the development information system.(68) Suggest few modules, you would like to add to improve the Marketing Information System.(69)List the analytical methods, which could be used effectively in the modules of human resource management for the development of subsystem.(70) How does computerized Personnel Information systems help in managing human resources more efficiently?(71) Discuss tlie importance of iniformnation system for business decisiotis.(72) Distinguish between data and knowledge.(73) Explain the steps involved in tlie developnient of busitless systems.(74) Visit some of the organizations to identify the information systems used for better management. Suggest the ways for the improvement.? (75) Identify arid rialne some of tlie computerized iliforrnatiorl systerns used in production management, HRD and marketing?.(76)Does an organization have a right to collect and share information without the permission of person concerned? What are the ethical issues involved in information society.(77) Every component of a computer such as software, hardware and network should beprotected. Justify!(78) Why should every organization have a disaster recovery plan to protect itself? What are the main components of a disaster recovery plan?(79)Write a brief note on virus threat and a protection strategy.(80)Discuss fully the purpose of an information system.

  383 Hits
383 Hits

Management of public enterprises

Management of public enterprises(1) How do management challenges differ over the stages of growth in a small enterprise? Explain with the help of an example?(2) Discuss the opportunities and threats that free the entrepreneur in the stabilisation free?(3) Describe the various stabilisation strategies that can be used entrepreneur operating a fast food restaurant in a busy metropolitan market?(4) If you were a ready-made garment manufacturers about to enter the competitive field of exports of apparel, what growth strategies would you adopt to ensure a comfortable pace of growth?(5) Describe the organisational requirements for growth orientation in a small scale enterprise?(6) Comment upon the need for performance evaluation and control for a-small scale entrepreneur?(7) What are the measures of overall performance that can be used to assess the working of an S.S.I unit? Explain with an example?(8) How does the production schedule operate as a control tool? Explain? (9) What measures of performance assessment and marketing control would you apply for the following S.S.I enterprises? (a) A beauty saloon (b) A boutique specialising in exclusive apparel. (c) A bakery specialising in supplies to the mid-day meal schemes of some public schools.(10) What are the important considerations in a product design selection? Explain with the help of an example?(11) Discuss the process of prototype development?(12) How do availability of, transportation facilities and labour affect the location decision? What in your opinion are the three most important variables affecting the, location decision?(13) What do you understand by method study and work measurement? How relevant do you think these are for a small scale enterprise?(14) What are the tools of production planning and control that a small entrepreneur can use? Comment with the help of an example?(15) Explain the various quality control tools that can be used by small entrepreneur? (16) What are the different ownership forms available to you as alternatives? Discuss each form in-brief ?(17) Compare a sole proprietorship with a partnership in terms of(a) Tax advantage(b) Secrecy(c) Capital raising ability(18) What are the important characteristics of the partnership form? Is it necessary to register a partnership? Describe the effects of non registration?(19) What are the major advantages that the company form of organisation has over others? What are the important distinctions between a private and a public limited company?(20) Discuss the taxation provisions related to the different organisational forms?(21) After going througn this unit, can you develop a framework to help you to decide upon the selection of the organisational form? What criteria would you take into consideration in deciding upon the ownership form of your organisation?(22) What is the need and significance of the preparation of a project report for a small scale entrepreneur? Discuss with the help of examples?(23) Give an overview of the project preparation process?(24) What are the important infrastructure consideration that you should keep in mind before deciding upon the site of your plant?(25) How would you plan for the technology input needed in your small enterprise?(26) What are the, main project cost components for which of these courses would a commercial bank offer financial assistance?(27) Explain the utility of break-even analysis for judging the profitability of small enterprises, with the help of an example?(28) Describe the common errors in project report formulation?(29) What are thee main sources of short and long term finance for a small entreperneur?(30) Comment upon the position of commercial batiks vis--vis the financing of small enterprises?(31) Discuss the various types of financing requirements that a small entrepreneur may have?(32) Discuss in detail the role of SIDBI as an institution in the context of financing of SSEs?(33) What are the basic steps in system of bringing a product/service from an idea to a finished product/service? (34) How does production design relate to technology determination and equipment selection?(35) The swastik company is considering to start a manufacturing plan t in either Madras, Coimbatore, or Madurai. The company has collected the economic and non economic data shown below?(36) What are the implications of `marketing orientation' on the process of product selection?(37) Think of the `benefits' that an entrepreneur trying to establish a typing school can offer to its customers.(38) Analyse the competitive situation with respect to the scooter market in India. Does it face any competition from the moped and the motorcycle markets?(39) What kinds of intermediaries are involved in selling (a)pressure cookers,(b) cigarettes, and (c)life insurance? (40) What do you understand by OSI? What is the role of OSI in successful enterprise management?(41) What are the main techniques utilised for opportunity scanning and identification? Discuss with examples?(42) Using the framework 2 given in the unit, carry out an opportunity analysis for the following:(a)beauty saloon(b)fast food restuarant(43) How would you use SWOT analysis to identify opportunities for SSI/Self-employment. Discuss with examples?(44) What do you understand by the term entrepreneurial competency? How is the term relevant to entrepreneurship development?(45) Which 5 competencies according to the feedback you got from activity 3, rate highest asdeterminants of entrepreneurial success? Can you explain the significance of each for entrepreneurial success?(46) Describe the process of development of entrepreneurial competencies?(47) Which characteristics of small enterprises enable them to contribute to the economic development process in a developing country like India? Discuss. (49) Taking specific case examples discuss the employment generation potential of Entrieprenurship and-Small small scale enterprises vis-a-vis the large enterprises:(50) In the Indian context, explain the specific role that entrepreneurship has fulfilled in the development of small scale sector?(51) With reference to the support needs of SSE's outlined in the unit, do you think the Indian infrastructure and environment is conducive to the development. of small scale enterprises. Discuss, giving reasons for you answer?

  365 Hits
365 Hits

HR Planning mba papers

Human Resource planning(1) What is human resource accounting? Discuss with reference to a few definitionsof human resource accounting?(2) What is human resource cost? Discuss the measurement of human resource cost?(3) What are the major components of the original cost of human resources?(4) Explain the need, purpose and the scope of the HR Audit?(5) Explain the similarities and differences between the HR Audit and Financial Audit?(6) Explain the significance of Information System in Human Resource Management.(7) Discuss the criticality of systemising information for effective planning?(8) Explain the various approaches to manageing information at the macro and microlevel?(9) Explain the advantages of computerising human resources information system?(10) Discuss the objectives of performance appraisal?(11) Describe the methods used in performance appraisal?(12) What is Management by Objectives (MBO)? What are its key features?(13) What is the purpose and significance of performance review?(14) Highlight the significance of performance counseling in developingemployees?(15) What is a career? What are the factors which go into the shaping of a career?(16) Name at least two ways that career planning might benefit an individual?(17) Is the concept of career planning and succession planning realistic in todaysrapidly changing environment?(18) What is orientation? What is an orientation kit?(19) Identify the importance of orientation and tell how you would orient a newmanagement trainee?(20) Induction is the guided adjustment of employee to the organisation andhis work environment. Discuss?(21) What are the main causes of job dislocation?(22) What are the solutions to deal with dislocated employees?(23) Outline the steps in the personnel selection process?(24) What are the common interview problems? How can they be overcome?(25) Explain in some detail how you would go about analysing and evaluatingthe effectiveness of an employee selection programme?(26) Tests often do not reflect an individuals true ability. What are your viewson this statement?(27) What is recruitment? What are the methods and techniques of recruitment?(28) Give several advantages of recruiting from internal sources and externalsources?(29) Explain the concept of competency and competency approach to job analysis?(30) Describe the various methods of the competency mapping?(31) Explain the major benefits of competency approach to job analysis?(32) Explain the various approaches to role definition?(33) Describe the factors leading to changes required in role descriptions?(34) Define role description and explain the uses of role descriptions?(35) What do you mean by job analysis? Explain the process of job analysis.(36) Explain various methods of collecting information for job analysis?(37) Define job description. Explain the uses of job description?(38) Explain the various human resource systems supported through performanceappraisal systems in organisations?(39) Explain the transformational process through social, economic, organisationaland technological changes at workplace?(40) Discuss the role of human resource measures and audit in HRP system?(41) Explain the various methods of human resource supply in an organisation?(42) Describe the factors affecting internal levels. Explain the reasons for increase inemployee groups?(43) Discuss the employee turnover analysis. Explain the different techniques forsupply management? (44) Explain the concept of human resource forecasting. Discuss various techniquesused in forecasting human resource planning?(45) Explain the issues in demand forecasting. Discuss the different factorscontributing to demand forecasting?(46) Explain the review process of human resource planning. Discuss how it balancesthe competing and conflicting elements?(47) Explain the concept of human resource forecasting. Discuss the manning andutilization of manpower?(48) Describe the various forecasting techniques. Explain how these techniques arebeing used in forecasting process?(49) Explain the review process of human resource planning. Discuss how it balancesthe competing and conflicting elements?(50) Explain the concept of human resource forecasting. Discuss the manning andutilization of manpower?(51) Describe the various forecasting techniques. Explain how these techniques arebeing used in forecasting process?(52) Explain the role of HR professional in human resource planning process inorganisations?(53) Describe the various forecasting techniques and how these techniques are beingused in human resource planning?(54) Explain the barriers to HRP. Bring out the requisites for effective planning?

  360 Hits
360 Hits




1. What is corporate planning and what are its important characterstics? 2. Corporate planning is as good as its implementation Discuss. 3. What is corporate management? Discuss its nature and scope. 4. Explain the benefits and failures of corporate planning. 5. Narrate corporate planning process in brief. Also state the benefits of corporate planning. 6. Explain various types of implementation issues in brief. 7. What is behavioral implementation? Explain it with the help of the details of a company. 8. What is strategic control? How is it different from operational control? 9. Narrate briefly the approaches to the corporate management. Which one is the best in Indian environment? 10. Critically evaluate the role of board of directors in corporate management process. 11. Write a note on corporate management in non- business organizations. 12. Write notes on the following: a. Procedural implementation b. Role of consultants in corporate management c. Approaches to corporate management.  



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  380 Hits
380 Hits


INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS THEORIESQUESTION:-1) Briefly discuss the foundations of international business. 2) Explain the theory of mercantilism. Is it being applied in the present day world?3) Examine the implications of Adam Smith's theory of absolute cost advantage.4) Critically examine Ricardo's comparative cost theory of international trade. What   is common between Smith's and Ricardo's trade theories?5) Discuss the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model. In what ways does it differ from the earlier trade doctrines?6) Explain the Product Life Cycle Theory of the FDI. Give suitable examples of    countries which have gone through the various stages of product life cycle model. 7) Discuss the Market Imperfections Approach. How did the company specific advantages help the formulation of this theory?

8) What is the Transaction Cost Approach? Examine the relevance of the natural type market imperfections in its development, and discuss the various ways the transaction cost theory op           erates in the foreign countries.

9 What is eclectic paradigm? Discuss the applicability of this model.INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROCESS AND FINANCEQUESTION:-

 1) India's democratic system and its emphasis on small business development make it a promising market for franchising opportunities. But it is not an automatic assumption. What works in one country will. work in another. Whether a concept will succeed in a given country is a function of taste, political environment, the economy and price range. Without careful analysis of the products and the market place, it may not work.� Comment on the above statement, What are your own views? 2) What are the different stages through which a firm graduates to become multi-national enterprise? At what stage would you like to place most of the Indian firms which are doing foreign business? 3) What is the Corporate Life Cycle Theory? Explain its various stages with Indian examples. 4) What are the different modes of entry into international business? Explain briefly, by bringing out their merits and demerits.5) The preferred mode of internlitionalisation of Indian corporate sector has been the joint venture. Can you explain the reasons behind this behaviour?6) Reading some relevant recent literature, prepare a brief note on the Government of India's policy on FDI. Do you think this policy will be perceived to be friendly by foreign investors?7) Discuss some models for making entry mode choice. Explain the models with hypothetical data.8) What are the determinants of international investment decision? What, different-strategies could a firm follow?9) What factors would influence the choice of location for FDI? Which location factors do you think are more important for the foreign investors in the Indian context?10) What could be the different bases for transfer prices in the context of International business?11) What factors provide motivation to multinational firms to manipulate transfer prices?12) What mechanisms are available to the Government'to stop/check, manipulative transfer pricing practices? Discuss.

 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF MNEsQUESTION:- 1) What types of organisation structure may usually be evolved during different stages of internationalisation? 2) Differentiate between the evolutionary pattern of MNEs originating from different countries like U.S., Japan and Europe. 3) Does the organization design of ABB reflect the emerging pattern of MNEs? 4) Elaborate on the appropriate design at a particular stage of development of an MNEs?

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  366 Hits
366 Hits




1. What is corporate planning and what are its important characterstics? 2. Corporate planning is as good as its implementation Discuss. 3. What is corporate management? Discuss its nature and scope. 4. Explain the benefits and failures of corporate planning. 5. Narrate corporate planning process in brief. Also state the benefits of corporate planning. 6. Explain various types of implementation issues in brief. 7. What is behavioral implementation? Explain it with the help of the details of a company. 8. What is strategic control? How is it different from operational control? 9. Narrate briefly the approaches to the corporate management. Which one is the best in Indian environment? 10. Critically evaluate the role of board of directors in corporate management process. 11. Write a note on corporate management in non- business organizations. 12. Write notes on the following: a. Procedural implementation b. Role of consultants in corporate management c. Approaches to corporate management.  



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  899 Hits
899 Hits


INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS THEORIESQUESTION:-1) Briefly discuss the foundations of international business. 2) Explain the theory of mercantilism. Is it being applied in the present day world?3) Examine the implications of Adam Smith's theory of absolute cost advantage.4) Critically examine Ricardo's comparative cost theory of international trade. What   is common between Smith's and Ricardo's trade theories?5) Discuss the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model. In what ways does it differ from the earlier trade doctrines?6) Explain the Product Life Cycle Theory of the FDI. Give suitable examples of    countries which have gone through the various stages of product life cycle model. 7) Discuss the Market Imperfections Approach. How did the company specific advantages help the formulation of this theory?

8) What is the Transaction Cost Approach? Examine the relevance of the natural type market imperfections in its development, and discuss the various ways the transaction cost theory op           erates in the foreign countries.

9 What is eclectic paradigm? Discuss the applicability of this model.INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROCESS AND FINANCEQUESTION:-

 1) India's democratic system and its emphasis on small business development make it a promising market for franchising opportunities. But it is not an automatic assumption. What works in one country will. work in another. Whether a concept will succeed in a given country is a function of taste, political environment, the economy and price range. Without careful analysis of the products and the market place, it may not work. Comment on the above statement, What are your own views? 2) What are the different stages through which a firm graduates to become multi-national enterprise? At what stage would you like to place most of the Indian firms which are doing foreign business? 3) What is the Corporate Life Cycle Theory? Explain its various stages with Indian examples. 4) What are the different modes of entry into international business? Explain briefly, by bringing out their merits and demerits.5) The preferred mode of internlitionalisation of Indian corporate sector has been the joint venture. Can you explain the reasons behind this behaviour?6) Reading some relevant recent literature, prepare a brief note on the Government of India's policy on FDI. Do you think this policy will be perceived to be friendly by foreign investors?7) Discuss some models for making entry mode choice. Explain the models with hypothetical data.8) What are the determinants of international investment decision? What, different-strategies could a firm follow?9) What factors would influence the choice of location for FDI? Which location factors do you think are more important for the foreign investors in the Indian context?10) What could be the different bases for transfer prices in the context of International business?11) What factors provide motivation to multinational firms to manipulate transfer prices?12) What mechanisms are available to the Government'to stop/check, manipulative transfer pricing practices? Discuss.

 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF MNEsQUESTION:- 1) What types of organisation structure may usually be evolved during different stages of internationalisation? 2) Differentiate between the evolutionary pattern of MNEs originating from different countries like U.S., Japan and Europe. 3) Does the organization design of ABB reflect the emerging pattern of MNEs? 4) Elaborate on the appropriate design at a particular stage of development of an MNEs?

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  2559 Hits
2559 Hits

Information system for managers

Management information system notes very important(81)Discuss why management needs information. Is it possible for the management of an organization to make effective decisions without the aid of an information system? Discuss.(82) In the end, the information system is recognized only as a foundation for human judgment, insight and inventiveness. Discuss.(83) What impact does the implementation of programmed decision-making have on the management system of an organization?(84) Compare and contrast programmed decision-making information system and decision assisting information system.(85) What are different types of controls and audits required for an informationsystem?(86) Define data and information. What is the difference between the two?(87) What is the need of information in present day society? Why is it necessary to have a structure in an organization?(88) What are the main characteristics of information?(89) What are various ways of assessing the value of information? Explain each method briefly?(90) Write a detailed note on data life cycle.(91) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an information system?(92) Define MIS. What are the main features of an MIS?(93) Write a brief note to explain the evolution of MIS.(94) What are the functions that MIS supports in an organization?(95) What is Simon�s framework for decision-making? How does it help in MIS design?(96) What are the determinants of MIS design according to Zani?(97) Explain the following statement, there is a two way relationship between organization and Information Systems(98) What are the main types of software?(99) What are the main functions of operating system?(100) Define multi-tasking and time-sharing system?(101) Difference between compiler and interpreter?(102) Name different generations of programming languages and their characteristics?(103) What are the advantages of open-source software?(104) Describe the decision making process of acquiring application software?(105) What are the components of a computer system?(106) What are the components of a CPU?(107) What factors affects the speed of a computer?(108) Write a detailed note on primary memory?(109) Write a detailed note on secondary memory?(110) Write a detailed note on Input-Output devices?(111) What are plug-and-play devices?(112) What are various types of computer?(113) Define an information system and list its major components.(114) Describe how information system can support a business.(115) Define the Internet, Intranet, and e-commerce.(116) Briefly describe various types of Information Systems.(117) What is the purpose of a TPS? How does it compliment MIS in an organization?(118) List the major advantages of the Internet. Briefly describe impact of Internet on business.(119) Write a note on e-commerce. What are the advantages of e-commerce over conventional business?(120) What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process?(121) Wliat is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in tlie focus is due to the increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate.(122) What are the types of inventory management systems? Define them and partition them into further classes. Also, briefly explain each subdivision.(123) What is computerized maintenance management? Explain the conceptual modelthrough which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustainedbasis.  (124) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software, are important foreconomy of data processing and administrative efficiency?(125 ) computerised are often referred to as 'number crunchers'. Evaluate the statementin the context of financial planning.(126) What are the main features of a computerised General Ledger System?

  375 Hits
375 Hits

Furniture and plywood industry

If you want any type of mba project on furniture industryjust sent email to . for example financial analysis of kitply . or market project report on century . comparisons of plywoods companies just sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Definition of Plywood

Plywood is a manufactured by thin sheets of wood . plywood is manufactured by mixing wood dust with a binder, then heat-pressing. Plywood is used for modular kitchens MDF boards is used for modular kitchens. Kitply and many Companies providing MDF BOARDS. The list of companiesgiven at the end .

Different Grades of Plywood

The plywood grading point system uses letters A, B, C and D

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  746 Hits
746 Hits

Interior designing

ANY type of help in project This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Interior designing software

3ds maxAuto cadPHOTOSHOPDrawing softwares

Please note we will make project report for and mba students and any help just sent email

If you want any type of 3d , autocad , autocad drawing , 3ds max training , photoshop. Mba 3d animation projects we will make any type of project. Just sent email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We can make any type of project just sent email reply with full details

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  694 Hits
694 Hits

Interior designing project

Interior designing project

  674 Hits
674 Hits

Paints project

If you want any mba project report on paintsindustry we will make project report in 7-10 days just sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Paints can be divided many categories


1.Physically paints

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  769 Hits
769 Hits

petroleum project

If you want any type of mba project on marketing , hr , or, finance in petroleum industry just sent email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


All Petroleum derived from cruid oils Several types of petroleum products found in india . Gasoline, a lightweight material Gasoline molecules have from seven to 12 carbons in each chain.

Gasoline is actually fractional distillation of crude oils. Composition of gasoline is heptane, isooctane, cyclopentane and ethyl benzene

Kerosene, a lightweight material but is also persistent in the environment.

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  866 Hits
866 Hits

insurance project

Insurance Mba project

Insurance mba project : in insurance sector we will make mba project from marketing , hr , finance and or now insurance is many types for example

General insuranceHealth insurance

Now in general insurance vehicles , earthquake floods any many things included .Now in mba projectwe will make mba project according to your university needs .

General insurance calculation of premium:

Example :

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  689 Hits
689 Hits

Telecom industry

Any type of MBA MARKETING , hr, or , finance PROJECT REPORT JUST SENT EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telecommunication services plays a vital role in development of any country. It provides the prime services such as

Gsm servicescdma servicesbroadband servicesinternet services3g servicesLTE SERVICES4G SERVICES

NOW many companies in India providing telecom services now let us explain

1. Gsm services : gsm services means global system formobile services popular in India and abroad It is actually 2gservice provided by telecom companies . internet speed slow.

2. Cdma services : Code division multiple access services provided by Indian companies . it is basically radio technology but earlier popular now 3g services are much popular than CDMA

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  767 Hits
767 Hits

Bakery project



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Bakeries produce a wide variety of breads . IN india main manufacturer of bread is BritanniaIndustries Ltd

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  854 Hits
854 Hits

Computer project

If you want any type of MBA Project in any field Marketing , hr , or . mba it for example comparison of computer companies Dell and sony just sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Computer Peripherals : Computer Peripherals means external devices for example

monitor , keyboard , mouseprojectorlan cardmemory cardvideo cardcomputer speakersScanner

Monitor : Many monitors available in market but if you want any mba project report on monitors for example Samsung monitors and lg monitors we will make project report . At the time eye health monitorsavailable in market

Projector : LCD projector a type of video projector for displaying video, images or computer actual data on a screen.for tutor purposes projector required in many organization


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  791 Hits
791 Hits


Tea means energy .Tea is the agricultural product of the leaf . tea used by all countries in world . Tazo Tea founded by Steve Smithif you want any type of MBA PROJECT ON TEA COMPANIES Just sent email. Any type of annual report companies report of tea companies available.

Main Types of Tea 

Green TeaOxidization is a chemical reaction that takes place when tea leaves are picked and� begin to wither and die. �Green tea is not allowed to oxidize and is quickly dried, pan- fried or oven fired to dehydrate the tea leaves for storage. �Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis

Benefits of green tea

Green tea reduces weight. It gives energy and antacidBlack TeaBlack tea is allowed to oxidize the tea . Excess use of Black tea is harmful .

Oolong TeaOolong tea means green tea and black tea in the amount of time the tea leaves are allowed to oxidize. Excess use of Oolong Tea is harmfulWhite TeaWhite tea is more harmful than black and oolong tea Oolong TeaPu-erhPu-erh is a Chinese tea . if you want any type of MBA PROJECT ON TEA COMPANIES Just sent full detailsFlavored TeaFlavored tea is a black tea . Added flavored improves tea taste. In India Tea companies are selling green and white tea. Herbal Tea Herbal tea is actually not tea it is mixture of ginger , tulsi , powders herbal medicine. In India herbal tea is now popular due to no side effects.Manufacturing of tea : Manufacturing of tea involves several steps

Three and half Cups A Day KeepsThe Doctor Away-:

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Milk/ice cream project

The following list of Dairy products companies in India if you want any type of marketing , hr , operations , finance , annual report , balance sheet , profit and lossaccount you can contact

We can make any type of project just sent email to

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Milk is an ideal food. Milk provides considerable quantity of vitamins ,thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12. IT IS GOOD FOOD FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS AND for old people . milk creates energy in minutes. No side effects of Milk products found if boiled properly and child milk properly

Types of milk

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