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BHARAT BANK case study solution (Code: c7)

BHARAT BANK case study solution
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The branch manager of Kenya Main Branch of Bharat Bank was faced with the problem of punctuality In his staff. People took time off during duty hours resulting in loss of work and overtime payment. Initially Mr. Vatia, the branch manager, tried to persuade the staff to be punctual by sermonizing but it did not work. Failing in these methods he resorted to punishment. The matters improved little but Mr. Vatia was aware of the long-term consequences of punishment-centered approach. His investigation revealed that 'time off' was used for personal work by the staff. Whenever caught the staff explained that they had gone for `a cup of coffee.. This branch had no canteen facilities like other banks and the building had no space for canteen. An automatic coffee vending machine was installed but the staff refused to use the machine saying that the coffee was bad.

One day it occurred to Mr. Vatia that the muster roll of the branch did not have any provision for marking the period of absence by the members in the event of going out for coffee. He decided to instal a 'time clock' at the main gate and the staff was advised to punch their attendance cards through this clock for checking their time out. One's immediate supervisor was authorised

to sanction the short leave. The staff took the matter to the union. Meanwhile, the services of three members of the staff were terminated for dishonesty and fraud. They had altered the time in the muster roll for departure, thereby claiming overtime for the period they did not work. It was proved by the photocopy of the muster roll taken by Mr. Vatia without the knowledge of the employees. Mr. Vatia used the above instance to impress upon the union members the utility of time machine in preventing frauds. The union members almost came round to accepting the idea but were somewhat hesitant. At this stage the Regional Manager who came to know about the proposal suggested that Mr. Vatia talked to the Secretary, Kenya Bankers Association, as no other bank in Kenya had this machine. The Secretary put his foot down. He was a man of British tradition and was shocked at the idea of using time clock in banks. Other bankers when contacted also did not favour the idea. Not willing to go all alone the Regional Manager advised Mr. Vatia to give up the idea.

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