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A.I.& Knowledge Mgt (Code: ms-29)

A.I.& Knowledge Mgt
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A.I.& Knowledge Mgt A.I.& Knowledge Mgt A.I.& Knowledge Mgt
A.I.& Knowledge Mgt SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:       A.I.& Knowledge MgtServices ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:          A.I.& Knowledge Mgt
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment same day
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:   2016-17

Note: Attempt all the questions

1. What is knowledge representation? Explain Semantic Networks and Frames.
2. What is an Expert System? What are its advantages and limitations? Briefly discuss the architecture of an Expert System.
3. Discuss the following search techniques:
1. Depth First Search
2. Breadth First Search
3. Alpha-beta cutoffs
4. What is Knowledge Capturing? Explain Knowledge management capturing techniques. How it is implemented? Explain with suitable examples.
5. Answer the following:
Distinguish between Data, Information & Knowledge
What are the Key Challenges of Knowledge Management?
State and Explain different types of Knowledge
6. Machines can be made intelligent artificially but ultimately persons make the machines. So
Who is more intelligent - the artificial machine or the person? Discuss.
7. Write Short Notes:
5 P’s of Strategic Knowledge Management
Knowledge & Common Sense
8. Answer the following:
What is the difference between Conventional Versus KMSLC?
Explain any model of Knowledge Creation & Transformation.

1. What is knowledge representation? Explain Semantic Networks and Frames.
2. What is an Expert System? What are its advantages and limitations? Briefly discuss the
architecture of an Expert System.
3. Discuss the following search techniques:
1. Depth First Search
2. Breadth First Search
3. Alpha-beta cutoffs
4. What is Knowledge Capturing? Explain Knowledge management capturing techniques. How it is implemented? Explain with suitable examples.
5. Answer the following:
Distinguish between Data, Information & Knowledge
What are the Key Challenges of Knowledge Management?
State and Explain different types of Knowledge
6. Machines can be made intelligent artificially but ultimately persons make the machines. So
Who is more intelligent - the artificial machine or the person? Discuss.
7. Write Short Notes:
5 P’s of Strategic Knowledge Management
Knowledge & Common Sense
8. Answer the following:
What is the difference between Conventional Versus KMSLC?
Explain any model of Knowledge Creation & Transformation.

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