Introduction to Technology Management : Basic Concept and meaning of technology, Evolution and growth of technology, role and significance of Technology management, Impact of technology on society and business, Forms of technology: process technology and product technology.
Competitive Advantages Through New Technologies : product development, from scientific breakthrough to marketable product, Science and technology policy statements of government Technology and Socioeconomic planning, Role of Government in Technology Development, Linkage between technology, development and competition, Managing research and development (R&D), Managing Intellectual Property.
Technological Forecasting : Need, Role, Methodologies of forecasting, Various Forecasting Methods, Exploratory, Intuitive, Extrapolation, Growth Curves, Technology Monitoring, Normative: Relevance Tree, Morphological Analysis, Mission Flow Diagram.
Technology Strategy : concept, types, key principles, framework for formulating technology strategy, Technology Generation, Technology Development.
Technology Assessment Methods : Technology Evaluation, Technology Choice, Technological Leadership and Follower ship, Technology Acquisition. Meaning of Innovation and creativity, innovation management, Mode appropriate Technology, Diffusion of Technology Strategy, Rate of Diffusion, Innovation Time & Cost.
Technology transfer : Technology Transfer processes, Models of Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Search strategy, transfer package, agreements technology absorption, Concepts, Constraints, Management of Absorption, Govt initiatives.
Human Aspects in Technology Management : Integration of People and Technology, Organizational and Psychological Factors, Organizational Structure, Technological Change and Industrial Relations, Technology Assessment and Environmental Impact Analysis.