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Shivaji university semester-1 assignments MBA (Code: shivaji university sem-1)

Shivaji university semester-1 assignments MBA
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Shivaji university semester-1 assignments MBA Shivaji university semester-1 assignments MBA Shivaji university semester-1 assignments MBA


Shivaji university semester-1 assignments SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP 2016-17
Product Details:          Shivaji university semester-1 assignments SOLVED ASSIGNMENT HELP
Product Name:            Shivaji university semester-1 assignments -MBA
Format:                         PDF OR WORD FILE by email attachment 2 OR 3 dayS
Pub. Date:                     NEW EDITION Current assignment
Edition Description:  2016-17

MBA (Executive) Distance Mode & MBA Distance Mode
Assignment Questions – MBA Part-I/ Semester – I
General Instruction’s for all subjects.
1. All questions carry 10 marks each.
2. Attempt any two questions for each paper.
3. Maximum total marks 20 for each paper
Paper No. I
Principles of Management
Q1. What is Management? Explain
Taylor ’s Scientific Management Theory.
Q2. What is MBO? Explain process of MBO.
Q3. What is Motivation? Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory.
Paper No. II
Accounting and Finance for Managers
Q1. The sales and profits during two years were:
Year                   Sales                                Profit
2009                 15,00,000                      2,00,000
2010                 17,00,000                      2,50,000
Fixed cost is Rs. 1,75,000 p.a.
You are required to calculate:
a) BEP (Break-even point)
b) P/V ratio
c) The profit when sales are 25,00,000
d) Sales required to earn profit of Rs. 4,00,000.

Q2. From the following particulars relating to M/s Chand and Moon Bros, Ngpur,
Prepare a cost sheet showing:
a) Prime cost
b) Factory cost
c) Cost of production
d) Cost of sales
e) Profit/loss.
Particulars Amount
Cost of materials consumed 40,000
Oil and waste 100
Operating labour 9,000
Wages of foreman 1,000
Direct expenses 2,000
Store keeper’s wages 500
Sales 1,00,000
Commission paid to partner 350
Electric power 200
Salary paid to partner 650
Consumable stores 1,000
Direct wages payable 1,000
Lighting i) Factory 500
ii) Office 200
Carriage outward 150
Rent i) Office 1,000
ii) Factory 2,000
Warehouse charges 200
Repairs and Renewals
i) Factory plant 500
ii) Machinery 1,000
iii) Office premises 200
iv) Warehouse 100
Advertising 400
i) Office premises 500
ii) Machinery 200
Travelling expenses 200
Office Manager’s salary 2,250
Salesmen’s commission and salaries 500
Directors fees 500
Printing and stationery 200
Telephone charges 50
Postage 100
Bad debts 450

Q3. Write note on any two.
i. Distinction between Financial, Cost & Management Accounting
ii. Meaning & Scope of Management Accounting
iii. Use of Computers in Accounting


Paper No. IV
Managerial Economics
Q1. What is Demand Forecasting? Explain the methods of measurement of
Demand Forecasting.
Q2. Elaborate the price and output determination under Monopoly and
Monopolistic Competition.
Q3. Critically discuss the Hawtrey's monetary theory and Schumpeter
innovation theory of Business Cycle.
Paper No. V
Information Technology for Management
Q1. What is computer system? List and explain Input and output devices
for computer.
Q2. List and explain any ten basic functions of windows.
Q3. Explain LAN, MAN and WAN as types of computer network. With
the help of diagram discuss network topologies for LAN, its
advantages and disadvantages.
Paper No. VI
Business Communication
Q1. What is Communication? Explain various forms of Communication.
Q2. Write a letter for getting an agency of Hero Cycle.
Q3. Write notes on any two.
i. FAX
ii. Teleconferencing
iii. Telecommunication
Paper No. VII
Organisational Behaviour
Q1. Explain Disciplines Contributing to Organisational Behaviour?
Q2. Discuss the McGregor’s Theory ‘X’& Theory´ ‘Y’?
Q3. Define Stress and give Individual & group causes of stress?
Paper No. VIII
Business Law
Q 1. Explain the essential elements of a valid contract.
Q 2. Explain in detail memorandum of association, articles of association in
company Act.
Q 3.What is a negotiable instrument? Explain the various negotiable
instruments under the negotiable instruments act 1881.

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