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Ignou Question Bank

Ignou Question Bank (470)

Ignou Question Bank from previous year papers

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Ms-422 Question Bank

Ms-422 Question Bank (6)

Ms-422 Question Bank, Bank financial Management

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Ms-423 Question  Bank

Ms-423 Question Bank (6)

Ms-423 Question Banks,  Marketing Of Financial Services 

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Ms-424 Question Bank

Ms-424 Question Bank (5)

Ms424 Question Bank,  International Banking Management 

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Ms-425 Question Bank

Ms-425 Question Bank (6)

Ms-425 Question Bank:, Electronic Banking And It In Banks 

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Ms-494 Question Bank

Ms-494 Question Bank (2)

Ms-494 Question Bank,  Risk Management In Banks 

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Ms-495, Question Bank

Ms-495, Question Bank (2)

Ms-495, Question Bank,  Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks 

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Ms-611 Question Bank

Ms-611 Question Bank (0)

Ms-611 Question Bank Rural Marketing 

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Ms- 612 Question Bank

Ms- 612 Question Bank (0)

Ms- 612 Queston Bank, Retail Management 

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IB0-01 Question Bank

IB0-01 Question Bank (2)

IB0-01 Question Banks,  International Business Environment 

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IBO-02 Question Banks

IBO-02 Question Banks (3)

IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 

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IB0-03 Question Banks

IB0-03 Question Banks (3)

IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade 

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IB0-04 Question Bank

IB0-04 Question Bank (3)

IB0-04 Quesiton Bank,  Export - Import Procedures And Documentation 

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IBO-05 Question Banks

IBO-05 Question Banks (3)

IBO-05 , Question Bank,  International Marketing Logistics 

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IBO-06 Question Bank

IBO-06 Question Bank (3)

IBO-06 Question bank,  International Business Finance 

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MCO-01 Question Bank

MCO-01 Question Bank (2)

MCO-01 Questoin Bank, Organisation Theory And Behaviour 

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MC0-03 Question Bank

MC0-03 Question Bank (2)

MC0-03 Question Bank,  Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 

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MCO-04 Question Bank

MCO-04 Question Bank (2)

MCO-04 Question Bank,  Business Environment 

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MC0-06 Question Bank

MC0-06 Question Bank (2)

MC0-06 Question Bank,  Marketing Management 

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MC0-07 Question Bank

MC0-07 Question Bank (2)

MC0-07 Question Bank,  Financial Management 

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MCO-05 Question Bank

MCO-05 Question Bank (1)

MCO-05 Question Bank,  Accounting For Managerial Decisions 

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Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:51

MS 91 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. Discuss the determinants of corporate policy.  Explain in detail the policy formulation process.
2. Describe the concept of corporate planning.  Discuss the implementation of corporate planning
in detail.
3. Trace the history of Corporate Governance (CG) and discuss the need for good CG giving examples.
4. Identify the characteristics of dynamic environment and the strategic choices available
to a firm to compete in such environment.
5. Discuss in detail the importance of Information Technology in strategy. Give illustrations.

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:48

MS 68 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. Briefly discuss the key behavioural concepts that are relevant in the conception and development of suitable communication plan in the following situations :

 (a) On-line Management Program

 (b) Chain of Fast Food Joints

 2. (a) Why is Message design and development of Vital importance in every advertising campaign planning across product categories ? Explain with two suitable examples of your choice.

 (b) Briefly explain the various methods used to conduct advertising effectiveness research.
MS-68 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) What are the various types of media available to the Indian Advertisers ? Discuss. (b) Why is media selection process considered as a crucial task ? Elaborate.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

 (a) Rural Media Scene

 (b) One-sided Vs two-sided Message

 (c) Effectiveness of Internet advertising

 (d) Consumer promotions

 (e) Functions of Advertising Agency

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:43

MS 66 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a) Explain the scope of Marketing Research function giving suitable examples.

 (b) Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research designs.

 2. CAT (Common Admission Test) is used as a criterion to select students for admission to the IIMs. Apart from IIMs, many other management institutes also select candidates on the basis of CAT. Various CAT coaching institutes offer coaching to CAT aspirants. PQL limited wants to consider the option of entering the CAT coaching business and approached you to conduct a Marketing Research for the same. Design a questionnaire you would use for this research-to help you study students awareness, perception, decision criteria and satisfaction with current institutes.
MS-66 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Explain with examples, the four types of primary scales used for measurement in
Marketing Research.
(b) What are the various methods used for data collection in Marketing Research ? Explain
any two of them in detail.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Projective Techniques
(b) Multi Dimensional Scaling
(c) Random vs. Non-Random sampling techniques
(d) Problems in conducting Marketing Research in India
(e) Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:37

MS 65 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a) What are the basic characteristics of services vis-a-vis goods ? What are the implications of these characteristics for a passenger airline ? (b) Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples : (i) Search and experience qualities (ii) Internal and external marketing
2. (a) What do you understand by the term 'Service Quality' ? Explain the 'Grouroos Model of Service Quality' taking the example of a full service family restaurant. (b) What are the benefits to a service organisation in retaining its customers ? Discuss with the help of examples.
MS-65 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Identify and explain the product support services which automobile manufacturers
can offer to its customers.
(b) Explain the importance of branding of financial services, giving suitable examples.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Yield management
(b) Pricing of health services
(c) Modes of service delivery in internationaltrade
(d) Word of mouth communication
(e) Importance of physical evidence for aneducational institute

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:20

MS 56 JUNE 2015

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O Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a) Define materials management. Discuss the functions of material management.

(b) Discuss the role of TQM in materials management. Also draw the materials management pyramid.

 2. (a) Briefly discuss the factors that consist a typical make - or - buy checklist.

 (b) Explain the difference between purchase by competitive bidding and purchase by negotiation.

3. (a) Compare the push and pull methods of coordinating work centres. (b) When is the demand for a given inventory item termed as independent or dependent ? Explain with suitable examples.

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:17

MS 57 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) What is maintenance ? What are the objectives of maintenance department ? Discuss.
(b) Discuss measures to be taken to improve safety in maintenance. Give examples relevant to manufacturing.
2. (a) What is maintainability ? Discuss different elements of maintainability. Explain its
relationship to availability.
(b) What is the importance of Maintenance Budgeting ? Give the advantages of Zero Based Budgeting.

 3 (a)What is Terotechnology ? How is it related to maintenance management ?
(b)What is codification ? What is its significance in maintenance spare parts management ? What are the advantages ofcodification ?
MS-57 1 P.T.O.

 4. (a) Distinguish between process FMEA and design FMEA. Also discuss the merits and demerits of FMEA.

(b) List and explain the costs associated with equipment breakdown.

5. (a) Explain the significance of maintenance information system with reference to the implementation of condition based maintenance

. (b) Define Hazard rate and discuss the three periods or regions of the life cycle of a unit or device as illustrated by the "bath-tub curve".

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:13

MS 55 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) "SCM is viewed as a system that links an enterprise with its customers and suppliers"-Elaborate!
(b) Discuss the strategies included in Efficient Consumer Response (ECR).
2. (a) Briefly describe the main factors that contribute towards Bullwhip effect in the
Supply Chain.
(b) Explain the parallels between Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Supply
Chain Management (SCM).
3. (a) Under which information categories a Supply Chain can be categorized ? Give
examples of information contained in them.
(b) What do you understand by DRP II ? How is it different from DRP ?
MS-55 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) Discuss the ethical aspects of Customer Profitability analysis.
(b) Describe the perspective based measurement system to measure the performance of the supply chain.
5. (a) What is Fleet Sizing ? How can it be regulated and minimized ?
(b) Discuss the interdependence of location decisions and distribution decisions. How
does this affect the efficiency of the supply chain ?

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:54

MS 54 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) What are the typical functional information subsystems in an organisation ? Distinguish
between physical structure and conceptual structure of information system.
(b) Explain a system. Why 'Systems' view is needed for organisational information
needs ?
2. (a) Describe the various stages of a system development life cycle. How are the efforts
distributed over these phases ?
(b) Explain how problems in real-time scheduling are resolved ?
3. (a) Discuss the methods used in data back-up and recovery. Why is it so important ?
(b) Discuss 'peopleware' in information technology.
MS-54 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) What are 'multiplexers'and `concentrators' ? Explain the main functions of data
communication software.
(b) Describe the main disadvantages of separately developing application systems
and their associated data files.
5. (a) Why should an organisation be careful about placing over reliance on "benchmark"
tests in selecting a DBMS ?
(b) Explain how the computer has affected the individual in his life style and thinking ?

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:53

MS 53 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) Define operations management. Givesystems view of production operations for
any service organisation.
(b) Explain some upcoming issues of production systems.
2. (a) Why are seven Q.C. tools important for process improvement. Explain each one of
them briefly.
(b) ISO - 9000 is important for Indian companies, why ? What help will it give to
organisations ? Discuss.
3. (a) Why is forecasting important for operations management ? Differentiate qualitative
types of techniques from quantitative types of techniques of forecasting.
(b) What is
Delphi ? Explain advantages of using Delphi.
MS-53 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) Elaborate different factors involved in selecting a suitable forecasting method.
(b) Give steps involved in planning and preparing the process layout.
5. (a) Differentiate time study from work sampling. Discuss steps required for
conducting work sampling.
(b) Why is assembly line important in mass production ? Explain with the help of
suitable example the balancing of assembly lines.

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:51

MS 52 JUNE 2015

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C Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a)Briefly describe the three distinct phases of the development process through which a
typical project goes.
(b) What is the need of demand forecasting ? Discuss various levels of demand forecasting.
2.(a) Explain the concept of Total slack, Free slackand Independent slack. Also give formula
for their computation.
(b) Justify the statement :"Meticulous management of activities on the critical path is crucial to completing projects on time".
3. (a) What is a matrix organisation ? What are the advantages of this organisation design
when used for Project Management ?
(b) "Effective management of materials and equipment play a vital role in Project
Management". Comment !
4. (a) How can computers help in monitoring and control of projects ? Discuss.
(b) Describe the objectives of commissioning of projects. Name two ways of handling
commissioning in large organisations. How are Cybernetics concepts applied in
Project Management ? Explain.Mention some of the pre-requisites for asuccessful project.

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