Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

ignou question Bank -

Monday, 30 November 2015 10:19



1 Explain the meaning of Abiotic Environment with the help of appropriate examples?

2 Discuss the impact of tourism on environment and suggest measures to reduce adverse impacts ?

3 Write an essay on Responsible Tourism ?

4 What is Tourism Master Plan ? Explain.

5 Analyse critically the relationship between conservation requirements and development ?

6 Describe Chipko Movement and the debate on building large dams in India ?

7 Discuss how tourism is both an opportunity to the locals as well as pressure on locals?

8 Evaluate the impact of tourism on wildlife?

9 Discuss the importance of wetlands. Also examine the impact ol tourism on wetlands ?

10 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each :
(i) The Aquatic Biomes
(ii) Indian Philosophy and Environment
(iii) VisitorBehaviour
(iv) The Making of Shimla
(v) Adventure Sports

11 What are the different components of the abiotic environment ? How have they changed with time ?

12 Explain main elements of Indian philosophical views on environment?

13 Write an essay on the relationship between environment and development?

14 What is multiplier effect ? How does it affect the economy of an area 

15 How does tourism affect environment ? Discuss critically.

16 How did the National Action plan of 1992 affect tourism ? Describe.
17 How would you identify pressures and assess thresholds on environment in the context of tourism ?

18 Write a note on the process through which various mountains were transformed into hill stations ?

19 What are wetlands ? How does excessive tourism affect them ?

20 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each :
(a) Hotels and Resorts
(b) Wildlife
(c) Politics of Environment
(d) Tourism Master Plan

21 Describe in detail the nature of terrestrial biomes of the world ?

22 How is environment described in the Indian philosophical tradition ? Discuss.

23 Does tourism activity always affect environment adversely ? Examine.

24 Examine the importance of regional assets in tourism development ?

25 Discuss the role of locals in tourism development ?

26 Examine the nature of wild life in any two biogeographic zones of India?

27 Describe how the hill-stations of Darjeeling and Nilgiris were established ?

28 Examine the character of beaches in India. What are the possibilities of tourism promotion there ?

29 Write an essay on the water sports in India ?

30 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) The Ecosystem and its components
(b) Sustainable Development
(c) Importance of Tourism Master Plan
(d) India Tourism Policy-1982
(e) Visitor Behaviour and Environment.

31 What are biomes ? Describe some of the terrestrial biomes of the world.

32 How has the environmental question been understood in the Indian philosophical
tradition ?

33 Write a note on the nature of relationship between environment and development?

34 Define 'Community'. How have local communities been influenced by tourism ?

35 Write a note on tourism as a tool for conservation.

36 Write an essay on the politics of environment?

37 What are the ways in which the local physical environment is affected by visitor behaviour ?

38 Write a note on wild life ? How does it get affected by tourism ?

39 Write an essay on the role of different kind of accommodation in promoting tourism?

40 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each :
(a) Tourism Master Plan
(b) Wet Lands
(c) Hill Stations
(d) Multiplier Effects

Monday, 30 November 2015 10:17



1 Discuss the relevance of marketing in tourism Answer with examples?

2 What do you understand by international tourism markets ? Mention about some tourism markets for India.

3 Write an essay on socially responsible marketing Give examples also ?

4 What do you understand by product designing in tourism ? Can every tourism resource be treated as a tourism product ?

5 What is marketing ? How would you make a marketing plan for a travel agency ?

6 Discuss the emerging trends in domestic tourism?

7 What do you mean by marketing research ? Why is it important in tourism business ?

8 "Tourism will not flourish unless local bodies are involved in the profit sharing". Comment ?

9 Write a note on social marketing ?

10 Describe tourism product. What elements should you consider while designing a tourism product ?

11 Discuss the 4 P's of Marketing Mix. Why do we need a fifth 'P' (People) ?

12 "India is a paradise for Culture lovers". As a marketer how can you get advantage of this perception ?

13 Discuss the challenges and problems faced by the tourists in the sphere of accommodation?

14 Discuss the functions of a tour operator ?

15 Discuss the main features of the tourism marketing. How would you make a plan for a
travel agency ? Explain.

16 What do you mean by market segmentation ? Discuss the basis for segmentation in tourism marketing.
17 What are the strategic options available to a marketeer to fight the competition ? Discuss.

18 Discuss the importance of technology in tourism trade?

19 What aspects would you consider important while developing a tourist transport product ?

20 What is alternative accofiunodation ? Discuss the salient features of alternative accommodation.

21 What is Destination Marketing ? Suggest a marketing strategy to market India

22 Write a note on trade fares and travel marts?.

23 What are the components of Tourism marketing Explain ?

24 Discuss the Concept of socially Responsible Marketing applicable to tourism business ?

25 "Marketing starts with consumer and ends with consumer". Discuss with special reference to tourism business?

26 Why market segmentation is important ? Discuss the basis of market segmentation.

27 Discuss the major foreign tourist generating markets for India?

28 "Cuisine has a prominent role in tourism promotion". Discuss ?

29 Discuss the role of events and activities in tourism marketing ?

30 "Marketing Research (MR) is the key to success".Discuss the statement in the changing scenario How MR helps the business man ?

31 Write short notes on any two about 300 words each :
(a) Public organisations
(b)Role of Local Bodies
(c) Role of NGOs
(d) Social marketing

32 Describe the contents of tourism marketing mix?

33 What are FAM Tours ? Discuss the importance of FAM tours in tourism industry.

34 Discuss the role of commissions in tourism marketing ?

Monday, 30 November 2015 10:14



1 What makes career planning a success ?

2 Write a note on counselling?

3 Discuss the reasons for employees' grievances.?

4 Why is employees' motivation required in a travel agency ? As a manager, how will you motivate the employees ?

5 Discuss on-the-job training methods?

6 Discuss the functions and operations of Personnel Management?

7 What is job analysis and job description ? Discuss their importance in an organisation?

8 Describe the phases in the design and implementation of a Human Resource Accounting System?

9 What are the approaches for effective Human Resource Information System ?

10 Discuss the concept and objectives of Human Resource Planning ?

11 What are the objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP) ? Describe the micro and macro level Scenario of HRP in Hospitality Industry. Explain staff training and development. How are they different from each other ?

12 What do you understand by job Evaluation ? Describe its advantages.

13 Differentiate between Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg's Two factor Theory? 

14 What is career planning and how it differs from manpower planning ?

15 What do you understand by counselling functions ? Answer with suitable examples.

16 Describe performance appraisal. What are the different methods of performance appraisal ?

17 What is grievance ? What different methods can be adopted by an organisation to redress the grievances of it's employees ?

18 Define the term "Discipline". Explain its meaning and purposes?

19 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :
(a) Transfer and promotion
(b) Selection Test
(x) Human Resource Audit
(d) Job enrichment

20 What is Human Resource Planning? Discuss its need in hospitality industry?

21 What are the diff erent manpower supply forecasting techniques?

22 Discuss the functions and operations of personnel management ?

23 What are the objectives of training and how it is useful for an otganrzation ?

24 Describe "Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation" in detail?

25 Write an essay on the importance of Human Resource Planning?

26 What do you understand by Human Resource Audit ? Mention the steps required in it.

27 Discuss the various job evaluation methods ?

28 Discuss the functions of a Personnel Office ?

29 Write short notes on any of the following :
(a) Induction Placement.
(b) Job Analysis.
(c) Task Analysis.

30 How are motivation and career planning related to employee's efficiency and productivity ? Give examples while answering

31 Define the following : 
(a) Counselling.
(b)Job description.
(c) Human Resource Information System.
(d) Manpower Forecasts.

32 Why is on-the-job training essential in any service organisation ? Discuss its merits and demerits?

33 Devise a career plan for a management trainee in a leading travel or hospitality organisation?

34 Discuss the manpower supply forecasting techniques?

Monday, 30 November 2015 10:08

Tourism management papers


REPORT ON Tourism management JUST SENT EMAIL

Important points to remember

Define tourism,

Understand the Tourism,

Explain the Features of tourism,

A tourist, tourist product and destination,

Types of tourism


1.Define tourism. Why is it different from travel?


2.Why is tourism called a phenomenon in modem society?


3. What are the essential feature of a tour? Why is a package tour a popular phenomenon? Explain the Purpose of Tourism


4. Differentiate between different forms of tourism and link them to impacts on the

environment and culture


5. Explain the origin and development of Mass Tourism and package holidays.


6. What do you understand by a total resort concept.


7. What is the link between vacations and tourism


8. What is he importance of statistical records in tourism?


9. Discuss the contributions made by Greeks for the development tourism.


10. What type of tourism was promoted by the British in India?


11. Why was the ITDC established


12. Why cannot Tourism be ignored by policy makers


13. Explain The success of a destination, howsoever attractive it may be depends on the effectiveness of the Tourist System.


14. Discuss the aims and functions of IATA.


15. Explain the functions and aims of TAAI.


16. Mention the types of travel visa. How can a travel visa be extended


17. Why should a tourist be advised to exchangc currency through lcgal channels only.


18. Describe the effects of pollution on tourism.

Monday, 30 November 2015 10:03

Tourism research methodology


  1. Why should we know the habits, hobbies etc. of tourists?
  2. How does the knowledge of World tourism trends help in tourist development?
  3. Discuss the five major points to be explored in the Sociology of tourism
  4. List the methodologies adopted in studying the Sociology of tourism. What is the emphasis in the individual method?
  5. What is the importance of field work in anthropological studies of tourism?
  6. What alternative modes of travel are generally available for city tours in world
  7. How many stops would you plain for a day long city tour ?
  8. Write short notes on the plan of Taj Mahal as you will describe to the tourists ?
  9. What kind of flowers have been used as motifs in Taj Mahal and what is their significance
  10. How would you explain the architect of Taj Mahal?
  11. Mention the accounts of European travellers about the Taj Mahal.
  12. Write short notes on       Himalayan Tourism.
  13. What kind of expectations a tourist has from the guide in the Himalayas
  14. What are the rare stone sculptures in the Museum?
  15. Why do tourists visit a wild life Sanctuary?
  16. What are the common behavioural features of wild life tourists?
  17. What is the role of photography in wild life tourism?
  18. What is the importance of ecological awareness in wild life tourism?
  19. What do many visitors look for when they travel, in addition to monuments and a pleasant place to stay?
  20. Discuss the relationship between wildlife and tourism.
  21. What advice will you give to tourists to help conservation efforis?
  22. What are the major constraints faced in the development of island tourism?
  23. Why are hill resorts located in lesser Himalayas becoming popular today
Monday, 30 November 2015 09:58

Technology Management



Management of technology



1 . Write an essay on management of technology.


2 . Write short notes on the following terms :


(a) MoT,  (b) ToT   (c) Models of ToT  (d) C-D model (e) Process of ToT


3 .  Discuss the strategic considertion of MoT .


4 . Write short notes on the R $ D strategies of the following :


(a) Traditional strategy      (b) Diffusion and imitation


( c ) Technology metabolism (d) Innovation and entrepreneurship


5. Discuss what is meant by “ creative response to challenges” .Who used this term first ? What are its ramifications ? Give some examples .


6 . Write an essay on institutional framework and support in MoT.


7 . (a) Name the KRA of MoT.


(b) Discuss each of them briefly.


8. Write short notes on the following :


(a) Communication gap    (b) Suitability gap


9 . (a) Distinguish ‘Design engineering function , from that of Scientific and technological function ,in MoT.


(b) What are the types of organisation, You propose to meet in the above functions .


10 . (a) What is meant by human capital  .


(b) How is value addition an important aspect in MoT ?


( c ) What are the methods of value addition ?


11 . (a) What are phases in the process of technology transfer ?


(b) Discuss them briefly

12 . Writw an essay on the technology acquisition process in MoT, bringing out clearly the steps involved therein, and the activities in each step to meet the objective, highlighting the precaution and special considerations if any.


13 . Write an essay on the ‘Technology Absorption Process  in MoT bringing out clearly the steps involved therein, and the activities in each step highlighting the pitfalls and precautions necessary.


14 . Write an essay on the technology adaptation phase in the MoT listing the different steps and activities,highlighting the pitfalls and precautions if any.


15 . Write an essay on the technology imvrovement phase in ToT, listing the different steps and activities.Also highlight the special consideration precautions if any.


16 . Write short notes on :


(a) Selection of technology     (b)  NIT


( c ) Tender evaluation             (d) ToT Agreement



(e)  Loopholes in agreement      ( f )  Safeguard in agreements.


17. Write short notes on the following :


(a) Integration                         (b)Value addition


( c ) Indigenisation                  (d) Ancillarisation


(e) Principles of exportable surplus  ( f )  Principle of comparative advantages


18 . Write short notes on the following :


(a) Fiscal support and financial incentive


(b) Technology obsolescence


( c ) Technology bank


(d) Engineering division


Important Technology Management  points

1. Development of Perception

2. Introduction


3. Historical Development


4.Management of Technology (MoT)


5. Transfer of Technology


6. Models of Transfer of Technology


7. Methods of Transfer of Technology


8 . Scope


9. TechnologyTransfer Process


10 . Strategic Consideration of Mot


11. R&D Leadership


12 . R&D Strategy


13 . Traditional Strategy


14 . Technology Diffusion and Imitation


15. Technology Metabolism


16 . Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship


17 . Mobilising and pooling resources


18 . Cooperation and coordination between nations


19 . Innovation in production technology and methods


20 .      Marketing innovation



21 . Creative Responses to Challenges


22 . Small vs Big Manufacturing Strategy


23 . Flexible Production Methods


24 . Marketing innovation


25 . Competition without Competing But by Creating Value for Customer


26 . Finding Better Ways of Delivering Higher Values


27 . Basic Question Strategy


28 . Meet –the – User Strategy


29 . Institutional Framework And Support


30 . Organisational Development


31 . Government Control and Support


32 . Government Policy on R$D




33 . Key Result Areas ( KRAs)


34 . Formulation and Effective Implementation of S$T policies


35 . Manpower Development


36 . Selective Import of Technology


37 . Simulation of Indigenous Technology


38 . Institutional Sipport


39 . Communication Gap


40 . Suitability Gap


41 . Technical  Institutions


42 . Design Engineering Function


43 . Scientific and Technological Function


44 . Korean Experience


45 . Financial Insitutions and Support


46 . International Cooperations


47 . Human Capital


48 . Introduction


49 .Value Addition


50 . Turn-Key and Value Addition


51 . MoT and Value A ddition


52 .Transfer of Technology Process


53 . Phases


54 . Technology Acquisition


55 . Selection of Technology


56 . Selection Of Collaborator


57 . Finalisation of Agreement


58 . Technology Absorption


59 . Capital Expenditure


60 . Infrastructure


61 . Integration


62 . Value Addition


63 .Foreign Exchange (FE)


64 . Production


65 . Technology Adaptation


66 . Indigenisation


67 . Vendor Development


68. Ancillarisation


69 . Social Orientation


70 . Fiscal Support and Finanical Incentives


71 . Coordination and Cooperation


72 .  Technology Improvement


73 . technology Obsolescence


74 . Organisation Structure and R$Dleadership


75 . Engineering Division


76 . Safeguards in Agreement


77 . Future of MoT


78 . Quality Relationship


79 . Golbalisation


80 . Principles of Exportable Surplus


81 . Principles of Comparative Advantages


82. Professionalisation


Monday, 30 November 2015 09:54

Sales Management Question Bank



Sales Management Question Bank

Q.1.(a)  What are the various steps in the sales process ?

(b)   How would the sales process differ in the following cases:

(i).A Taj group hotel representative selling services to the executive of a company.

(ii).HLL sales representative selling soap to wholesalers.

(iii).Pharmaceutical company salesman calling upon medical doctors.

(iv).Modi Xerox sales engineer setting to sell their new line of copiers to organisations.

Q.2. (a)  What are the factors influencing design of compensation schemes for salespersons ?

(b)  What components of compensation would you suggest for the following and why ?

(i).A young bachelor selling computer software to organisations.

(ii).A married senior salesperson with grown – up children, selling consumer durables.

Q.3 (a)  What are the parameters used to measure performance of sales personnel ?

(b)  How will you evaluate the sales performance of

(i).A salesperson whose proportion of non – selling activities is almost equal to h8is selling activities.

(ii).A missionary salesman cultivating the market for a new product concept, in ready – to – eat balanced nutrition breakfast.

Q.4. (a)  What are the elements of total cost in a physical distribution system ? What are the problems associated with measuring storage costs ?

(b)    What are the consumer service related considerations in physical distribution ?

Q.5. (a)   Describe the tools for channel control.

(b )   What are the sources of power for

(i).A wholesaler of consumer durables.

(ii).A retailer of highly competitive brands of detergents

Q.6.  Write short notes on any three of the following;

  1. a) Assortment and Intermediaries
  2. b) Selection criteria for choosing intermediaries.
  3. c) Motivation of channel members
  4. d) Inventory decisions and logistics
  5. e) Logistics communication

Q.7. (a)  What is the kind of information that may be demanded from the sales management systems. ?

(b)   Briefly discuss the stages involved in execution of an order.

Q.8. (a)  What are the various types of presentation methods used by salespersons ?

(b)  What type of presentation would you suggest for the following and why.

(i).Selling encyclopedias

(ii).Selling vacuum cleaning equipment.

Q.9.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

  1. (a) Interdependence of  Sales and Distribution
  2. (b) Steps in negotiation
  3. (c) Principles of sales display .
  4. (d) Developing sales territories
  5. (e) Marketing cost analysis

Q.10.(a)  How does the sales process differ with varying market situations and product categories ?

(b)  What kind of personal selling effort and process would be required in the following cases and why ?

(i).Introducing a new range of internationally renowned brand of cosmetics in India, through a personalized selling effort.

(ii).Motivating readymade garment stores to carry a line of slightly expensive range of western wear for women.

Q.11. (a)  What are the pros and cons of using interviews as tools of selection ?  How can objectivity be built into the interview process itself ?

(b) What kind of selection process would you use in the following cases and why ?

(i).Selecting boys and girls for door to selling of detergent power.

(ii).Selecting sales engineers for selling of water purifying equipment.

Q.12. (a)  What are some of the effective tools used to motivate sales personnel ?

(b)   What are the multinational techniques you would apply to motivate salespeople in the following situations ?

(i).Sales staff engaged in selling domestic sewing machines.

(ii).Missionary salespersons engaged in popularizing the concept of microwave cooking.

Q.13. (a)  What are the elements of total cost in a physical distribution system. In case of

(i).A manufacturer of  cold drinks with a nationwide distributions ?

(ii).A distributor of polio vaccination requiring maintenance of cold chain ?

Q.13.(a)  How would you establish standards for channel profitability and  apply to choose between channel alternatives ?

(b)  Distribution of jewellery watches in select stores and jewellery outlets.


Q.14.  Write short notes on any thee of the following:

  1. a) Sources of power of wholesaler
  2. b) Strategic and functional implications of channel control
  3. c) Inventory decisions in physical distribution
  4. d) Channel motivation

Q.15.  How would you identify the training needs of  your salespersons if you were in the business of

(i).Selling computer software ?

(ii).Selling pharmaceuticals. ?

Q.16.  (a)  How can computers be utilised in sales management ?

(b)  How can a modern sales management system be set up with the aid of computerized presentations ?

Q.17.  Write notes on any three of the following:

  1. a) AIDAS theory of selling
  2. b) Non Verbal Communication
  3. c) Sales display and its principles
  4. d) Psychological tests.

Q.18.  How can salespersons handle sales resistance of  prospects ?  If you were to advise salespersons selling office equipments like photocopiers, what suggestions would you give them in respect of handing sales resistance ?

Q.19. (a)  How do media characteristics of written and oral communication media affect the choice of sales communication methods ?

(b)  How should salesmen structure refusals or bad news correspondence, for example, out of stock conditions or lost order news ?  Illustrate through an example.

Q.20. (a)  What are the steps involved in planning and execution of sales displays ?

(b)  How would you motivate your retailer to put in his best effort in the conduct of the sales display of your new brand of detergent ?

Q.21. What is the significance of factors like stage in the product life cycle and demographic characteristics of salespersons for the design of their compensation package ? What kind of sales compensation package would you suggest for the following and why

  1. a) A bachelor selling credit card schemes
  2. b) A missionary salesperson selling the latest drugs for controlling blood pressure

Q.22.  Explain the workload approach to territory planning,  outlining its major shortcomings.  What are the situations in which you would recommend workload based territory planning ?

Q.23.  (a)  What is the difference between AIDAS theory of selling and the buying formula theory of selling ?  Explain by taking the example of any sales situation of your choice.

(b)   How does the relative importance of advertising and personal selling vary across the different stages of the purchase process ?  Explain.

Q.24. (a)  Describe the principles of effective presentation,.

(b)  How would you plan your sales presentation if you were a salesperson responsible for selling personal computers to individual consumers ?

Q.25.  How can training needs of salespersons be identified ? How do the learning styles of salespersons affect the design of the sales training programme ?  Use illustrative examples to substantiate your answer.

Q.26.(a)  How are sales volume quotas set ?

(b)  You are a large publishing house, publishing scientific and technical books for a nationwide customer base.  What type of field sales organisation would you design and why ?

Q27.  Write short notes on any four for the following:

  1. a) Preparation of sales budget
  2. b) Motivation tools for sales personnel
  3. c) Interview as a tool of sales – force selection.
  4. d) Negotiation process
  5. e) “Sales close” techniques
  6. f) Diversity of sales situations.

Q.28.  Briefly discuss the personal selling process.  How would the sales process differ if the product being sold was

  1. a) Household insurance ?
  2. b) Surgical equipment ?

Q.29. (a)  What do you understand by sales negotiation ?  How does it differ form selling ?

(b)  Outline the steps in the negotiation process, taking the example of processing an order for supply of PCs to an educational institution.

Q.30.  While selecting salespersons for their range of household electronic gadgets, one company decided to adopt the policy of hiring only experienced salesmen and preferably men who have had experience of selling similar or directly competitive products.  Evaluate this policy in terms of its advantages and disadvantages.

Q.31. (a)  What are the important quantitative and qualitative measure used to evaluate salesmen ?

(b)  What should be the components of a sales report for the salespersons involved in the task of servicing distributors for last moving consumer goods ?

Q.32.  How are sales volume quotas set ?  If you were assigning sales quotas to your salesmen selling fertilizers in the rural markets, what are the attributed of a sales quota plan that you need to keep in mind ?

Q.33.  (a)  What are the product and market situations conducive to the use of personal selling ?

(b)  What kind of allocation of sales and distribution tasks between the company’s sales personnel and channel members would you suggest in case of

(i).High value products intended for a small number of consumers ?

(ii).Frequently bought low margin highly competitive products ?

Q.34. (a)  What are the stages involved in the execution of a sales order ?

(b)  Assume you are a computer hardware company and are planning to set up an information database for effective sales management.  What type of information should be sought from the present system to enable you to set up your database ?

Q.35. (a)  How is non verbal communication relevant to effective personal selling ?

(b)   When structuring a response to convey refusal or bad news, when is a direct approach preferable ?  Suggest a suitable direct communication that should be made to the client whose order cannot be located in the company.

Q.36.  What are the frequently utilised recruitment sources for salespersons ?  You are in the business of selling pharmaceuticals and are looking for young dynamic salespersons.  What are the pros and cons of recruiting salespersons from your closet competitors ?

Q.37.  Why are sales territories required ?  Discuss the various steps to scientific territory planning would you recommend for

(i).A company selling textile machinery components to large textile units.

(ii).A company selling infant milk powder.

Q.38.  How do kinesics and proxemics help the sales communication process ?

Q.40.  Assume that you are a sales manager managing a large sales force of salespersons required to sell consumer non – durables to retailers and wholesalers.  How would you develop the job description for your salespersons ?  Give a stepwise detailed account.

Q.39. (a)   How can territory productivity be improved ?

(b)  Describe the steps in territory planning.  What  approaches would you use for territory planning in case of

(i).Selling of agricultural pesticides for the nationwide market ?

(ii).Selling of jewellery watches to up – market urban stores in metros and mini – metros ?

Q.40  Write short notes any four of the following:

(i).Sales forecasting techniques for a new product

(ii).Salesperson evolution

(iii).Product life cycle and salesperson compensation

(iv).Non – verbal communication

(v).Computer applications in sales management

(vi).Interdependence of sales and distribution

Q.41.  Briefly discuss the significance of personal selling in on today’s  highly competitive marketing environment.  How would you meet sales resistance in the following situation:

(i).A sincere objection raised by the customer about the high price of your product.

(ii).An insincere objection relating to the shape of the bottle in which your cough syrup is being sold.


Monday, 30 November 2015 09:50

Product Management Question BANK


Product Management Question BANK
Q 1 Discuss the role of product manager in the fast changing marketing environment of today.   
Q 2 What are the major reasons for firms undertaking portfolio analysis. How would you use the case quadrant approach to balance the product portfolio of a multiproduct company? Illustrate by taking the example of an Indian FMCG company   
Q 3 Product line decisions are crucial and vital in an enterprise. Discuss the factors influencing the product line decision.   
Q 4 Discuss the pricing options available for a new product. Suggest pricing method in the following situations and explain the reasons.
Introducing a line of economy range of men’s footwear (shoes)
Breakfast cereals
Compact discs (storage devices)   
Q 5 Explain branding as a strategy. How do you decide about the brand name of product – discuss a few approaches with suitable examples.   
Q 6 Identify and select suitable positioning for the following products. (faculty notes)
High end mobile phone hand set
New brand of wrinkle free trousers
Unisex sun glasses   
Q 7 Explain the concept of brand equity in the Indian scenario. What considerations make marketer believe that brands are financial assets?   
Q 8 Discuss the steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product concept. How would you estimate first time sales for a home appliance introduced for the first time in India?steps involved in the economic analysis of a new product(June 2001)   
Q 9 Discuss briefly the various sources of new product ideas you are familiar with. Using attribute analysis how would you generate new product idea for premium ink pen?  &nbsp>
Q 10 Briefly explain the major concept generation methods available to the Indian marketer.   
Q 11 What are the steps you will undertake to test market the following new products scheduled for launch
I. 100 c.c. diesel motorcycle
II. Improved premium toilet soap
III. Kitchen-masala paste.   
Q 12.What do you understand by the term “Product Launch”? Discuss and evaluate the recent launch of ‘Swift’, the new passenger car from Maruti Udyog Ltd.   
Q 13. Distinguish product from brand ? What is the role of product manager in :
FMCG company handling premium product line of toilet soaps.
Multinational firm associated with health drinks.
iii) Leading consumer electronics firm offering a wide range of voltage stabilizers.   
Q 14 Discuss the various product planning approaches adopted in your organization or any firm you are familiar with.   
Q 15.Discuss the basis for product line decisions in the following :
Pharmaceutical firm into formulations
Mobile hand set firm
Dear students you must add 3 to 4 lines own this help in detail   
Q 16 Comment on the perils of line extensions. Pickup two firms of your choice where faulty line extension decision proved disaster to the firm.   
Q 17 Discuss the concept of product life cycle (PLC). Comment on PLC as an aid to new product development planning strategies. (Faculty notes)   
Q 18 Why pricing of products in the Indian context is significant. What factors should marketer consider for competitive advantage while pricing the firms product. Pick up two examples of your choice where pricing strategy contributed to maximize the market share and profitability of the firm.   
Q 19 What are the characteristics of a brand and what does a brand communicate ? Illustrate your responses with three power brands in the Indian context .   
Q 20Besides employees, why does a firm consider brand as an important and most valuable asset. Discuss. .   
Q 21 a) Discuss the scope and significance of product management function in today’s dynamic marketing environment.   
b) With the help of suitable examples, explain the characteristics of convenience, shopping and speciality goods.   
Q 22 a) Explain the various interpretation of the term ‘new product’ giving suitable examples.   
b) Taking the example of educational toys, discuss how you can generate new product ideas using
Attribute analysis
Focus groups   
Q 23 a) Discuss the importance of packaging for a marketer of
Fast moving consumer goods
Industrial goods   
b) With the help of suitable examples explain the factors that can be responsible for the failure of a new product.   
Q 24 Does Homemade use an individual or a family branding strategy? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies?   
Q 25 What are the characteristics of a good brand name? How do you rate Homemade flavour names based on these criteria?   
Q 26 What role does marketing research play in new product development and brand name development? 

Monday, 30 November 2015 09:47

Research Methodology Question Bank



Research Methodology Question Bank


Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ?

Q. 2  What is observation in Primary Data Collection ?


What are the main merits and demerits of observation methods of collecting information.

Q. 3. What is a questionnaire? What are different types of questionnaire?


What are the factors would you take into account while designing a questionnaire?

Q. 4 What is Mail Questionnaire ? What are its advantages and limitations ?

Q. 5. What are different methods of collecting Primary Data ? Discuss each method with respective merits and demerits.

Q.6. What would you cover in introduction of Research Report.


What are the major differences between oral and written report


What considerations are relevant in oral presentation?


What are the different bases of classifying reports? Are these mutually exclusive ?

Q. 7 Critically examine the procedure used in Park Gluco-Tamil  Nadu campaign.


Was the advertising campaign effective ? Give reasons to support  your answer.

Q. 8. What is sampling? What are probability sampling and non probability sampling method? Explain with examples.  How does quata sampling differ from stratified sampling.

Q. 9. What is probability sampling and non-probability sampling? Give two examples from each one mention their application.

Q.10.   How would you use likert scale to ascertain the image of colgate too the paste among some consumers.

Q.11. Why is tabulation considered essential in a research study? Write briefly about the different forms of data presentations devices.

Q.12    What is the meaning of measurement of research? What difference does it make if we measure in terms of a nominal original interial or ratio scale? Explain giving examples.

Q.13. Explain and distinguish with examples “prima data” and “secondary data”.  What are the precautions one should take while administering “Data Collection”.

Q.14. What is the importance and applicability of regression analysis in research methodology? What are the major objectives of business researchers in using regression analysis?

Q. 15.  In the context of sampling and sampling design explain the following terms with their appropriate examples.  Sampling unit, population represeatativeness in example sampling frame, sampling design, statistics and parameters.

Q. 16. What do you mean by sampling frame and sampling design? What points should be taken into consider action while developing the sampling design for studying the problems of domestic airline passengers?

Q.17. Explain the difference between primary and secodary data

(i)  what are the advantages off secondary data over the primary data.  Explain three different methods for primary data collection.

(ii) What would be the best source for the following data?

(a)      weekly earnings of full time salaried workers for the range 1995 – 2000 in an           established software firm.

(b)  Annual sales of the top ten fast food companies

Q.18. Under what circumstances would you recommend:- Convenient Sampling

(i) Multistage Sampling

(ii) Quata Sampling

Q.19.  Differentiate between stratified Samping and cluster Sampling, give  examples of each.

Q. 20.            Analyse and interpret the following statistics concerning output of wheat per field obtained as a result of experiment conducted to test four varieties of wheat viz., A, B, C and D under a Latin-square design.

Q. 21.            Weight of 10 students is as follows:

Q. 22.            A sample of 10 is drawn randomly from a certain population.  The sum of the squared deviations from the mean of the given sample is 50.   Test the hypothesis that the variance of the population is 5 at 5 per cent level of significance.

Q.24. Genetic theory states that children having one parent of blood type A and the other of blood type B will always be of one of three types, A, AB, B and that the proportion of three types will on an average be as 1:2:1.  A report states that out of 300 children having one A parent and B parent, 30 per cent were found to be types A, 45 per cent per cent type AB and remainder type B. Test the hypothesis by c2 test.

Q. 25.A Local hews paper wants to ascertain the extent to which the inclusion of a daily stoch market page might increase its circulation which type of data collection would you like to propose for this? Explain the unit of analysis and the population size for the data collection.  Prepare at least eight questions in a questionnaire to collect the pertinent information.

Q.26. What is meant by “representativeness” in a sample? Explain in what sense a Simple random sample is representative of the population. Also distinguish between simple random sampling and Convenience sampling.

Q. 27.            What is the role of models in managerial decision making?  Briefly review the different features.  How is model validation Done?

Q.28. Distinguish between explanatory and conclusive research.  Give suitable example to support your answer.

Q.29. How do multivariate statistical methods differ from univariate method? Give examples of one situation each for which techniques live discriminate analysis regression analysis, and factor analysis are suitable.

Q.30. Research process starts from problem definition to the stage of interpretation of results.  Briefly name and discuss the steps of research process.

Q. 31.List out advantage of sampling over complete enumeration. When is sampling more appropriate then taking a census?

Q.32    Describe in brief the importance of editing, Coding classification, Tabulation and presentation of data in the context of a research study.

Q.33. Write a format of a hood report indicating different parts and their positioning in the report.

Q.34. What is the purpose of a statistical hypothesis? Discuss null and alternative hypotheses with appropriate examples

Q.35. In the research process, why is the problem definition stage probably the most important stage? What are the key issues that need to be addressed at that’s stage/

Q.36. What is “unit of analysis “ in a research process?  How is it different from “Characteristics of interest”?

Q.37. Railway commuters in Delhi have been facing various problems during travel. You have been assign the task of finding their problems.  Design a suitable questionnaire to be used in this study.  Use like it scale for designing ten questions.

Q.38. What are the most commonly used scales for measurement of attitudes in a research?  Your answer should be supported by example for each scale

Q.39. If a semantic differential has seven scale items, should all the seven items have to be phrased as either positive or negative statements. Or can both positive and negative statements be used? Your answer should be supported by example.

Q.40. Why is tabulation considered essential in a research; study? Give the features of a hood table.

Q.41. Computer graphics will have on impact on the research report writing format.  Elaborate this in the light of computer application of report writing.



Monday, 30 November 2015 09:43

Top Financial Management question Bank


Top Financial Management question Bank 
1. Contrast the salient features of the traditional and modern approaches to financial management.
2. Discuss the three broad areas of financial decision making.
3. What is the justification for the goal of maximising the wealth of shareholders ?
4. Discuss the functions performed by the financial system.
5. Give some examples of financial assets.
6. Discuss the important functions performed by financial markets.
7. List the important functions performed by the financial statements
8. Present the account form as well as the report form of the balance sheet.
9. Describe the various asset accounts and liability accounts found on a company's balance sheet.
10. What are the different types of financial ratios ?
11. Discuss the important liquidity ratios.
12. Define and evaluate various leverage ratios.
13. State the equation for EPS.
14. What kinds of questions may be answered with help of cost-volume-profit analysis?
15. What assumptions underlie cost-volume-profit analysis?
16. Show schematically the planning system of a firm.
17. What are the elements of a corporate financial plan?
18. What are the benefits of financial planning?
19. Why does money have time value ?
20. State the general formula for the future value of a single amount.
21. What is the difference between compound and simple interest ?
22. Describe briefly the various concepts of value.
23. Discuss the basic bond valuation model.
24. State the formula for a bond which pays interest semi-annually.
25. How is the rate of return on an asset defined?
26. What is standard deviation? What are its important features?
27. Why is standard deviation employed commonly in finance as a measure of risk?
28. From the point of view of the option holder, discuss the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration.
29. What are the payoffs of a call option and a put option just before expiration, from the point of view of the writer (seller) of the option?
30. Explain the put-call parity theorem.
31. Why are capital expenditures deemed very important?
32. Discuss the phases of capital budgeting.
33. Describe the commonly found categories in project classification.
34. What are the three elements of the cash flow stream of a project?
35. How is the time horizon for cash flow analysis usually established?
36. What does the separation principle say?
37. List the techniques of risk analysis.
38. Discuss the steps involved in sensitivity analysis

(a)  Explain Standardisation, codification and variety reduction giving examples.

(b)  Discuss vendor evaluation and rating.  Give a list of factors to be considered.



(a)  Explain the importance of waste management.  How do you dispose scarp, surplus and obsolete item?  Define wastivity.

(b)   Explain the line balancing concept giving suitable examples.



(a)  Explain the different operational decisions in Operations Management.

(b)  Discuss the role of scientific methods in Operations Management.



(A)  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of continuous and batch processing.

(b)   Discuss with examples, the process for capacity planning.



Explain the steps of Method Study.  What is a two hand process chart? Give an example.
Discuss the use of Work Sampling in Work Study.  How do you calculate the number of observations to be taken/

(a)  Explain the concept of the balancing giving examples.

(b)  Discuss the various types of maintenance.  What do you mean by Signature Analysis?



(a)   “Value Engineering is an important tool to improve productivity,” Explain.

(b)   Explain Quality Assessment, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Circles.



(a)  Discuss the various functions of stores.  Explain the different storage systems.

(b)  Explain ABC, VED and FSN analysis, giving examples.



Discuss various objectives of Operations Management.
What do you mean by an integrated approach to materials management?  Explain.

Explain various key elements that should be considered in product design.
What are the various factors that govern the design of plant layout?

(a)  What are the various techniques of work measurement?  Discuss pre-determined motion time system.

(b)  What do you mean by Human Engineering ? What environmental factors need to be considered while developing a new method.?



(a)  Explain failure analysis and its use in industry.

(b)  “Aggregate planning helps us in smooth control of production” Explain  What are pure strategies?



(a)  What do you mean by ‘Value’? What are the different types of values ?  Discuss FAST diagrams, pointing out their relevance in design improvements.

(b)  What is the cost of quality? Explain acceptance sampling.  Discuss sampling plans.



(a)  What are the different approaches for timing of purchases?  How do you determine price of a product?

(b)  Discuss advantages of codification Standardisation and variety reduction.


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