Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:23

Management of financial services

Management of financial services


Q.1 Discuss the Economic and Financial functions of the Financial Market? explain the role played by the reserve bank  of India in regulating the money market in India.


Q.2 Explain the financial activities which come in the ambit of merchant Banking? What is  the code of conduct laid down by SEBI which the merchant bankers have to abide by?


Q.3 Corporate Restructuring is the process by which a company can consolidate its business operations and strengthen it position for achieving its desired objectives. Explain this statement and point out the different ways in which restructuring could be done. What do you understand by securitization?


Q.4 Describe the different types of instruments by which securitization can be implemented? Briefly explain the pricing of these instruments and also highlight the benefits of securitization to the institution and the investors.


Q.5 What do you understand by factoring? Mention the types of factoring and the terms and conditions of as vectoring contract.


Q.6 Distinguish between:

(a) Leasing and Hire Purchase

(b) Debt card and Credit card

( c) Market Risk and Currency Risk

(d) Open ended and close ended schemes of Mutual Funds


Q.7 Write short notes on any four:

(a) Zero coupon bonds

(b) typology of Credit Rating

(c ) Role of national Housing Bank  in housing finance

(d) Floating Rate bonds

(e) Global Depository Receipts



Q.1  Define external and internal risks. Discuss the broad classification fo risks faced by the financial services firms.


Q.2 The Indian debt market as of now is not yet a fully developed market although presently the movement securities market is a well developed market as compared to corporate debt market. hence to make the corporate debt market ore efficient hence to make the corporate debt market. hence to make the corporate debt market more efficient and vibrant, what are the issues which need to be addressed and resolved?


Q.3 Explain the steps involved in the process of merger. What are the factors that are considered while determining a firms value before taking a meager decision?


Q.4  What are the distinguishing characteristics of venture capital? Describe the different modes which are used for providing venture capital finance. What are the different alterative before the venture capitalism to exit form an invested company? Discuss


Q.5 (a) What do you understand by the term mutual fund? Explain the advantages fo investing in securities through mutual funds.

(b) describe briefly various constituents of a mutual fund.


Q.6 Write a detailed not on public issue management indicating clearly the various activities that  a merchant banker had to undertake before and after the issue.


Q.7 Describe the structure of the Housing Finance Industry in India. Emphasize the role of the National Housing Bank in housing finance.


Q.8 Write short notes on any four and following :

(a) forfeiting

(b) Credit Cards

( c) Typology of Credit Rating

(d) Assets Securitization

(e) Electronic Commerce


Q.9  Describe in detail the mechanism of Export Factoring and emphasize the precautions that any institution intending to launch export factoring services should take.


Q.10 What do you understand by Marina Insurance? Describe the four categories of marine insurance and discuss their main characteristics.


Q.11  Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Debit Cards

(b) Utility Ratings

( c) Public issues

(d) Rural Insurance

(e) Insurance Broker.


Q.1 Explain in brief the various components of the Financial System in India. Discuss the economic and financial functions of the Financial market.


Q.2 What are the different strategies which could be adopted by the financial services form to manager their credit risk and Asset Liability Gap risks?


Q.3 Elucidate the various stages at which venture capital funds provide finance to the venture capital undertakings and given details of the risks involved and the activities financed under each of these stages of financing.


Q.4 Explain the concept of Mutual Funds and distinguish between different types of Mutual fund products offered in India.


Q.5 what is meant by Asset Securitization? Describe the machinist of securitization and the benefits accruing to various parties involved therein.


Q.6 Explain the concepts of Mergers and Acquisitions. Highlight the steps that are involved in the process of merger and the motives behind mergers and acquisitions.


Q.7 What is the significance of housing finance? Explain the various institutions that are providing housing finance in India.


Q.8  Write short notes on any four

(a) Hire Purchase

(b) Pricing of Public Issues

( c) discount and Finance House  of India

(d) Floating rate bonds

(e) National Stock Market System

(f) Operating Lease


Q.9 Emphasize the role of the National Housing Bank as the apex bank in the field of housing finance. Given details of the directions issued by it for housing finance companies.


Q.10 Who are an Insurance Agent and Insurance Broker? What are the categories of insurancebrokers?  Discuss their functions.


Q.11  Write shot notes on any four:

(a) Dematerialization

(b) Public Liability Insurance

( c) Travel Insurance

(d) Hire Purchase System

(e) Bill Market Scheme for Exporters

(f) Electronic Commerce


Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:21

Employment Relations

Employment Relations question Bank  



Q.1Explain various approaches of grievance resolution. Describe the role of HR department ingrievance  redressal procedure in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Discuss the advantages of formal mechanism of grievance redressal. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.2Define Discipline.  Describe the disciplinary action procedure which has taken place in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with.  Suggest measures to improve it.

Q.3Define Trade Union? Explain the role of Unions in the present context of privatization/Globalisation.  Cite Examples.

Q.4 Discuss the development and growth of trade Unions and Unionism in India. Are multiplicity and politicization  of Unions and outside leadership unique in India?  Critically evaluate its impact on union management  relations in  your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.5 Explain the constitutional and legal framework of Industrial Relations. Discuss how constitutionaland legal framework is being used in maintaining effective employment relations citing examples from your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.6Which  are the central trade union  organizations recognized by the central government for the purpose of tripartite forums. Describe the trade union structure and its functions with respect to your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Suggest measures for further strengthening of trade unions. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.7What are the various models of workers participation in management in India. Describe the structure and net working involved in workers participation in management in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Explain the level  and extent of effectiveness of such participation. Also suggest the ways and means to make it more effective and efficient. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.8 Explain the process of negotiation for resolving the issues through collective Bargaining in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Critically examine the implications for future course of industrial relations. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.9 Explain the nature and context of collective bargaining. Describe the process of collective. Bargaining. Identify the merits and demerits of collective bargaining, with example.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.10 Distinguish between conciliation, Arbitration and adjudication.  Which of these procedures is being used in your organisation or any organisation or any organisation you are familiar with.  Give reasons why this particular procedure is being used.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.  


Q11 Briefly Explain Various Approaches To Industrial Relations. Discuss The Approach Being Adopted By Your Organization  Or An Organization You Are Familiar With.  Briefly Describe The Organization You Are Referring To.



Q.12 Briefly Explain The Growth And Development Of Trade Unions In India. Describe The Functions Of Trade Unions In Your Organization Or An Organization You Are Familiar With. Suggest Measures For Further Strengthening Of Trade Unions. Briefly Describe The Organization You Are Referring To.

Q.13 Explain The Process Of Holding Domestic Enquiry Against The Employee On An Act Of Misconduct In Your Organisation Or An Organisation You Are Familiar With. Discuss The Advantages And Limitations Of Domestic Enquiry. Briefly Describe The Organisation You Are Referring To.

Q.14  explain various alternative stages/modes of dispute settlement. discuss the stages/ modes ofdispute settlement  are being used in an organization you are working in or familiar with.   will these stages/modes be able to bring out a speedy settlement of dispute? briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 15 Explain the concept and scope of industrial relations, one of the most difficult attempts in industrial relations is to build up a theory and to generalize on its activity that is dynamic. Discuss.

Q 16 Write down the origin and growth of employers organisations.  Describe the structure, aim and objectives of an employer organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 17 Define workers participation management (WPM).  Describe the structure and models of WPM inIndia.  Discuss the dynamics of WPM in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 18 What are methods availabe for resolving industrial conflict?  Critically evaluate the existing methods keeping in view the changing scenario with the help of examples.

Q 19 Discuss the approaches and emerging issues in collective bargaining.  Examine the position of collective bargaining in India.

Q 20 Explain the dynamics of various participative forums citing suitable examples.

Q 21 write short notes on class conflict

Q 22 explain the importance and evolution of tripartite bodies

Q 23 Write shorts on indain labour Confrence and standing labour committee

Q 24 explain Bipartite Bodies and  its Evolution



Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:18

Managerial Economics


Managerial Economics Question bank


Q. 1 Define Management Economic. Discuss the nature and scope of Managerial economics.

Q.3 What do you mean by discriminating monopoly. Explain the price and output determination is discriminating monopoly.

Q. 4 Write short  note on:-

(i)       Opportunity cost

  1. Replacement and Historical cost
  2. Incremental costs and Sunk costs
  3. Past and Future cost
  4. Short run vs Long run Costs.

Q. 5  Distinguish between Accounting Profit and Economic Profit

Q. 6 Write short note on break even analysis

Q.7 What factors do you think affect Price elasticity of demand?

Q.8 What is oligopoly? Explain price rigidity under oligopoly in terms of kinked demand curve

Q.9 Explain the pay back Period method of Project appraisal. Describe its merits and limitations

Q. 10 Define cross elasticity of demand

Q.11 How does monopolistic competition differs from perfect competition? Illustrate with some example

Q. 12 Explain the cost-Plus method of pricing. What are its limitations?

Q. 13 What are the different classifications of market structure> Discuss their characteristics.

Q. 14 How would a monopolist fix his Price and output? Explain with diagrams.

Q.15 There are two firms in an industry. Profits of each are dependent on both its output and the output of its rival, thus

Q.16  From the following data you are required to calculate break-even point and net sales value at this point:

Q.17 Discuss the various managerial uses of estimated Production function.

Q.18 What are the criteria of a good forecasting method?

Q. 19 Explain how Managerial Economics is related to Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and Accounting.

Q. 20. Explain important economic theories which are applied to Managerial Economics.

Q,21.  Below are given the pay-offs of 3 investment projects

Q.22 What are the limitations of the break-even analise

Q. 23 The annual sales of a company are as follows

Q.24 The ABC Co. is currently operating at an annual production volume of 7,50,000 direct labour hours. Its annual operating capacity, which cannot be exceeded, is 10,00,000 direct labour hours. Recently, a private brand distributor has offered to buy 1,00,000 units of the companys products at a special price of Rs. 10.50 per unit. The regular selling price is Rs. 12.90 per unit. The standard cost sheet for one unit of the product appears as follows:

Q.25 Explain how Managerial Economics is related to Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and Accounting.


Q. 26. Explain important economic theories which are applied to Managerial Economics

Q27   Below are given the pay-offs of 3 investment projects: (new marical)


Q.28 What are the limitations of the break-even analysis



Q. 29 The annual sales of a company are as follows: .


Year                 1968                1969                1970                1971                1972

Sales                45                    56                    78                    46                    75

By the method of least squares, find the trend values for each of the five years. Also estimate the annual sales

Q 34. Explain the concept of Barriers to entry. Discuss its relevance taking into consideration the present economic scenario.

Q 35. Price leadership is an alternative cooperative method used to avoid tough competition. Comment.

Q 36. Define risk. What do you understand by diversification of risk? Illustrate your answer with some examples.


Q 37 Discuss the relevance of Baumols Model of sales revenue maximization in the present context.

Q 38 What is oligopoly?  Explain price rigidity under oligopoly in terms of kinked demand curve.


Q 39 State giving reasons whether the following statements are true, false or uncertain

Q 40 What factors would you like to consider in forecasting the company demand for room heaters?


Q 41    A shift in the demand curve for cigarettes is caused by a change in the     price of cigarettes.



Q 42. Compare and contrast and Behavioral Theory with the Economic Theory of a firm.

Q 43. Calculate break-even point from the following data:

Sales: 550 units

Sale Receipt : RS. 28,875

Total Fixed cost : RS. 16,, 000.

Total variable costs : RS.11,000


Q 44 Discuss the relevance of Baumans Model of sales revenue maximization in the present context

Q.45 What is oligopoly?  Explain price rigidity under oligopoly in terms of kinked demand curve

Q.46  State giving reasons whether the following statements are true, false or uncertain

Q 47. Briefly explain the concept of returns to scale.


Q.48 Below is given a demand equation:


Calculate price-elasticity of demand if price is (i) Rs. 4 , (ii) Rs. 10 and (iii) Rs. Is the demand at theses price elastic or inelastic?


Q.49 The annual sales of company are as follows:














By the method of least squares. Find the trend values for each of the five years, also estimate the annual sales of  1973

Q 50.             Compare and contrast and Behavioral Theory with the Economic Theory of a firm

Q 51. Calculate break-even point from the following data:

Sales:550 units

Sale Receipt : RS. 28,875

Total Fixed cost : RS. 16,, 000.

Total variable costs : RS.11,000

Q 52. Suppose the demand for a particular product is unitary elastic. What will you do as a manager to increase the total revenue? Discuss

Q 53 Explain the concept of

a)    Concentration ratios

  1. Heirfindhal index

Q 54. Discuss the concept of bundling giving examples.

Q 55. Briefly explain the concept of returns to scale


Q.56 Arm has to make a choice between buying a property or renting it. The firm

Can either pay Rs. 1, 00,000 and acquire the property permanently, or it can rent it for Rs. 10,000 per annum for years. Should the firm rent or buy property? Use a 15% discount rate for your calculations.


Q.57 if the levels of final demand are:

Agriculture                                      200         Industry        300

and the coefficient matrix is as given in the following table, find out the output level of each sector necessary to meet the demand











Q 58 Given Demand Function P=5000�30Q

Total Cost function TC =3000+800Q.

Calculate price, level of out put and profit for a firm seeking (a) profit maximization (b) total avenuemaximization and (C) total revenue maximization subject to profit constraint of Rs, 1,41,000.


Q.59 If the marginal cost function f(x) = find the total cost function it being given that the fixed cost is Rs. 10,000


Q.60 What is "Linear Programming" ? What is the purpose of using linear programming ? Explain the advantage of linear programming approach.


Q.61 What are the basic assumptions of linear programming ? Explain the limitations and applications of linear programming.


Q.62 Explain the graphic solution to the Linear Programming Problem

Q.63 Explain the graphic solution by !so-profit or Iso-cost method

Q.64 . Explain the main tools of cost controls. What are the areas of cost control Y.


Q.65 Define the Trade Cycle. Explain the main stages of Trade Cycle

Q.66 Critically examine the Climatic Theory, Psychological Theory and Over Investment Theory of Trade Cycle.


Q.67  Explain over-saving and Hawtrey Theory of Trade Cycle.


Q.68 Critically examine Keynesian Theory of Trade Cycle.


Q.69 Explain the main determinates of Proposal budgeting.


Q.70 Explain the modern techniques of investment appraisal. What are the limitations of this technique ?


Q.71  Explain the profitability index (B) Benefit -Cost ratio) and internal rate of return (yield of investment criterias. What are limitations ?

Q.72 Explain the traditional methods of investment appraisal What are their limitation?


Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:15

Consumer behaviour Question Bank

Consumer behaviour  Question Bank


Q.1      Briefly explain the VAL II lifestyles approach. How in your view is this explanation of         lifestyles segments useful in development of marketing strategy?

Q.2      How does the knowledge of personality help marketers develop suitable marketing             communication? How will you as a marketer use the knowledge of consumer personality to  develop  advertisement campaigns Describe in each case how the knowledge of personality has been applied.

Q.3      What do you understand by motivational conflict?  Talk friends/close  associates about some of their recent purchases and collect from their examples of

  1. Approach  approach conflict
  2. Approach avoidance conflict
  3. Avoidance Conflict

What in your view is the application to which a marketer may put this knowledge ? (Faculty notes)

Q 4 Analyse the latest major organizational purchase within your own organization or any other organization that your are familiar with respect of (June 2007)

  1. Factors influencing the purchase decision
  2. Management of risk related to the decision

Q 5 As part of the urban administration, you want to change attitudes of young vers and promote safe diving habits.  Explain how would you use your understanding of the tricomponent model of attitudes to plan your strategies  for attitude change.

Q 6 Carefully study the Indian media for advertisements using celebrities. Find atleast three examples of

  1. Celebrities used as experts
  2. Celebrities used for product endorsement

Celebrities used as spokesperson

Q 7 Taking a sample of ten families study the assignment of decision making roles in an Indian family for


  1. purchase of consumer durables
  2. purchase of insurance
  3. long term investment decision
  4. health care service

Q 8 What are the factors that determine the extent of information search for products             and services : Explain with reference to the decision involving

  1. search for a restaurant for taking your family out for dinner
  2. search for a residential accommodation
  3. search for a pediatrician

Q 9 Read the case given below and answer the question given at the end of the case.

Q 10 What learning approach and principles would you use to teach   consumers about Medicine from Nature? (June 2000)

Q 11 How would you establish a favorable attitude for Medicine from Nature?

Q 12 Develop an ad or marketing approach to create a positive attitude toward             Medicine from Nature focusing on the -----------------component.

a. Cognitive.

b. Affective

Q 13 To what motive(s) would you appeal to induce consumers to use Medicine from Nature?

Q 14 Carefully study the organizational buying behavior in your own organization or any other organization that you are familiar with. Based on your study, describe the environmental, organizational, interpersonal and personal factors which influenced the last major purchases made by the organization.

Q 15 Describe the needs that the following products would satisfy. Based on your answer, in each case      suggest what appeals should the marketer use to motivate the customers to buy the products?

  1. a music system
  2. a motorcycle
  3. a washing machine

Q 16 Identify one advertisement each, which in your view are based on  classical conditioning,     instrumental conditioning and cognitive learning . Discuss each advertisement to explain how it utilizes the respective theory of learning .

Q 17 How can a marketer use the understanding of self concept to develop marketing strategies for     product like mens suiting and cars? Briefly explain the meaning and significance of self concept        for marketing decisions by applying it to the above buying situations

Q 18.. For the following products, suggest the type of reference groups  that can be expected to      influence the purchase decisions. Justify your answer in each case

  1. expensive watches
  2. refrigerators
  3. vacation packages

Q 19 Which stage in the Product lifecycle would constitute the most lucrative segment for the        following products and why? In accordance with your answer, suggest the most appropriate       promotions strategies in each case. .(Faculty notes )

  1. multivitamin capsules
  2. washing machines
  3. mouthwash
  4. Mutual funds

Q 20 Describe the role of cultural values in influencing consumer behavior. How would you, as a marketer of credit cards utilize your knowledge of culture to market these products in India? Discuss in detail

Q 21 How would the knowledge of social stratification and the influence of Social class on buying behavior affect the development of marketing strategy for            A shopping complex

  1. A new  magazine
  2. A public service NGO

Q 22 What are the factors that contribute to extensive search of information in consumer decision-          making and the factors that reduce the search for external information ? Discuss With reference to          the following purchase situations: Automobile repairs

  1. Life insurance
  2. Soft drinks
  3. Pension plans

Q 23 Describe the decision rules or choice heuristics that you have used or would expect to use in case    of your own decision of the following. Justify your answer in each case :

  1. Selection of a school for a child
  2. Buying your first computer
  3. Contribution to charity

Buying your residential house.

Q 24 How does the Howard Sheth model explain the consumer decision process?  Describe in detail, using the example of the last consumer durable purchased by your family (Faculty notes)

Q 25  Explain Attitude Toward-the-Ad Models. Discuss the strategic marketing implications of this model

Q 26.  Explain how by altering components of the Multi-Attribute Model and changing beliefs about the competitor's brands the marketers can alter consumer attitudes ?

Q 27 Distinguish between consumer behaviour and organizational buying behaviour. What buying decisions do business buyers make?

Q 28. Define the term `Perception'. Explain the Weber's Law of the,j.n.d. Discuss the marketingapplication of Weber's theory of j.n.d.


Q 29. What is "Self Perception Theory" of Learning ? Discuss the relevance of this theory from themarketing strategy point of view.


Q. 30. What is Reference Groups? How do Reference Groups influence Consumers?


Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:10

Business Statistics top short questions

Business Statistics top short questions

  1. Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”.
  2. Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution.
  3. "The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'reversal test'. Comment.
  4. "Different formulae, to find the value of index, are used in different situations." Comment.
  5. Comment on “Laspeyre's has upward bias and Paasche's has downward bias."
  6. Comment on "Fisher's index is ideal because it satisfies time reversal and factor reversal test".
  7. Comment: "Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and change of scale, whereas regression coefficients are independent of change of origin but not change of scale."
  8. “A correlation coefficient r=0.8 indicates a relationship twice as close to r=0.4” Comment.
  9. Do you agree with the following statement and comment: "Dispersion indicates the variations round the value of mean, and skewness and kurtosis indicate the nature of variations round the value of means, whether they are symmetrical or not."
  10. Comment: "Measures of dispersion and central tendency are complementary to each other in highlighting the characteristics of a frequency distribution."
  11. "A cat was sitting on the floor of the house and looking for rats in the kitchen." Count the number of letters in each word of the above statement and make a frequency table (i) of the discrete type (ii) of continuous type by taking the suitable size of the class interval.
  12. "Every average has its own peculiar characteristics. It is difficult to say which average is the best." Comment.
  13. Comment  "Statistics is the science of averages."
  14. Comment  "Statistics is a scientific method."
  15. Comment  "Statistics is a body of methods for making wise decision in the face of uncertainty."
  1. Comment  "Statistics affects everybody and touches life at many points. It is both a science and an art"
  2. Comment  "Statistics can prove any thing."
  3. Comment  "Proper function of statistics is to enlarge individual experience."
  4. Comment "Statistics does study quantitative variable and does not .study qualitative variable."
  5. Comment: "Large number of figures are more consistent as compared to small number of figures".
Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:08

Materials Management

Materials Management questions bank
1. "Management synchronises with the control of very systems, procedures, methods, techniques and tools. and materials which are truly effective instruments in serving the enterprise." Is it really so ? Discuss the Statement in the light of the statement. Your emphasis should be on 'Management inRelation to Materials'. 
2. Is It true to say that integrated materials management is better placed for manoeuvring the cost curve ? Explain. 
3. Is there any difference between conventional approach and modern approach to materials management organisation? Illustrate with the help of charts. 
4. 'Organisation in Reality' is a caption. You are to take an imaginary situation and prepare an organisation chan accordingly. Also explain the difference between theoretical approaches in this chapter and your own approach. Is there any material difference? Account for the digerenas. 
5. "It is not enough merely to climb over these obstacles : the climbing has to be better and quicker than good 'enough', and it is 'this good enough' which the materials manager has to search and go for." Elucidate the statement
6. "Having guarded against the survival aspect by interpreting. analysing and then forecasting, thematerials manager is loaded with the responsibility of ensuring reasonable profit to the undertaking." Is the statement true? How far a materials manager is responsible for ensuring a profit margin ? Why should he be made so responsible ? 
7. "Materials planning is a part of production planning." Do you apes? Differentiate between the two. Explain the factors affecting materials planning substantially. 
8. "Standardisation promotes ,'the interest of the consumer and serves the purpose of the producer." Elucidate the statement
9. "If anything can go wrong ; it will," "Of the things that can't go wrong, some will." Murphy's Laws Comment lucidly in the light of the necessity and importance of inventory control. 
10. Comment on the necessity of having an Economic-order Quantity and illustrate. 
11. How far the computers are successful in stock saving ? "The radical change from a manual system to complete computerisation of stock control brings new problems, frustration and even failures." Comment on the statement taking India as a test case in the matter. 
12. "The contribution (of Materials Management) can best be measured by the amount by which it has been able to reduce the cost and control the inventory." How far do you subscribe to thisstatement ? Can you say that this evaluation philosoply is not conducive to the growth of materials management as a service function. 
13. "The function of stores control is perhaps the least glamorous of all aspects of materials management and is yet so necessary and important." Comment. 
14. "The success with which the stores department is functioning is determined by the quantum of saving induced by it by way of consuming less time, employing less labour and spending less in operations." Do you subscribe ? In the light of the above statement explain the factors which are responsible for making the storekeeping a success. 
15. "Storekeeper vs cashier". Is this a meaningful dialogue? Explain. 
16. How will you decide, the location of a storehouse for you. industrial unit the top management of which is insistent on having a centralised storehouse whereas you think that decentralised store operation may help the organisation ?.How will you reconcile the two and take a Turn decision. 
17. "Feeding materials into a machine line, ensuring the cheap and efficient flow of materials from one end of the productive chain to others, are the fields in which a receipt procedure operates." Comment and suggest a receipt procedure for a large industrial undertaking engaged in producing cement. 
18. "Stores accounting is a wholly unnecessary and even wasteful expenditure." Comment with a view to bring out the importance of stores accounting for the materials department. 
19. "A purchase executive is engaged in (i) development of new sources. (ii) standardisation, (iii) introducing mw materials,(iv) variety reduction process, and (v) value analysis activities." Do you think that a purchase 'executive can really do justice to all these activities ? Explain his responsibilities in this connection. 
20. Do you think that knowledge of channel of distribution helps a purchase executive in right selection of source of a supply.  
21. What is price forecasting? What techniques would you adopt in price forecasting for purchasing different items for your industrial undertaking? Illustrate. 
22. "The purchase - budget is not merely an estimate of purchase e to be made and the financial requirements for such purchasss but it mho exercises control over expendimrc on purchases and consumption of materials." Define a purchase budget and comment on the statement
23. Why make-or-buy decision is a poser for the management ? Do you think that it is a question which cau be answered straightaway and lightly? If not, why? Explain. 
24. What is sub-contracting? Comment on the advantages of sub-contracting to the prime contractor. 
25. Explain in brief "Purchasing and Marketing strategies go simultaneousls. The strategies are complementary and not competitive." 
26. "True business is run on cordial relationship." Is it always true ? Discuss in this connection the responsibility of the purchase depaitment. 
27. "In this complex market mechanism the 'buyers and sellers are not adverse forces...the rewarding relationship with mutual understanding has always a case of its own." Comment. 
28. "For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Does this saying apply to buying ana selling also? Explain critically. 
29. What is business ethics? Does it differ from personal ethics? "Personal ethics influencesbusiness ethics." Do you agree with the statement
30. 'Codes alone are not sufficient in purchasing.' Why? Then wFat are other ethical factors ? Explain. 
31. "Research is purposive analysis that tries to establish a basis for, prediction and control in thebehaviour it studies.'. Comment on the statement in relation to purchasing research. 
32. "Negotiation is essentially a communication." Define negotiation and explain as to how humanbehaviour plays a decisive role in negotiation. 
33. "India's efforts for import substitution are laudable." Comment. 
34. "Self-sufficiency in today's world is a far cry. One has no alternative but to depend on others in some form or the other for his own or his society's needs." Is this statement in any way related to imports ? Explai

Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:04

Retail management Question Bank

Retail  management Question Bank

1. Briefly discuss the importance of IT in retail industry and discuss the various applications of IT  in retail sector?

2. What do you mean by Global data synchronization? Name three benefits of the system and give few example applications and information sources for organizational retail portal.

3. What is RFID? Explain its importance and application in retail industry and also discuss the privacy concerns to be taken care of while adopting RFID ?


4. Name a few central utilities in a typical  IT system in retail and name a few challenges faced by the IT implementation in Retail.

5. Outline (a) how contactless cards get set to make an impact?

                 (b) the main strengths of DuPont’s e-fulfillment process

6. Define the following

a) New Technologies Challenge Personal Information Privacy(PIP)


 c) Smart Motes

d) Global Positioning Systems

  e) Data aggregation.

7.  Discuss the various traditional formats that you are familiar with? Comment how relevant they are in the current retail business environment.

8. Define -a modem retail format. How does it differs from a traditional retail format?

9.  List out all the modem retail formats in the Indian context and explain each of them briefly.

10. Comment Discount stores operate on a low margin, high turnover philosophy.

11.  What is the need for adopting technology in Retailing?

12. With example give the factors which influence adoption of technology in business.

13.  Describe how technology will play an important role in Merchandising

14. With examples illustrate role of technology in customer relationship management.

15. What are the risks if precautions are not taken while planning to adopt any technology for a retail business?

16. Have you found any clear cut cases of unethical behaviour in your dealing with a retailer? What was the nature?

17. Is the marketing concept of "customer satisfaction "at a profit a sufficient guideline for judging the ethics of business practices? If so Why?

18. Describe any two approaches for judging the morality of a particular business action?

19. Elaborate on the responsibilities of a retailer and the rights of an consumer?

20. Elaborate on the acceptable ethics that must be practiced by a retail executive?

21. Elaborate on the licenses required by a retailer for setting up his operations in India?

22. Explain what you mean by VAT(Value Added Tax) and how it will benefit the retailing industry inIndia? Draw out instances of how VAT has complemented the growth of organised retailing in western Europe and North America?.

23. Elaborate on the legal issues faced by the retailing fraternity in India?

24. Elaborate on the legal framework governing the retail industry in United Kingdom?

25. Elaborate upon the role of different security dimensions in the retailing environment? further elaborate on the list of the IT system requirements a multi-channel retailing venture with cost determinants for capital and variable expenses?

26. Discuss the significance of having control over retail operations?

27. Define merchandise management and how is it performed in organised retailing?

28. Discuss the different kinds of merchandise allocation methods chosen by retailers?

29. Describe the various activity ratios utilized by retailers in measuring performance and also point out the choice from one retail format to another?

30. Discuss the relevance of uniformity across retail outlets? Support with examples while explaining the three mechanisms of maintaining uniformity in retail operations?

31. What do you understand by marketing research? Explain its significance to retailing?

32. How does a research proposal differ from a research plan?

33.Elaborate on the consumer research strategies Used by market researchers? Take an example lifestyle departmental store and determine the of consumer research strategy that will need to be used in this case?

34. Draw comparisions between Nicosia, Howard – Sheth, Engel – Blackwell - Miniard models ofconsumer research behaviour?

35. Explain how you will assess human resource requirements of a retail organisation.

36. Explain the relevance of organisational charts in manpower planning.

37. Explain the significance of orientation programme. Should each employee in a retail organisation undergo the same orientation programme?

Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:01

Mba retail management


1.   What can be the various factors that effect the finance planning in a retailing business? Explain with examples

2. What are the specifications that .make retail business different from any other line of business?

3. Can you map the various phases through which an organisation goes through and also make a graph to support your answer.

4. List the key aspects that come as an output finance management in retailing

5. What cane be the various heads which can effect the finance. planning at the time of capital investment?

6) With respect to finance management please explain the following:


Strategy planning

Profit centre management

Resource Allocation

7) What are your key learning from budgeting activities? What are its implications?

8.  How collecting information about the merchandise sources is a tedious task?

9. How will you explore the possibility of having long term relationship with the vendor?

10.What measures can we take to minimise shrinkage?'

11. What are the main factors which should guide allocation of merchandise to stores in case of a chain of stores?

12. With examples explain what points should be kept in mind before entering into a negotiation with the vendor?

13. Define the following with examples:

Pay back period

Benefit - Cost ratio

Net Present value

Internal Rate of Return

Sales per sq ft


14. Define atmospherics and its importance in retail marketing mix?

15.  What are the key components of atmospherics and discuss each of them?

16. What is the relevance of store layout planning for a retail unit and discuss any two types of store layout,

17. Define visual merchandising and discuss important components of visual merchandise to leverage its benefits.

18.  What are the components of merchandise display fixtures and give brief account of any three?

 19. What are the major concerns of store space management and discuss retail space performance measures.

20 How important is the role of pricing in retail marketing mix?

21 Examine the various pricing objectives in the retail sector?

22What is the difference between margins and mark down? Explain it with an example and also when and how is it implemented?

23.Discuss any three pricing strategy used in retailing and how commonly is it adopted by retailers.

24. Can you give some more reasons causing change in customer attitude besides the one given in the unit?

25. Describe various considerations to be kept in mind while doing merchandise planning.

26.Select a category and make a list of national brands in that category. Now select some private brands and evaluate the comparative performance and benefit to the retailer.

27.  Explain what is merchandise mix and various factors affecting merchandise mix decision.

28. what is the significance of strategy in retailing industry?

29.State what the organizational mission of a financial services provider will look like?

30.Lister" a firm into food and groceries retailing across formats can you explain what would be broad contours of the strategic planning exercise and the role definition of top and store levelmanagement executives?

31. What would be the guiding objectives of an financial services provider and the guidelines of the planning process?

32. "Prius" a speciality food retailer. It plans to span the whole range of foods retailing fromconvenience foods, health foods, ready to oat, vegetable and fruits and processed foods. Formulate a category management framework and guideline policy with the role play definition of top levelmanagement and store level executives?

33.) Create a retailing organisational framework and the process of creating portfolios of products for an entity which wants to migrate from steel manufacturing focus to retailing focus as an SBU?

34 Outline the importance of services retailing and explain what needs to be done to explore its full potential in India?

35. Make a list of the various ways in which local markets areas are delineated? Further describe the variables used in screening of site alternatives?

36. Elaborate on the significance of locational decisions for an upcoming construction specialty mall coming up in your neighbourhood?

37 Describe the role of traffic arteries and lanes in determining the evaluation of a retail site?

38. Describe the role of the two locational theories

39. Character ize a strategic plan. Describe its purpose?

40.  What are the options available to the retailer for communicating to the customer?

41.  Analyse the retail communication strategy of any major retail chain.

42. Critically evaluate the role of sales people in communicating a positive image to the customers

Thursday, 03 December 2015 10:56


Management information system part 2 very important guess

(51) What is the most common form of IT enabled organizational change?

(52) Which form of organizational change requires business processes to be analyzed simplified and redesign?

(53) When outsourcing should be used by the organizations?

(54) How Information systems can contribute for total quality management?

(55)What are the technology related challenges that are invisible to your organization? Highlight the pitfalls? How integrated software applications can help in this?

(56) What are integrated software applications? Talk about their advantages and business utility.

(57) Write notes on the business software solutions provided by
(a) SAP
(b) PeopleSoft
(c) Oracle
(d) Microsoft

(58) Compare the Business solutions provided by Microsoft and SAP. Is the rivalry justified? Clearly highlight the features which are common between the two.

(59) Explain briefly the terms:
(a) subject orientation
(b) granularity
(c) aggregations
(d) partitioning
(e) time variancy.

(60) In the context of a data warehouse:
(a) what is a concept hierarchy?
(b) what do you mean by factual information?
(c) what is a snowflake schema?

(61) What is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in the focus is due to tlie increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate
(62) What are the types of inventoty management systems? Define them and partition them into further classes. Also, briefly explain each subdivision.

(63) What is computerized mnaintenance management? Explain tlie conceptual model
through which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained basis.

(64) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software, are important economy of data processing and administrative efficiency?

(65)Computers are often referred to as 'number crunchers'. Evaluate the statement in the context of financial planning.

(66) What are the main features of a computerised General Ledger System?

(67)Identify the role of transaction processing system in the development information system.

(68) Suggest few modules, you would like to add to improve the Marketing Information System.

(69)List the analytical methods, which could be used effectively in the modules of human resource management for the development of subsystem.

(70) How does computerized Personnel Information systems help in managing human resources more efficiently?

(71) Discuss the importance of information system for business decisiotis.

(72) Distinguish between data, information and knowledge.

(73) Explain the steps involved in the developnient of busitless systems.

(74) Visit some of the organizations to identify the information systems used for better management. Suggest the ways and means for the improvement.?

(75) Identify and name some of the computerized information systems used in production management, HRD and marketing?.

(76)Does an organization have a right to collect and share information without the permission of person concerned? What are the ethical issues involved in information society.

(77) Every component of a computer such as software, hardware and network should be
protected. Justify!

(78) Why should every organization have a disaster recovery plan to protect itself? What are the main components of a disaster recovery plan?

(79)Write a brief note on virus threat and a protection strategy.

(80)Discuss fully the purpose of an information system.

(81)Discuss why management needs information. Is it possible for the management of an organization to make effective decisions without the aid of an information system? Discuss.

(82) In the end, the information system is recognized only as a foundation for human judgment, insight and inventiveness. Discuss.

(83) What impact does the implementation of programmed decision-making have on the management system of an organization?

(84) Compare and contrast programmed decision-making information system and decision assisting information system.

(85) What are different types of controls and audits required for an information

(86) Define data and information. What is the difference between the two?

(87) What is the need of information in present day society? Why is it necessary to have a structure in an organization?

(88) What are the main characteristics of information?

(89) What are various ways of assessing the value of information? Explain each method briefly?

(90) Write a detailed note on data life cycle.

(91) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an information system?
(92) Define MIS. What are the main features of an MIS?

(93) Write a brief note to explain the evolution of MIS.

(94) What are the functions that MIS supports in an organization?

(95) What is Simons framework for decision-making? How does it help in MIS design?

(96) What are the determinants of MIS design according to Zani?

(97) Explain the following statement, there is a two way relationship between organization and Information Systems.

(98) What are the main types of software?

(99) What are the main functions of operating system?

(100) Define multi-tasking and time-sharing system?

(101) Difference between compiler and interpreter?

(102) Name different generations of programming languages and their characteristics?

(103) What are the advantages of open-source software?

(104) Describe the decision making process of acquiring application software?

(105) What are the components of a computer system?

(106) What are the components of a CPU?

(107) What factors affects the speed of a computer?

(108) Write a detailed note on primary memory?

(109) Write a detailed note on secondary memory?

(110) Write a detailed note on Input-Output devices?

(111) What are plug-and-play devices?

(112) What are various types of computer?

(113) Define an information system and list its major components.

(114) Describe how information system can support a business.

(115) Define the Internet, Intranet, and e-commerce.

(116) Briefly describe various types of Information Systems.

(117) What is the purpose of a TPS? How does it compliment MIS in an organization?

(118) List the major advantages of the Internet. Briefly describe impact of Internet on business.

(119) Write a note on e-commerce. What are the advantages of e-commerce over conventional business?

(120) What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system? What are the major components of such a system? How does it help the decision making process?

(121) Wliat is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in tlie focus is due to the increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate.

(122) What are the types of inventory management systems? Define them and partition them into further classes. Also, briefly explain each subdivision.

(123) What is computerized maintenance management? Explain the conceptual model
through which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained

(124) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software, are important for
economy of data processing and administrative efficiency?

(125 ) computerised are often referred to as 'number crunchers'. Evaluate the statement
in the context of financial planning.

(126) What are the main features of a computerised General Ledger System?

Thursday, 03 December 2015 10:52


SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT QUESTION BANK PART 1 (1) What strategies can be used to desynchronize production and consumption in case of services?

(2) How can one compensate for the absence of inventory to meet demand fluctuations in case of services?
(3) Suggest some ways to make distribution possible in case of the impossible distribution examples?

(4) Suggest some supply chain strategies for treasury management?

(5) List the supply chain principles embodied in a debit card?

(6) What supply chain strategies can rail companies use to stop the erosion of market share to air travel in case of passengers and road in case of freight?

(7) How can telephone companies protect their markets from competition from ISPs using supply chain strategies?

(8) Which players in the healthcare sector are likely to die out as a result of changing supply chain scenario?

(9) What are the peculiar characteristics of knowledge as a product relevant to its supply chain management?

(10) What is the future of brick and mortar educational institutions given the revolution in the educational supply chain?

(11) How can government overcome infrastructure bottlenecks to streamline its supply chain?

(12) Comment on the prospects of retailing of services as a future growth industry?

(13) In the new banking scenario, branches are a liability  comment?

(14) Outline a supply chain strategy for timeshare resorts to enable them to get a competitive advantage over traditional hotels?

(15) How can bulk freight carriers take advantage of technological innovations to streamline their supply chain?

(16) Why is software more a service than a product given its supply chain characteristics?

(17) What impact will m-commerce (mobile commerce) and d-commerce (digital commerce) have on traditional e-commerce (electronic commerce)?

(18) How can traditional book, music, television and film industry react to new distribution technologies to enhance customer value delivery?

(19) With more medical information available online than a human mind can assimilate, how will the role of doctors change in delivery healthcare services?

(20) With information freely available on the Internet, the demand for consultants will reduce  comment?

(21) What are the essential differences in a B2C and a B2B supply chain. List the respective characteristics that necessitate such differences?

(22) Identify and describe factors influencing supply chain network design decisions?

(23) Describe how a company achieves strategic fit between its supply chain strategy and its competitive strategy?

(24) Identify and describe the major drivers of supply chain performance?

(25) Describe how outsourcing works. Why would a firm want to outsource?

(26) What are the advantages of collaboration among members in the supply chain?

(27) How can vendor managed inventory contribute to supply chain effectiveness?

(28) In this era of outsourcing, third party logistics can add value to existing supply 
chains. Explain this statement with examples?

(29) What are advantages of fourth party logistics over third party logistics?

(30) What is the skill set required by 4PL companies to be able to effectively integrate the supply chain for their client company? 

(31) Describe the role of the Internet in managing supply chains in the future?

(32) What activities can be performed by e-Agents? How can e-agents help to enhance collaboration among channel partners?

(33) How can reverse logistics cater to a green supply chain strategy in the future?

(34) What do you understand by the term world-class supply chain?

(35) As a supply chain manager critically evaluate the laws and regulations of both India and EU countries?

(36) What are the relaxations of Sales tax on goods across the various states in our country and can we overcome this by a single document procedure?

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