TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Unit-ITotal Quality Management (TQM) Concept and FundamentalsApproaches to Quality Management, TQM Framework and Features, Principle of TQM, Philosophies of Quality Gurus – Deming’s 14 Points,Crosby’s Four Absolutes, Juran’s Trilogy, Feigenbaum’s Total Quality Control, The Total Quality Triad, Evolution of TQM. Unit-IIHuman Aspect of Total Quality Management (TQM)TQM Human Elements, Motivating People for Total Quality, Resistance to Change, Characteristics of Quality Leaders, Role of Quality Leaders, Teams for TQM, On-the-Job Satisfaction and Quality, Participative Management, Compensation System, Ergonomics. Unit-IIIQuality Management SystemStrategic Quality management, Quality Statement, Culture, Product Quality cycle, TQM Planning Environment, Role of Quality Control Department, Planning for Productivity, Quality and re-engineering, Introduction to Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), The Cost of Quality (Direct and Indirect Cost), Evaluating the Cost of TQM, Quality Index, The Total Quality Cost Curve, Standardization. Unit-IVTotal Quality Management (TQM) PracticesTQM Technologies and TQM Practices: Policy Deployment, Benchmarking, Backtracking, Cross-functional Teams, QFD, Taguchi Method, Failure-Mode and Effect Analysis, The Poka-Yoke Concept, Concurrent Engineering, Malcolm Baldrige Award Model, TQM Implementation Process, Introduction to World Class Manufacturing. Unit-VQuality Management StandardsConcept and Need of Quality Standards, National Quality Standard Organisations – Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Agmark Grading of Agriculture and Allied Commodities, Quality Council of India; International Ogranisation for Standardisation (ISO), ISO Standards – ISO 9000 and 14000 Series, Integration of ISO 14000 with ISO 9000, Process of ISO Certification, Implementing the System, Post Certification.