Module 1:
Business Research – Meaning, types, process of research- management problem, defining the research problem, formulating the research Hypothesis, developing the research proposals, research design formulation, sampling design, planning and collecting the data for research, data analysis and interpretation. Research Application in business decisions, Features of good research study.
Module 2:
Types of Business Research Design: Exploratory and Conclusive Research Design Exploratory Research: Meaning, purpose, methods –secondary resource analysis, comprehensive case methods, expert opinion survey, focus group discussions. Conclusive research Design - Descriptive Research - Meaning, Types – cross sectional studies and longitudinal studies. – Experimental research design – Meaning and classification of experimental designs- Pre experimental design, Quasi-experimental design, True experimental design, statistical experimental design. Observation Research – Meaning – Uses – Participation and Non-participation – Evaluation – Conducting an Observation study – Data collection
Module 3:
Sampling: Concepts- Types of Sampling - Probability Sampling – simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling -Non Probability Sampling – convenience sampling- judgemental sampling, snowball sampling- quota sampling - Errors in sampling.
Module 4:
Data Collection: Primary and Secondary data Primary data collection methods - Observations, survey, Interview and Questionnaire, Qualitative Techniques of data collection. 30 Questionnaire design – Meaning - process of designing questionnaire.
Secondary data -Sources – advantages and disadvantages Measurement and Scaling Techniques: Basic measurement scales-Nominal scale, Ordinal scale, Interval scale, Ratio scale. Attitude measurement scale - Likert’s Scale, Semantic Differential Scale, Thurstone scale, Multi-Dimensional Scaling.
Module 5:
Preparing the Data for Analysis: Editing, Coding, Classification, Tabulation, Validation Analysis and Interpretation
Module 6:
Hypothesis: Meaning, Types, characteristics, source, Formulation of Hypothesis, Errors in Hypothesis Parametric and Non Parametric Test: T-Test, Z-Test, F-Test, U-Test, K-W Test (TheoryOnly) Statistical Analysis: Bivarate Analysis (Chi-Square only), ultivariate Analysis (Theory Only)
ANOVA: One- Way and Two Way Classification. (Theory Only)
Module 7:
Report writing and presentation of results: Importance of report writing, types of research report, report structure, guidelines for effective documentation.
Practical Components:
• Students are expected to write the research design on Exploratory and Descriptive Research.
• Students are asked to prepare the questionnaire on brand awareness, effectiveness of training in public sector organization, Investors attitude towards Mutual funds in any financial institutions.
• Students are asked to conduct Market survey to know the consumer perception towards any FMCG.
• Identify the problem and collect relevant literatures and data for analysis
• Data Interpretation and report writing: Short and Long reports.
• Report presentation methods, ex: Power Point Presentation, etc