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MS 53 JUNE 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 0 MS-53 : PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT . 1. (a) Define operations management. Givesystems view of production operations for any service organisation. (b) Explain some upcoming issues of production systems. 2. (a) Why are seven Q.C. tools important for process improvement. Explain each one of them briefly. (b) ISO - 9000 is important for Indian companies, why ? What help will it give to organisations ? Discuss. 3. (a) Why is forecasting important for operations management ? Differentiate qualitative types of techniques from quantitative types of techniques of forecasting. (b) What is Delphi ? Explain advantages of using Delphi. MS-53 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) Elaborate different factors involved in selecting a suitable forecasting method. (b) Give steps involved in planning and preparing the process layout. 5. (a) Differentiate time study from work sampling. Discuss steps required for conducting work sampling. (b) Why is assembly line important in mass production ? Explain with the help of suitable example the balancing of assembly lines.

  752 Hits
752 Hits

Ms-53 December, 2009 Production/Operations Management

December, 2009

MS-53 : Production/Operations Management


1. (a) What factors have contributed to the increased emphasis on faster product development and introduction ?

(b) A manufacturing firm has three proposals for a product. Either it can be purchased from an outside vendor at Rs. 4.00 per unit or it can be manufactured in-plant. There are two alternatives for in-plant manufacturing. Either a fully automatic unit is procured, involving fixed cost of Rs. 30,000 and variable cost of Rs. 2.75 per unit. Alternatively, a semi-automatic unit would cost Rs. 20,000 as fixed cost and Rs. 3.00 per unit as variable cost. Draw a break-even chart for these alternatives. Suggest range of production - volume suited for these alternatives.

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  904 Hits
904 Hits

Ms-53 June, 2010 Production/Operations Management

June, 2010

Ms-53 : Production/Operations Management

1(a) Why did JIT approach evolve in Japan and not in Western Countries ? Also compare the vendor relations before and after the installation of JIT approach.

(b) Compare and contrast 'Push' type of production system with 'Pull' type of production system and justify which one is better and in what environment ?

2.(a) Discuss the issues in materials management to be considered important by the management of any manufacturing organisation.

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  840 Hits
840 Hits

Ms-53 December, 2011 Production/Operations Management

December, 2011

Ms-53 : Production/Operations Management


1.  (a)  What are the important elements of JIT manufacturing ? How does JIT system eliminate waste, enforce continuous improvement ? What are the benefits of JIT manufacturing ?

(b)  A company is producing certain type of  circuit breakers. The fixed cost of land building, etc, is Rs 40,000. The variable cost is Rs. 10 per unit production. If the sales price of the product is Rs. 20 per unit, what should be the minimum production level ? If the firm is operating at present so that production is 8000 units what is the firms profit ?

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  864 Hits
864 Hits

Ms-53 December 2012 Production Operations Management

December, 2012

Ms-53 : Production Operations Management

1. (a) Define Operations Management. Identify its various components. Explain why operations management is multidiciplinary and how it becomes more effective ?

(b) Explain Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and how is this used by TQM Organizations ?

2. (a) Describe how leadership by top management is the driver of quality. Use appropriate examples relevant to industry in the context of either auto or IT industry.

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  872 Hits
872 Hits

Ms-53 June, 2011 Production/Operations Management

June, 2011

MS-53 : Production/Operations Management


1.  (a) Draw a systems view diagram of any service  organization of your choice. Identify its various components. Explain its interdisciplinary nature.

(b) What are the major characteristics of a Production systems ? Discuss some of its upcoming issues that provide economies in production and efficiency in the performance of the system.

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  872 Hits
872 Hits
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