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MS 55 JUNE 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-55 : LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT . 1. (a) "SCM is viewed as a system that links an enterprise with its customers and suppliers"-Elaborate! (b) Discuss the strategies included in Efficient Consumer Response (ECR). 2. (a) Briefly describe the main factors that contribute towards Bullwhip effect in the Supply Chain. (b) Explain the parallels between Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). 3. (a) Under which information categories a Supply Chain can be categorized ? Give examples of information contained in them. (b) What do you understand by DRP II ? How is it different from DRP ? MS-55 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) Discuss the ethical aspects of Customer Profitability analysis. (b) Describe the perspective based measurement system to measure the performance of the supply chain. 5. (a) What is Fleet Sizing ? How can it be regulated and minimized ? (b) Discuss the interdependence of location decisions and distribution decisions. How does this affect the efficiency of the supply chain ?

  727 Hits
727 Hits

Ms-55 December, 2009 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

December, 2009

Ms-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management

1(a) Define value. Use Porter's value chain to explain how logistics helps organizations in deriving competitive advantage ?

(b) What do you understand by Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) ? State some of the strategies that are followed in implementation of ECR.

2a) Explain the concept of Push based supply chain and Pull based supply chain. What is a push-pull strategy ?

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887 Hits

Ms-55 June, 2010 Logistics And Supply Chain Management

June, 2010

MS-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management

1(a) Every organisation has to move materials to support its operations. What do service companies like Internet service providers move ? Is the concept of supply chain relevant for these companies ?

(b) The root cause of the problems faced by many supply chains is a mismatch between the type of product and the type of supply chain. Explain this statement in context of demand of the product.

2(a) What do you understand by "Bullwhip effect" ? Mention some factors that contribute towards bullwhip effect. Also suggest some method by which one can reduce this effect.

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871 Hits

Ms-55 June, 2011 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

June, 2011

Ms-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management

1.  (a) Discuss the goals of a supply chain and explain the impact of supply chain decisions on the success of a firm.

(b) Describe the supply chain for a paper manufacturing organization.

2.  (a)  What is more important - inbound or outbound logistics in a supply chain ? Why ?

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  865 Hits
865 Hits

Ms-55 December, 2011 Logistics and Supply Chain Management

December, 2011

MS-55 : Logistics and Supply Chain Management

1. (a)   What are the primary responsibilities of logistics group and marketing group within an organization ? Why there is a conflict between the two ?

(b) State some of the strategies that are followed in implementation of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR).

2. (a)  What are the reasons for variability in the supply chain ? Discuss the methods of reducing variability.

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885 Hits

Ms-55 December, 2012 Logistics And Supply Chain Management

December, 2012

Ms-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management

1. (a) Describe the evolution of Supply Chain Concept. What in your opinion is the most important stage?

(b) How can customer service be improved by proper implementation of SCM?

2. (a) What are the reasons for variability in the supply chain? Explain in detail with relevant examples.

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  876 Hits
876 Hits

Ms-55 June, 2013 Logistics And Supply Chain Management

June, 2013

Ms-55 : Logistics And Supply Chain Management

1. (a) What is Physical Distribution Management ? Describe its components.

(b) Elucidate the "total approach" to Physical Distribution Management.

2. (a) What is more important - Inbound or Outbound logistics in a supply chain ?

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