Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

MS 66 JUNE 2015


Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a) Explain the scope of Marketing Research function giving suitable examples.

 (b) Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research designs.

 2. CAT (Common Admission Test) is used as a criterion to select students for admission to the IIMs. Apart from IIMs, many other management institutes also select candidates on the basis of CAT. Various CAT coaching institutes offer coaching to CAT aspirants. PQL limited wants to consider the option of entering the CAT coaching business and approached you to conduct a Marketing Research for the same. Design a questionnaire you would use for this research-to help you study students awareness, perception, decision criteria and satisfaction with current institutes.
MS-66 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Explain with examples, the four types of primary scales used for measurement in
Marketing Research.
(b) What are the various methods used for data collection in Marketing Research ? Explain
any two of them in detail.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Projective Techniques
(b) Multi Dimensional Scaling
(c) Random vs. Non-Random sampling techniques
(d) Problems in conducting Marketing Research in India
(e) Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

MS 68 JUNE 2015
MS 65 JUNE 2015


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