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M.B.A. (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS) annamalai university

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator andconduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of businessmanagers. How do they know how well their department, institution ororganization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria forassessing effectiveness and efficiency?2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in yourlocality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers ofsubordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of theorganizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management inthe organization.3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction andproductivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is notnecessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out thesituations under which each statement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and actionis the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and otherfunctions with real life examples.1.2 INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING1. Make out a trial balance with imaginary figures. Draw the profit and LossAccount and Balance sheets from in trial balance which you have constituted.2. Price differences in different geographic segments make international accountinga challenging Endeavour. How experts overcome this challenge?3. Analyze the recent trends in harmonizing financial reporting efforts taken bysuper national organizations.4. Internationalization of accounting profession is the need for the hour –Substantiate your answer with examples.1.3 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS1. ‘Negative balance of trade creates so many problems in developing countries'.Examine these statements on India’s point of view with suitable examples.2. Export from India is helpful to correct the disequilibrium in the balance ofpayments position in India, give your views and justify with examples.3. “The changes in both supply and demand conditions influence a country’sinternational terms of trade and volume of trade”. Justify it with suitableexamples.4. Illustrate how the tariffs, quotas and subsidies affect domestic markets, and alsoidentify the winners, losers and net country welfare effects of protection.31.4 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT1. Define international business environment how does the home countryenvironment influence foreign business operation of a firm? Explain?2. There is a view that the future of world trade is going to be one of trade amongtrade blocks rather than trade among nations. Give reasons for your answer.3. Imagine that you are an engineer who has been offered a job as the CEO of alarge American MNC based in Dubai. What are the important cross culturalissues you are likely to face and how would you resolve them?4. Why are Japanese businesses worried about the EU-South Korea free tradeagreement? Why are Japanese Policy markers trying to sign a similar deal withthe EU? Discuss in the detail.1.5 FOREIGN POLICY OF INDIA1. “Major global powers influenced the foreign policy of India-Now India isgradually gaining momentum to influence the foreign polices of major powers”.Elucidate.2. Explain the association between India and UNO. How can India play a vital rolein the policy formulation mechanism of the UNO?3. Assume that you are Fidel Castro, What kind of trade relationship with theUnited States would be in your interest? What type would be willing to accept?4. What are some of the major factors that have influenced the yen/ dollarexchange rate in the past decade? Have different factors become more importantat different times? If so, which ones?1.6 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND E-COMMERCE1. Ethical dimensions of IT are often neglected, which lead to complications inbusinesses. Explain in brief, the ethical and social dimensions of IT.2. Assume that you are the design engineer of a retail company. The companywants to automate the payment system. What are the factors that you wouldconsider while designing the electronic payment system?3. Innovation in Information Technology has changed the way people think. Listout the major features of this innovation and how these features can be used todevelop a marketing strategy for the target market.4. Whilst e-commerce related activities have grown substantially over the last fewyears, some consumers are still unwilling to accept the on-line self service ecommerce business model. Explain why such a reluctance to accept it.41.7 COMMUNICATION FOR GLOBAL MANAGERS1. Assuming you are a Chief Personnel Manager of a leading MNC, draft a lettercalling a candidate for an interview in reply to his application for the position ofChief Financial Executive.2. Assume yourself as a Customer Relationship manager of a bank. You havereceived a letter from your customers who have complained to you about therude behaviour of a computer clerk. Since the customer is an important person,write a letter to convince the customer.3. Define Agenda. Prepare an agenda for a newly started public organization andexplain the basic components of an agenda.4. “You have recently joined a branch of a company as its manager. Write a reportto the head office on the defects in the routine work of the branch in detail”?1.8 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR1. Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiate yourviews.2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quote withrelevant corporate examples.3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioral perspective.4. “Organisational development involves the development of organization in thelight of its future expansion plan”. Elaborate your views.

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Annamalai university all assignments

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator and conductinterview and then ask them how their job differs from that of business managers.How do they know how well their department, institution or organization isperforming, since profit is probably not one of the criteria for assessing effectivenessand efficiency?2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in your locality andask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers of subordinatessupervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the organizational hierarchy?What really determines the span of management in the organization?3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction and productivity: ahappy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is not necessarily a productiveone. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out the situations under which eachstatement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and action isthe essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and other functionswith real life examples.1.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales forcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments1.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of a EBITEPS analysis.2. The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in orderto take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the help ofsuitable illustration.3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders. – Comment4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to knowthe sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to docredit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentratedto avoid non-payment.31.4 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM1. Create an ER diagram for the loan management system of a finance company.Loans are given on the purchase of various items with different interest rates.The company keeps track of defaulters and taken appropriate steps againstthem. Make and state suitable assumption (if any).2. Draw a net sketch to indicate the architecture of a distributed data base system forcollege administration process with an example. Explain the various forms of datafragmentation used in DDB.3. Develop a conceptual data model for a hospital information system and write aPL/SQL program using oracle to perform the following tasks.a) Print the patient – details according to room wise.b) Print the patient – details according to disease wise.c) Print the patient – details according to the doctors attending them.(Assume your own tables and fields)4. Consider the following relational schemaAccount (A/C No., branch name, balance)Loan (Loan No., A/C No.)Depositor (Customer Name, A/C No.)Borrower (Customer Name, Loan No.)Write queries in SQL for the following.a) Find all loan number for loan made at Thanjavur branch.b) Find all customers who have both a loan and an account in the bank at eachbank.c) Find the number of depositors in each branch1.5 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupationalinterests that you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i. Secretaryii. Engineeriii. Web Designer4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i. Chemical Engineerii. Plant Manageriii. Used car sales forceiv. First-line supervisor.Examine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.41.6 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM1. Discuss MIS strategies that companies in the electricity utilities industry couldemploy to achieve a competitive advantage.2. “The best way to reduce systems development costs is to use applicationsoftware packages or fourth-generation tools”. Do you agree or disagree?Substantiate your answer.3. Adopting an enterprise application is a key business decision as well as atechnology decision. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your views.4. Discuss in detail the activities involved in the development of e-commerce basedInformation System in a retail sector.1.7 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT1. a) How an user can be involved in defining a project? Explain.b) Identify the milestones in a project schedules plan. Discuss the difficulties inpreparing the plan.2. a) Compare the initial and final schedule of a project with an example.b) How weak quality in a project can be anticipated? Justify your answer.3. a) Discuss the relationships that exist among activities. Give examples.b) How to create the activity responsibility matrix? Give its importance.4. a) Discuss the vendor management tools in project.b) Explain the various attributes of successful leader.1.8 FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING1. How a financial statement helps the investors and creditors for a service basedcompany and manufacturing company. Give your views by taking any of the onecompany of your choice on both the sector.2. Identify the financial ratio on which type of Managerial of retail stores adopted.Further analyse the various importance of those ratio and give your views. Howit will help the retail store.3. Discuss various applications of the Break Even Chart. Enumerate the variouscriticism usually levelled against Break Even Charts. Differentiate how thisBreak Even chart helps the service sector and manufacturing sector.4. From the following particulars, prepare the Balance Sheet of Sri Mohan Ram.Current Ratio -- 2Working Capital -- Rs. 4,00,000Capital block to Current Assets -- 3:2Fixed Asset to turnover -- 1:3Sales Cash / Credit -- 1:2Stock Velocity -- 2 monthsCreditor’s velocity -- 2 monthsDebtor’s velocity -- 3 monthsCapital block Net Profit -- 10% of turnoverDebentures / Share Capital -- 1:2Gras Profit Ratio -- 25% (to Sales)Reserves -- 2.5% of turnover

2.1 E-COMMERCE1. Give the skeleton of the design of a virtual library system for the UGC.2. “E-commerce is a boom to the corporate world” – Comment.3. Compare the communication system in traditional business and on-line business.4. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in E-Commerce.2.2 E-COMMERCE: APPLICATION AND SECURITIES1. Elucidate the management challenges and issues in online Banking.2. Outline the various needs of security in E-Commerce Industry.3. Narrate the characteristics of supply chain management in E-Commerce and itsapplication in software.4. Elaborate the various forces influencing the growth of E-Commerce.2.3 INTERNET AND JAVA PROGRAMMING1. Write a java program for college admission system with AWT packages andhandle its events using their modules.2. Discuss the java database connectivity. Write an AWT program to explain JDBCconnectivity for employee payroll calculation.3. Explain in detail the Applet life cycle. Write a program to show the working ofevery function in Applet. Discuss how Applets are virus free.4. What are exceptions? Discuss various types of exceptions in JAVA programming.How can you handle them? Write JAVA code to handle your own exception.2.4 ADVANCED WEB DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN TOOLS1. Design and develop a website using ASP .NET MVC 4, EF, Knockoutis andBootstrap for an online trading company.2. Design a website on your own and discuss the following for developing yourwebsite:(a) Identify which type of website you will design – personal, organizational orcommercial. Write a brief paragraph describing the website’s overall purposeand its targeted audience. Create a name for your website.(b) List at least three general goals for your website. List elements in addition totext – photos, music, animation, and so forth – that you could include onyour general goals.(c) Identify the design tools you expect to use to develop your website.(d) Identify an available domain name and URL for your website. Research tomake sure it is available.33. Design and develop a website for a MNC and describe the following:(a) Identify the element(s) that you could include on your website that wouldconvey to its audience that the website’s content is current.(b) Identify the connectivity tools you will use to encourage users to publish orpromote your content and explain how you will use them.(c) Identify ways you can promote interactivity at your website.(d) Create an appropriate tag line for your website and describe how youwill use it in the website’s design.(e) Describe how you plan to use basic design principles to enhance yourwebsite’s usability.4. Use any one of the search engine to search for websites for network marketingcompanies and describe the following process: (a) Open each website in adifferent tab; (b) Review the privacy and data security issues and tools discussedat each website; and (c) Explain how you would use this information to ensurethe privacy of visitors’ information and the security of visitors’ data at yourwebsite.2.5 ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING1. Rank the various ERP packages in the order of their market share. Give suitablesuggestions for your ranking.2. Carry out a study of EPC as adopted by SAP and show how it complements theGeneric Modeling Technique.3. Is IRP implementation same as ERP packages implementation? Give reasons foryour answer with suitable example.4. Discuss about the organization with ERP and organization without ERP. Whichtype of organization is better? Substantiate your views.2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviorto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.42.7.1 GLOBAL MARKETING1. Discuss the euro dollar market with international liquidity and role of SDRS.2. Explain the different positioning strategies consider any four home applianceitems and discuss the positioning strategies adopted by the global marketers.3. An international company is planning to introduce an ultra modern luxury car.How will you develop this new product? Explain.4. Discuss the cultures and ethical issues that affect the global trade with suitableexample.2.7.2 STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN1. How can CASE tools be used to support requirements determination? Whichtypes of CASE tools are appropriate for use during requirements determination?Explain.2. With examples, explain how interfaces and dialogues are designed.3. Elaborate the essential phases of system development life cycle. For each phase,describe its purpose, inputs and outputs.4. What are the various ways of process modeling done to software system design?Explain with illustration. M.B.A. – 2ND YEAR – Assign

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