Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

annamalai university second year

2.1 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “Do you think Inter-country difference affect Human resource practice” –Substantiate your views.2. “International staffing is as similar as staffing practices done in domestic” –Discuss in detail.3. Give two specific examples of MNC of your choice near you. Compare its HRpractice with any public or private organization of your country.4. How does appraising an expatriate’s performance differ from appraising that of ahome office manager? How would you avoid some of the unique problems ofappraising the expatriate’s performance? Explain.2.2 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. An Indian company wants to enter into international markets. The companydecided to involve another company in the foreign country. Explain the mode ofentry where the involvement of foreign country is possible and state in whichsituations each of them is suitable.2. Why does direct investment in foreign market attend marketers the greatestdegree of control over international marketing activities? Explain with liveexamples.3. How can an organisation determine its best option for entering an internationaltrade agreement such as NAFTA and international governing organisations suchas WTO have on decisions to expand internationally?4. Formulate competitive market entry strategies that leverage the advantages ofinternational operations.2.3 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Consider any two Indian Companies of your choice. One Company is manufacturingpetrochemicals in India and sells them in global markets in competition withGerman, American and Japanese firms. The other manufactures and exportspickles and Indian Spices to Europe and Middle East competing with other firms,which either import these products from India or manufacture them in India andsell in the same markets. Which of these two firms faces the more severe operatingexposure to exchange rates? Discuss in detail.2. In the absence of a common currency throughout the world, a series of problemsmay arise in International Cash Management.” What are those problems? Howcan those problems are overcome.3. An export company wants to raise capital from international markets. What arethe basic considerations the firm should take into account while making thisinternational financing decision? Discuss.4. A country’s current account balance is equal to its private savings surplus minus itsgovernment budget deficit. Assume that a country has a current account surplus of$ 10,000, a government budget deficit of $ 1,500, and private savings of $ 12,000.What is the country’s investment? Is the country saving more or less than is neededto finance its investment and budget deficit? Explain in detail.32.4 LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT1. You are assigned the position of Chief Manager in a logistics company located atMumbai. You have customer all over India. Your responsibility is to collect thegoods from various sources and export it from the nearest port. How do you dothe operation, and explain the problems you may face during the logisticaloperations?2. Assume that you are a warehouse designer. Mr. Adithya has decided toconstruct a warehouse in the central part of the state. Counsel Mr. Adithya indesigning the warehouse with different sizes and shapes and explain itsrelationship with material-handling system. Suggest the reason for constructingsquare design warehouse and rectangular design warehouse.3. A Multinational FMCG company is going to enter India, next year which has itsnetwork in more than 20 countries across the world. The company is planningto have its business throughout India. You are appointed as logistics manager ofthat company. As a Logistic manager, how do you support the company inachieving customer satisfaction which is one of the key objectives of thecompany? You can quote strategies from currently operating FMCG companies.4. Since tough competition is going on in the market in all the fields, devicestrategies to face competition of chain of Pharmacies. Explain your views basedon logistics management.2.5 GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Several CEO’s of larger Corporations in recent times are forced to resign whenthey are unable to deliver Superior performance. Discuss this in the light ofnuances of strategy execution.2. How MC Kinsey’s 7s frameworks can be used to evaluate the fit betweenorganizational strategies during implementation?3. “Social audit is defined as it is a systematic study about an organization’sperformance with regard to the society or environment and to be distinguishedfrom the economic benefits derived out of its performance” – What will be thereason for social audit needed under Global management system or process?4. What have been DELL competitive advantages in the Global industry? Howtransferable are those competitive advantages across boards?42.6 INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES AND DOCUMENTATION1. What are the various measures taken by the Global organization like UnitedNations organization in the matter of (a) Trade & Commerce (b) peace andTranquility in the world (c) Nuclear disarmament (d) Disaster management(e) poverty eradication (f) Terrorism (g) Literacy with particular reference toCountry level is functions with functionaries.2. What are our foreign policies with USA & UK and how they different from otherEuropean Countries and neighboring countries in Asia.3. What are the various alternatives available to an expected from the view point ofrealizing export proceeds? Arrange than in order of safety. What are the risksassociated with each of these alternatives?4. Elaborate on the various regulatory and commercial documents used in export?Highlight the functions of these documents.2.7.1 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1. “Observational studies in which the subjects are not first informed that theirbehavior is being observed are unethical.” – Comment2. Sweet cookies are planning to launch a new line of cookies and want to assessthe market size. The cookies have a mixed Chocolate-Pineapple flavor and will betargeted at the premium end of the market. Discuss the six W’s of a descriptiveresearch design that may be adopted.3. Coca Cola is considering introducing very small bottles of its product to Brazil.These would cost less than bottled water. Discuss whether or not the companyshould do so.4. A college student has just purchased a new Apple iPad. What factors mightcause the student to experience post-purchase dissonance? How might thestudent try to overcome it? How can the retailer who sold the computer helpreduce the student is dissonance? How can the computer’s manufacturer help?2.7.2 EXPORT AND IMPORT FINANCE1. “India has adequate institutional infrastructure available for exports”. Justifythe statement explain2. Analyse India’s current foreign trade. What are the suggestive measures provided inthe current export import policy 2009-2015 to improve the foreign trade?3. Suppose you are a manager of an Export – Import firm. Develop an EDI plan foryour organization.4. Super Chip Company is a manufacturer of computer chips that are used incomputer aided manufacturing equipment. Super chip products are the bestavailable and in many cases the only product that meets certain specifications.Therefore, the demand for its components is high. The company has been inbusiness for more than ten years and has established an excellent reputation foron-time delivery. What method of payment would you expect is most often usedby buyers of super chip company products? Justify your response.

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