MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2014 MS-1 : MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) There are two Sections, A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks. (iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
1. What managerial skills are required at different levels of management and why ? Briefly describe the roles of top level executives in an organisation. Explain with suitable examples.
2. Explain the concept of MBO. Describe its key features. Critically analyse the extent of feasibility and usefulness of MBO in present day business scenario.
3. How do conflicts get generated in an organisational situation ? How does it impact the group behaviour and functioning of the organisation ? Explain with relevant examples.