EDUCATION AND ITS NATUREQUESTION:-1. Prepare lists of educational aims for different levels of school education. Compare your aims with aims of education in a democratic set-up. Also, find out in what ways these aims can take care of individual and social interests.2. The spiritual, developmental and the social mould of education are actuallycomplementary to each other. Comment.3. Find out how school education today helps individual development and social progress.4. Do you feel that education in India today has been able to strike the right balancebetween coercion, persuasion and modelling? How?
AGENClES OF EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. Visit a nearby home and discuss with parents how they are contributing to the educationof their children. Evaluate the behaviour of parents in the light of their understandingof their children.2. Visit a school in your vicinity and discuss with teachers and students the variousactivities being organised which facilitate children's growth and development.3. List the different kinds of, media available in the cornrnunity/school and evaluate whetherthese are properly and adequately being, utilized for children's education.
PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. What is Plato's conception of curriculum? How can its elements be brought intomodern curriculum construction?2. Do you think philosophical basis is inherent in modern Indian education? Discuss withthe help of your experiences as a teacher.3. How important is the study of philosophy of education for a teacher? How does it helpto solve the day-to-day problems that the teacher faces in the classroom?4. Collect material on the life of eminent philosophers, and analyse how their ideas andthoughts have been affected by their circumstances.5. How much is experience important for the educand and the educator? Is experience thebasis of all knowledge and learning?6. As a teacher, what do you feel would be the optimum philosophical combination in amodern teacher-learning situation?
DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES IN EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. Keeping in view the present status of democracy in India, suggest some ways andmeans of qualitative democratization of education.2. What are your suggestions for introducing the true spirit of democracy in our educational institutions?3. What should be the role of teachers and students in the "Education for All" Project?How Fan every member of the educated community assist in making this programmea success?4. How can students' participation in the management of school and colleges be mademaximally useful?5. How can our schools train students in citizenship?6. Collect materials pertaining to Total Literacy Campaigns in the country. Suggest waysof making these programmes more effective.