Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

MS-1 December, 2015

December, 2015 MS-1 : MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100(Weightage 70%) Note : (i) There are two Sections : A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks. (iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. SECTION - A 1. What skills a manager would require as he moves from middle to top management level ? Explain with rationale and relevant examples. 2. Why do organisations feel the need for identifying and evaluating possible alternative courses of action for accomplishing organizational objectives ? Describe various means for generating alternative courses of action. Explain with relevant examples. 3. What is Delegation ? What are the basic elements of delegation of authority and problems faced in doing so in an organisation ? Explain with examples. 4. What is the relevance of inter-personal competencies in the management of an organisation ? Briefly discuss the determinants of inter-personal behaviour with the help of relevant examples. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Managerial Values and Ethos. (b) Individual Vs Group Decision making. (c) MIS. (d) Successful Vs Effective leader. (e) Resistance to change.

SECTION - B 6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

 Ms. Renu had graduated with a degree in foreign languages. As the child of a military family, she had visited many parts of the world and had travelled extensively in Europe. Despite these broadening experiences, she had never given much thought to a career until her recent divorce.

Needing to provide her own income, Ms. Renu began to look for work. After a fairly intense but unsuccessful search for a job related to her foreign language degree, she began to evaluate her other skills. She had become a proficient typist in college and decided to look into secretarial work. Although she still wanted a career utilizing her foreign language skills, she felt that the immediate financial pressures would be eased in a temporary secretarial position.

Within a short period of time, she was hired as a clerk/typist in a typing pool at Life Insurance Company. Six months later, she became the top  typist in the pool and was assigned as secretary to Mrs. Khan, Manager of marketing research. She was pleased to get out of the pool and to get a job that had more variety in the tasks to perform. Besides, she also got a nice raise in pay.

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