MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 00 C Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-52 : PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. (a)Briefly describe the three distinct phases of the development process through which a typical project goes. (b) What is the need of demand forecasting ? Discuss various levels of demand forecasting. 2.(a) Explain the concept of Total slack, Free slackand Independent slack. Also give formula for their computation. (b) Justify the statement :"Meticulous management of activities on the critical path is crucial to completing projects on time". MS-52 1 P.T.O. 3. (a) What is a matrix organisation ? What are the advantages of this organisation design when used for Project Management ? (b) "Effective management of materials and equipment play a vital role in Project Management". Comment ! 4. (a) How can computers help in monitoring and control of projects ? Discuss. (b) Describe the objectives of commissioning of projects. Name two ways of handling commissioning in large organisations. How are Cybernetics concepts applied in Project Management ? Explain.Mention some of the pre-requisites for asuccessful project.
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