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MS 57 JUNE 2015


MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-57 : MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT   1. (a) What is maintenance ? What are the objectives of maintenance department ? Discuss. (b) Discuss measures to be taken to improve safety in maintenance. Give examples relevant to manufacturing. 2. (a) What is maintainability ? Discuss different elements of maintainability. Explain its relationship to availability. (b) What is the importance of Maintenance Budgeting ? Give the advantages of Zero Based Budgeting.

 3 (a)What is Terotechnology ? How is it related to maintenance management ? (b)What is codification ? What is its significance in maintenance spare parts management ? What are the advantages ofcodification ? MS-57 1 P.T.O.

 4. (a) Distinguish between process FMEA and design FMEA. Also discuss the merits and demerits of FMEA.

(b) List and explain the costs associated with equipment breakdown.

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