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MS-22 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2015 MS-22 : HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Each question carries 20 marks. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. SECTION – A

1. "With global economy and the world becoming a global village, the business enterprises have became extremely cautious of the need for hiring competent human resources and developing core competencies for every organisation." Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concept and process, with example.

2. What is Action Research ? How does it differ from OD ? Discuss the important factors to be considered in development of internal self-renewal facilitators, with suitable examples.

3. How does HRD Audit help development process of an organisation ? Explain the concept and discuss how HRD Audit is conducted in an organisation. 4. How does HRD help managing technological changes ? Discuss the role of HRD in developing the changed mindset. Justify with suitable example.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) 360 0 Appraisal (b) Mentoring (c) Role of Trade Unions in HRD (d) Career Transition and Choices (e) Horizontal re-skilling

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