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MS 54 JUNE 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination c■ I June, 2015 O MS-54 : MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS   1. (a) What are the typical functional information subsystems in an organisation ? Distinguish between physical structure and conceptual structure of information system. (b) Explain a system. Why 'Systems' view is needed for organisational information needs ? 2. (a) Describe the various stages of a system development life cycle. How are the efforts distributed over these phases ? (b) Explain how problems in real-time scheduling are resolved ? 3. (a) Discuss the methods used in data back-up and recovery. Why is it so important ? (b) Discuss 'peopleware' in information technology. MS-54 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) What are 'multiplexers'and `concentrators' ? Explain the main functions of data communication software. (b) Describe the main disadvantages of separately developing application systems and their associated data files. 5. (a) Why should an organisation be careful about placing over reliance on "benchmark" tests in selecting a DBMS ? (b) Explain how the computer has affected the individual in his life style and thinking ?

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