Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects


MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM1 Mention the skills required to be an entrepreneur ?2 Define management. Discuss the various management iszues in tourism?3 Define the {ollowing in about 100 words each :(i) Business Traveller(ii) Balance Sheet(iii) Projgct Appraisal(iv) Controlling4 Discuss the steps you would take to plan a convention?5 Discuss the relevance of public relations in tourism business?6 What do you understand by Human Resource Management ? Discuss its importance for tourism organisations?7 Write an essay on food service management ?8 How has information technology changed the management functions in tourism? Answer with examples.9 Discuss the significance of management concept and the roles and responsibilities of a manager in present day competitive and multinationalbusiness environment.?10 What kind of qualities are required to become a successful Entrepreneurship in Tourism ?11 Discuss the various views related to organisation structures?12 What is Transactional Analysis ? Discuss its importance in relation of Tourism Business?13 Write a note on Human Resource Management in Tourism ?14 Discuss the role of I.T. on the various sectors tourism. Give relevant examples ?15 Discuss the essential components of a tour package?16 Discuss the role of Public Relation in tourism.?17 Do you think Low Cost Carriers in India can survive for long ? Give your opinion with relevant examples.18 "Convention is an integral part of modern tourism business." Comment ?19 Discuss the role of small and Medium Enterprises in economic growth of a country?20 Discuss the important management issues involved in tourism trade.21 What are the various steps involved in planning ? Discuss with reference to a tourismorganisation.22 Discuss the importance of interpersonal behaviour in tourism business?23 Write short notes (any two) :(a) Ego States(b) Life Position(c) Recruitment(d) Selection Process24 What are the different components of Marketing Mix in tourism ? Which one would you recommend for Indian Tourism ?25 . Write short notes (any two) :(a) Profit and Loss statement(b) Balance Sheet(c) Profitability Analysis(d) Break Even Point26 Differentiate between tour operator and travel agent. What are the various linkages in travel trade ?27 Discuss the importance of Public Relation in Tourism ?28 How do you foresee the future of Convention Industry in India ?29 Define Management. Mention the roles and responsibilities of a Manager in a tourismorganisation?30 Why is decision making important in tourism trade ? Discuss the steps involved in decision making.31 Explain Conflict. Discuss how conflict influence inter-group relations and group performance ?32 Discuss the importance of human resource management in tourism ?33 Write an essay on sources of finance?34 As a manager, what type of briefings would you give to your subordinates for the smooth conduct of a tour ?35 Analyse various issues related to tourism transport management?36 What are the managerial tasks involved in organising conventions ?37 Explain the responsibilities of a tour manager in conducting a tour?38 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :(a) Management issues in hotels(b)Public relations in Tourism(c) Profitability analysis

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