Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects


BASICS OF THERMAL ENGINEERING(1) Define a steam turbine and state its fields of application(2) State the methods of increasing the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle.(3) State the First Law of Thermodynamics and prove that for a non-flow process, it leads to the energy equation Q = AU + W(4) Define a steam condenser and state its fields of application.(5) Explain briefly the zeroth law of Thermodynamics.(6) Describe in brief the "bleeding of steam turbine".(7) Derive an expression for heat loss in kJ/ m2-hr through a composite wall of layers without considering convective heat transfer co-efficients.(8) Discuss the need for cooling towers and cooling ponds. How are cooling towers classified ?(9) Enumerate the comparison between 'Fire-tube and Water-tube' boilers.(10) Describe in brief the three modes of heat transfer. Which is the slowest of all?(11) Briefly explain the ash handling disposal circuit of a Thermal Power Plant.(12) What do you understand by the 'Clausius Statement of second law of Thermodynamics' ?(13) Describe in brief the various non-conventional energy sources.(14) What are the different types of solar water heating systems ?

  1384 Hits
1384 Hits


BASICS OF THERMAL ENGINEERING(1) Define a steam turbine and state its fields of application(2) State the methods of increasing the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle.(3) State the First Law of Thermodynamics and prove that for a non-flow process, it leads to the energy equation Q = AU + W(4) Define a steam condenser and state its fields of application.(5) Explain briefly the zeroth law of Thermodynamics.(6) Describe in brief the "bleeding of steam turbine".(7) Derive an expression for heat loss in kJ/ m2-hr through a composite wall of layers without considering convective heat transfer co-efficients.(8) Discuss the need for cooling towers and cooling ponds. How are cooling towers classified ?(9) Enumerate the comparison between 'Fire-tube and Water-tube' boilers.(10) Describe in brief the three modes of heat transfer. Which is the slowest of all?(11) Briefly explain the ash handling disposal circuit of a Thermal Power Plant.(12) What do you understand by the 'Clausius Statement of second law of Thermodynamics' ?(13) Describe in brief the various non-conventional energy sources.(14) What are the different types of solar water heating systems ?

  417 Hits
417 Hits


ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING(1) Write and explain various surface and ground water sources.(2) List various factors which are considered before taking a decision on design period of water supply schemes.(3)List and explain in brief various bacteriological tests conducted for the estimation of micro-biological quality of water.(4)List and explain in brief the water treatment processes covered under pre- treatment.(5)Differentiate between coagulation and flocculation(6)With the help of sketches, illustrate various types of layout used in water distribution system.(7)List various appurtenances used in house water supply.(8)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?(9) Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm drainage system.(10)What are different units of sludge treatment ? Draw a flow diagram of it.Also discuss sludge thickening, sludge stabilization and sludge dewatering.(11)Name various ways of final disposal of effluent of sewage treatment plant.(12)Classify wells according to water flow conditions. Explain any one.(13) Classify wells according to method of Constructions. Explain tube well with neat sketch.(14) With the help of a neat sketch, describe the working of a slow sand filter. Also discuss its relative advantages and disadvantages over rapid sand filters.(15)List various types of pipes and pipe joints which are used for water supply system. Describe with the help of neat sketch, two types of joints.(16)What do you understand by corrosion in pipes ? What are the reasons of corrosion? What are the remedial methods ?(17)Discuss the working principle of activated sludge process. Draw a flow diagram in schematic form of waste water treatment plant that includes activated sludge process.(18)With the help of a flow diagram describe the working of Aerobic Sludge Digester. Also discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic sludge digestion process.(19) Define average per capita demand of water and discuss the factors affecting it(20) How you will select source of water for water supply schemes ? Discuss(21) What do you understand by the term, "Water Borne Disease" ? Name one water borne disease under each category of bacterial viral and protozoa origin.(22)How should water sample be collected for laboratory examinations ? Explain in brief(23)What is water softening ? Explain any three methods of water softening(24)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?(25)Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm drainage system.(26) What do you understand by terms Sludge Bulking and F/M ratio ? Dlscuss the importance with reference to wastewater treatment.

  698 Hits
698 Hits


ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING(1) Write and explain various surface and ground water sources.(2) List various factors which are considered before taking a decision on design period of water supply schemes.(3)List and explain in brief various bacteriological tests conducted for the estimation of micro-biological quality of water.(4)List and explain in brief the water treatment processes covered under pre- treatment.(5)Differentiate between coagulation and flocculation(6)With the help of sketches, illustrate various types of layout used in water distribution system.(7)List various appurtenances used in house water supply.(8)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?(9) Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm drainage system.(10)What are different units of sludge treatment ? Draw a flow diagram of it.Also discuss sludge thickening, sludge stabilization and sludge dewatering.(11)Name various ways of final disposal of effluent of sewage treatment plant.(12)Classify wells according to water flow conditions. Explain any one.(13) Classify wells according to method of Constructions. Explain tube well with neat sketch.(14) With the help of a neat sketch, describe the working of a slow sand filter. Also discuss its relative advantages and disadvantages over rapid sand filters.(15)List various types of pipes and pipe joints which are used for water supply system. Describe with the help of neat sketch, two types of joints.(16)What do you understand by corrosion in pipes ? What are the reasons of corrosion? What are the remedial methods ?(17)Discuss the working principle of activated sludge process. Draw a flow diagram in schematic form of waste water treatment plant that includes activated sludge process.(18)With the help of a flow diagram describe the working of Aerobic Sludge Digester. Also discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic sludge digestion process.(19) Define average per capita demand of water and discuss the factors affecting it(20) How you will select source of water for water supply schemes ? Discuss(21) What do you understand by the term, "Water Borne Disease" ? Name one water borne disease under each category of bacterial viral and protozoa origin.(22)How should water sample be collected for laboratory examinations ? Explain in brief(23)What is water softening ? Explain any three methods of water softening(24)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?(25)Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm drainage system.(26) What do you understand by terms Sludge Bulking and F/M ratio ? Dlscuss the importance with reference to wastewater treatment.

  419 Hits
419 Hits






 (1)  Differentiate between end bearing pile and friction pile.

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  747 Hits
747 Hits






 (1)  Differentiate between end bearing pile and friction pile.

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  412 Hits
412 Hits


HEAT POWER TECHNOLOGY1.Classify I. C. engines and sketch two types based on cylinder arrangement2.Name any eight engine components describe head.3.A single cylinder 4 stroke engine has 14 stroke = cylinder diameter = 80 mm. The engine running at 500 rpm produces a torque of 60 Nm at the crankshaft. The indicated mean effective pressure is 2.1 N/mm2. What is the mechanical efficiency of the engine ? Also find friction power.4.Sketch an electronic ignition system for an I. C. engine and bring out differences with battery ignition system.5.Explain why cooling is needed in an engine and what happens if engine is over cooled.6.Name modes of heat transfer and correlate them with engine parts.7.What is constrained motion. Sketch system with constrained motion and incompletely constrained motion. 8.Classify kinematic pairs according to relative motion and type of contact:9.What are different types of power transmission systems and what are theircharacteristics ?10. Draw the diagram of a four-stroke SI engine showing various components11. A single cylinder four-stroke diesel engine 7 has a bore of L50 mm and a stroke of200 mm. when engine runs at 400 rpm., it develops 10 kW. The area of the indicator diagram is 7.25 cm and its maximum length is 6.125 cm. The spring constant is 8 bar /cm. Determine :a) The mean effective pressureb) The indicated power, andc) The mechanical efficiency of the engine12. Explain the working principle of a simple carburator with a neat diagram13. What are the functional requirements of an injection system used in compressionignition engines ? Explain14. State the objectives of super charging an engine. Explain the effect of super charging on engine performance.15. Compare the relative merits and demerits of battery and magneto ignition system16. State the main functions of a spark plug. Draw a neat sketch of a spark plug, andlabel its components17. With a neat diagram, explain briefly the dry sump lubrication system.18. Discuss the relative merits of air cooling and water cooling of internal cumbustionengines

  824 Hits
824 Hits


HEAT POWER TECHNOLOGY1.Classify I. C. engines and sketch two types based on cylinder arrangement2.Name any eight engine components describe head.3.A single cylinder 4 stroke engine has 14 stroke = cylinder diameter = 80 mm. The engine running at 500 rpm produces a torque of 60 Nm at the crankshaft. The indicated mean effective pressure is 2.1 N/mm2. What is the mechanical efficiency of the engine ? Also find friction power.4.Sketch an electronic ignition system for an I. C. engine and bring out differences with battery ignition system.5.Explain why cooling is needed in an engine and what happens if engine is over cooled.6.Name modes of heat transfer and correlate them with engine parts.7.What is constrained motion. Sketch system with constrained motion and incompletely constrained motion. 8.Classify kinematic pairs according to relative motion and type of contact:9.What are different types of power transmission systems and what are theircharacteristics ?10. Draw the diagram of a four-stroke SI engine showing various components11. A single cylinder four-stroke diesel engine 7 has a bore of L50 mm and a stroke of200 mm. when engine runs at 400 rpm., it develops 10 kW. The area of the indicator diagram is 7.25 cm and its maximum length is 6.125 cm. The spring constant is 8 bar /cm. Determine :a) The mean effective pressureb) The indicated power, andc) The mechanical efficiency of the engine12. Explain the working principle of a simple carburator with a neat diagram13. What are the functional requirements of an injection system used in compressionignition engines ? Explain14. State the objectives of super charging an engine. Explain the effect of super charging on engine performance.15. Compare the relative merits and demerits of battery and magneto ignition system16. State the main functions of a spark plug. Draw a neat sketch of a spark plug, andlabel its components17. With a neat diagram, explain briefly the dry sump lubrication system.18. Discuss the relative merits of air cooling and water cooling of internal cumbustionengines

  460 Hits
460 Hits


REFRIGERATION & AIR.CONDITIONING1 Answer any two of the following :(a) List some applications of air conditioning .(b) With a simple sketch explain the working of a vapour compression refrigeration system.(c) Explain briefly some applications for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.2 Answer any two of the following :(a) What is the significance of the Carnot refrigerator ?What are the practical difficulties in devising a Carnot refrigerator ?(b) What is a Cascade Refrigeration System ? Compare this system with multistorage compression and evaporation3 What is the working substance in air conditioning? Would you call it a pure substance ? How do you calculate its molecular mass ?4 Answer any two of the following:(a) Define(i) Dew point temperature(ii) Dry bulb temperature(iii) Wet bulb temperature(b) What do you understund by marine relrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration ?(c) It is proposed to use a reversed Carnot engine as a refrigerator. The unit consumes10 kW power. If the COP is 3.5, determine the refrigeration capacity of the unit.5 Answer any two of the following::(a) What are the important Factors Which govern the choice of a r?frigerant?(b) How do tho following two.factors inflicnco the performance of a vapour-compressioni refngeration system?(1) Suction vapour- superheat(2) Liquid subcooling6 What are the difierent types of compressors ued in industry ? write in short working system of any one type of compressor?7 Define refrigerant. State desirable chemical propeeties of a good refrigetant?8 What are the differences between:(i) Refrigertion and Heat pump system(ii) Natural convection condenser and Forced air circulation condenser(iii) Primary and secondary refrigerants9 Write in brief on Comfort Air-conditioning?10 What do you understand by martine refrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration?11 What are the parameters required to be controlled for air conditioning ?12 How is summer air conditioning different from winter air conditioning ?13 What is the function of condenser in refrigeration system ? Write short notes on air cooled condenser.14 Define primary refrigerant. State thermodynamic properties of a good refrigerant?15 What are the factors contributing to food spoilage ?16 What are the different types of refrigeration systems used for refrigeration trucks and trailers ?17 How do the parts of an ammonia absorption system compare with those of a vapourcompression system ?18 What is ton of refrigeration ? List some applications of air conditioning.19 What do you understand by transport refrigeration ? What types of refrigeration systems are used for transport refrigeration ? Explain with examples.20 What are the various factors which are contributing to food spoilage ? List thecauses of food spoilage.21 What is refrigerating effect ? How refrigeration helps in the preservation offood products ?22 What are the temperature and humidity conditions required for the comfort airconditioning ? Explain.23 What is condenser ? What are the various types of condensers ? Explain working principle of water cooled condenser.24 What is a refrigerant ? List some common refrigerants. Also describe the various desirable properties of Refrigerants.25 What is a ceased refrigeration system ? Compare this system with multistage compression and evaporation systems.26 What are the conditions for Highest COP. Explain the effects on P-h diagram?27 What are different types of condensers used in refrigeration ? Explain the working of Evaporative condenser.28 What are the different types of Evaporators ? Explain in short any one type of Evaporator.29 Discuss the desirable thermodynamic, chemical and physical properties ofrefrigerants.?30 What are different steps in food preservation ?31 Describe various types of Freezers.?

  866 Hits
866 Hits


REFRIGERATION & AIR.CONDITIONING1 Answer any two of the following :(a) List some applications of air conditioning .(b) With a simple sketch explain the working of a vapour compression refrigeration system.(c) Explain briefly some applications for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.2 Answer any two of the following :(a) What is the significance of the Carnot refrigerator ?What are the practical difficulties in devising a Carnot refrigerator ?(b) What is a Cascade Refrigeration System ? Compare this system with multistorage compression and evaporation3 What is the working substance in air conditioning? Would you call it a pure substance ? How do you calculate its molecular mass ?4 Answer any two of the following:(a) Define(i) Dew point temperature(ii) Dry bulb temperature(iii) Wet bulb temperature(b) What do you understund by marine relrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration ?(c) It is proposed to use a reversed Carnot engine as a refrigerator. The unit consumes10 kW power. If the COP is 3.5, determine the refrigeration capacity of the unit.5 Answer any two of the following::(a) What are the important Factors Which govern the choice of a r?frigerant?(b) How do tho following two.factors inflicnco the performance of a vapour-compressioni refngeration system?(1) Suction vapour- superheat(2) Liquid subcooling6 What are the difierent types of compressors ued in industry ? write in short working system of any one type of compressor?7 Define refrigerant. State desirable chemical propeeties of a good refrigetant?8 What are the differences between:(i) Refrigertion and Heat pump system(ii) Natural convection condenser and Forced air circulation condenser(iii) Primary and secondary refrigerants9 Write in brief on Comfort Air-conditioning?10 What do you understand by martine refrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration?11 What are the parameters required to be controlled for air conditioning ?12 How is summer air conditioning different from winter air conditioning ?13 What is the function of condenser in refrigeration system ? Write short notes on air cooled condenser.14 Define primary refrigerant. State thermodynamic properties of a good refrigerant?15 What are the factors contributing to food spoilage ?16 What are the different types of refrigeration systems used for refrigeration trucks and trailers ?17 How do the parts of an ammonia absorption system compare with those of a vapourcompression system ?18 What is ton of refrigeration ? List some applications of air conditioning.19 What do you understand by transport refrigeration ? What types of refrigeration systems are used for transport refrigeration ? Explain with examples.20 What are the various factors which are contributing to food spoilage ? List thecauses of food spoilage.21 What is refrigerating effect ? How refrigeration helps in the preservation offood products ?22 What are the temperature and humidity conditions required for the comfort airconditioning ? Explain.23 What is condenser ? What are the various types of condensers ? Explain working principle of water cooled condenser.24 What is a refrigerant ? List some common refrigerants. Also describe the various desirable properties of Refrigerants.25 What is a ceased refrigeration system ? Compare this system with multistage compression and evaporation systems.26 What are the conditions for Highest COP. Explain the effects on P-h diagram?27 What are different types of condensers used in refrigeration ? Explain the working of Evaporative condenser.28 What are the different types of Evaporators ? Explain in short any one type of Evaporator.29 Discuss the desirable thermodynamic, chemical and physical properties ofrefrigerants.?30 What are different steps in food preservation ?31 Describe various types of Freezers.?

  450 Hits
450 Hits


BACHELOR OF EDUCATIONES-331 : CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Define the term Curriculum. Explain the basic considerations in Curriculum planning.2. Describe Instructional planning. What are the steps involved in it ?3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are various strategies of training to instil teaching skills among teachers ? Describe any one with suitable examples.4. What do you mean by system approach to instruction ? How will you as a teacher, use system approach in teaching secondary school students ? Illustrate your answer with example.5. Answer the following questions. Answer in about 150 words each :(i) What are the different bases of curriculum development ?{ii) What is micro teaching ? How is it different from simulated teaching ?(iii) Describe three characteristics of instructional objectives in behavioural terms, with examples.(iv) What is team teaching ? Discuss its merits and demerits.(v) Differentiate between class-room management and class-room discipline.{vi) Differentiate between norm referenced tests and criterion referenced tests.(vii) Mention the aims and types of project work in brief.6. Answer the following question in out 600 words.After visiting a Learning Resource Centre or Teaching Aids library in a nearby college of education, write a critical report on the status and use of the resource centre.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by the term Curriculum ? Explain the major approaches to Curriculum Development.2. Describe the important activities to be taken for organising interactive session in the class. Illustrate with suitable examples.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning of probing skills ? Explain their uses with examples.4. Explain with examples the various steps involved in preparation of instructional material.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(I) Explain the methods of curriculum evaluation.(ii) What is a resource centre ? Mention the use of resource centre for a teacher.(iii) Explain Hilda Taba Model of Curriculum Development.(iv) Define instructional objectives with their advantages and limitations.(v) Mention the innovative trends in curriculum.(vi) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lecture method.(vii) What do you mean by activity based instruction ? Explain with examples.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.While imparting instruction in your classroom, you must have come across many classroom problems. Describe how did you manage them.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.'The main problems of curriculum are lack of sequence, continuity and integration of content included in curriculum.' Discuss the statement with convincing arguments.2. Describe the components and sub-system of a given instructional system and explain their integration.3. Answer the following ql.restion in about 600 words'Describe as to how the teacher, the student and the environment can function as resources for instruction.4. Discuss the mechanisms of efleclive management of instruction.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Discuss how a well planned curriculum can make teaching and learning more effective.(ii) Discuss the role of different types of reinforcements in classroom teaching.(iii) Describe learner-related factors which influence curriculum developrhent and transaction.(iv) Describe the role of formative evaluation in curriculum development.(v) Identify common defects of teaching through demonstration and suggest suitable measures to remove them.(vi) Fxplain with examples the procedure of conducting group-investigation of a problem.(vii) How will you formulate instructional strategy for your teaching ? Discuss.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words'You have studied about flow-charting the content in Block 3,/ES-331.(i) Analyse the content of a topic of your choice from your discipline/subject and present it through a flow chart.(iil Justify the flow chart you have presented.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you mean by the concept "curriculum emluation" ? Why do we evaluate curriculum ? Discuss.2. Describe with example the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain with examples various teaching skills required for effective teaching at the Secondary/Senior .Secondary School level.4. Discuss with examples the following training strategies :(i) Interaction analysis(ii) Simulation5.. Answer each question in about 150 words(i) How is Tyler's Model of curriculum construction different from Taba's Model ?(ii) Explain the role of various factors to be taken into view while planning a curriculum :(iii) Identify and briefly a<plain the causes that make a given instructional system inefficient.(iv) Dfferentiate between various styles of programmed instruction.(v) Describe the organisation and evaluation of the micro-teaching approach.(vi) Discuss various levels of instruction with the help of examples.(vii) Discuss merits and demerits of activity based instruction.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.You have studied instructional media in Block 4/ES 331. You must have watched/listened to some educational TV /radio programme.o Present an overview of the content, objectives, format and learning outcomes of the programme.o Discuss the rationale for selection of the medium (television or radio).o Suggest measures to improve effectiveness of the programme.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are different viewpoints on the concept of curriculum ? Which one do you prefer most and why ?2. Discuss the organisation of the three types of instructional systems. Describe teacher's role in these systems.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the various types of teacher-based instructional activities, with examples, from the subject that you are teaching.4. Describe various techniques of classroom management which help in better learning outcomes.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) Explain and differentiate between macro-level and micro-level curriculum evaluation.(ii) What are the components of communication system and how are they relevant to classroom instruction ?(iii) Differentiate between simulated teaching and micro teaching.(iv) Write instructional objectives of any topic you have taught in your class with mental abilities involved in them.(v) Discuss the components associated with the skill of stimulus variation.(vi) Briefly describe various instructional resources with special reference to environment as a resource.6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words."You, as a teacher, might have felt that the existing curriculum of secondary or senior secondary school should be need-based and related to socio-economic and political scenario of the society." What are the emerging trends in curriculum for the future so as to produce socially productive citizens ?1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the three major approaches to curriculum development with suitable examples.2. Describe in brief six aspects of a curriculum which determine various approaches of developing it.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the various strategies pertaining to instruction and classroom management required to manage your instructional activities most effectively ?4. Discuss instructional objectives on the basis of Bloom's cognitive system or REIM system.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) Discuss with suitable examples various innovative teaching techniques adopted by a teacher in transacting the curriculum.(ii) What skills are needed to use various media in the teaching-learning process to cater to the individual differences of your students ?(iii) Discuss the role of the teacher in curriculum planning.(iv) Write a short note on Computer-Assisted Instruction.(v) Why are some students non-responsive to the questions asked ? What remedial mechanism is required for such students ?(vi) Identify and briefly explain various resources that could be used to make instruction effective.(vii) Why do the teachers prefer non-projected to projected visual media ? Give suitable examples of both the media.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.During teacher's training programme you are supposed to acquire requisite competencies and skills to teach effectively. State those skills and competencies and explain as to how they are helpful in making an effective teacher.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate among process, structure and humanistic approaches to curriculum.2.Discuss the relative influence of development and social considerations of curriculum planning.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system.4. What do you mean by activity-based instruction ? Discuss its merits and demerits.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words.(i) Discuss the importance of formative evaluation in developing need-based curriculum.(ii) Differentiate learning from instruction. Support your answer with suitable examples.(iii) How will you assess the effectiveness of the lecture method ?(iv) Write short notes on the following :(a) Analysis category/level of cognitive objectives(b) Synthesis category/level of cognitive objectives(v) Discuss the role of classroom management in effective teaching.(vi) Discuss the advantages of cooperative learning in your classroom.(vii) How does the skill of questioning make your teaching more effective ? Discuss.(viii) Why should we use Over Head Projector (OHP) in comparison to other projected media ? How will you prepare OHP transparencies ?6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Choose a topic of your interest from the subject of the area you are teaching in your school. Develop programmed learning material on it using linear style.

  793 Hits
793 Hits


BACHELOR OF EDUCATIONES-331 : CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Define the term Curriculum. Explain the basic considerations in Curriculum planning.2. Describe Instructional planning. What are the steps involved in it ?3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are various strategies of training to instil teaching skills among teachers ? Describe any one with suitable examples.4. What do you mean by system approach to instruction ? How will you as a teacher, use system approach in teaching secondary school students ? Illustrate your answer with example.5. Answer the following questions. Answer in about 150 words each :(i) What are the different bases of curriculum development ?{ii) What is micro teaching ? How is it different from simulated teaching ?(iii) Describe three characteristics of instructional objectives in behavioural terms, with examples.(iv) What is team teaching ? Discuss its merits and demerits.(v) Differentiate between class-room management and class-room discipline.{vi) Differentiate between norm referenced tests and criterion referenced tests.(vii) Mention the aims and types of project work in brief.6. Answer the following question in out 600 words.After visiting a Learning Resource Centre or Teaching Aids library in a nearby college of education, write a critical report on the status and use of the resource centre.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by the term Curriculum ? Explain the major approaches to Curriculum Development.2. Describe the important activities to be taken for organising interactive session in the class. Illustrate with suitable examples.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning of probing skills ? Explain their uses with examples.4. Explain with examples the various steps involved in preparation of instructional material.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(I) Explain the methods of curriculum evaluation.(ii) What is a resource centre ? Mention the use of resource centre for a teacher.(iii) Explain Hilda Taba Model of Curriculum Development.(iv) Define instructional objectives with their advantages and limitations.(v) Mention the innovative trends in curriculum.(vi) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lecture method.(vii) What do you mean by activity based instruction ? Explain with examples.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.While imparting instruction in your classroom, you must have come across many classroom problems. Describe how did you manage them.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.'The main problems of curriculum are lack of sequence, continuity and integration of content included in curriculum.' Discuss the statement with convincing arguments.2. Describe the components and sub-system of a given instructional system and explain their integration.3. Answer the following ql.restion in about 600 words'Describe as to how the teacher, the student and the environment can function as resources for instruction.4. Discuss the mechanisms of efleclive management of instruction.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Discuss how a well planned curriculum can make teaching and learning more effective.(ii) Discuss the role of different types of reinforcements in classroom teaching.(iii) Describe learner-related factors which influence curriculum developrhent and transaction.(iv) Describe the role of formative evaluation in curriculum development.(v) Identify common defects of teaching through demonstration and suggest suitable measures to remove them.(vi) Fxplain with examples the procedure of conducting group-investigation of a problem.(vii) How will you formulate instructional strategy for your teaching ? Discuss.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words'You have studied about flow-charting the content in Block 3,/ES-331.(i) Analyse the content of a topic of your choice from your discipline/subject and present it through a flow chart.(iil Justify the flow chart you have presented.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you mean by the concept "curriculum emluation" ? Why do we evaluate curriculum ? Discuss.2. Describe with example the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain with examples various teaching skills required for effective teaching at the Secondary/Senior .Secondary School level.4. Discuss with examples the following training strategies :(i) Interaction analysis(ii) Simulation5.. Answer each question in about 150 words(i) How is Tyler's Model of curriculum construction different from Taba's Model ?(ii) Explain the role of various factors to be taken into view while planning a curriculum :(iii) Identify and briefly a<plain the causes that make a given instructional system inefficient.(iv) Dfferentiate between various styles of programmed instruction.(v) Describe the organisation and evaluation of the micro-teaching approach.(vi) Discuss various levels of instruction with the help of examples.(vii) Discuss merits and demerits of activity based instruction.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.You have studied instructional media in Block 4/ES 331. You must have watched/listened to some educational TV /radio programme.o Present an overview of the content, objectives, format and learning outcomes of the programme.o Discuss the rationale for selection of the medium (television or radio).o Suggest measures to improve effectiveness of the programme.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are different viewpoints on the concept of curriculum ? Which one do you prefer most and why ?2. Discuss the organisation of the three types of instructional systems. Describe teacher's role in these systems.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the various types of teacher-based instructional activities, with examples, from the subject that you are teaching.4. Describe various techniques of classroom management which help in better learning outcomes.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) Explain and differentiate between macro-level and micro-level curriculum evaluation.(ii) What are the components of communication system and how are they relevant to classroom instruction ?(iii) Differentiate between simulated teaching and micro teaching.(iv) Write instructional objectives of any topic you have taught in your class with mental abilities involved in them.(v) Discuss the components associated with the skill of stimulus variation.(vi) Briefly describe various instructional resources with special reference to environment as a resource.6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words."You, as a teacher, might have felt that the existing curriculum of secondary or senior secondary school should be need-based and related to socio-economic and political scenario of the society." What are the emerging trends in curriculum for the future so as to produce socially productive citizens ?1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the three major approaches to curriculum development with suitable examples.2. Describe in brief six aspects of a curriculum which determine various approaches of developing it.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the various strategies pertaining to instruction and classroom management required to manage your instructional activities most effectively ?4. Discuss instructional objectives on the basis of Bloom's cognitive system or REIM system.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) Discuss with suitable examples various innovative teaching techniques adopted by a teacher in transacting the curriculum.(ii) What skills are needed to use various media in the teaching-learning process to cater to the individual differences of your students ?(iii) Discuss the role of the teacher in curriculum planning.(iv) Write a short note on Computer-Assisted Instruction.(v) Why are some students non-responsive to the questions asked ? What remedial mechanism is required for such students ?(vi) Identify and briefly explain various resources that could be used to make instruction effective.(vii) Why do the teachers prefer non-projected to projected visual media ? Give suitable examples of both the media.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.During teacher's training programme you are supposed to acquire requisite competencies and skills to teach effectively. State those skills and competencies and explain as to how they are helpful in making an effective teacher.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate among process, structure and humanistic approaches to curriculum.2.Discuss the relative influence of development and social considerations of curriculum planning.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system.4. What do you mean by activity-based instruction ? Discuss its merits and demerits.5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words.(i) Discuss the importance of formative evaluation in developing need-based curriculum.(ii) Differentiate learning from instruction. Support your answer with suitable examples.(iii) How will you assess the effectiveness of the lecture method ?(iv) Write short notes on the following :(a) Analysis category/level of cognitive objectives(b) Synthesis category/level of cognitive objectives(v) Discuss the role of classroom management in effective teaching.(vi) Discuss the advantages of cooperative learning in your classroom.(vii) How does the skill of questioning make your teaching more effective ? Discuss.(viii) Why should we use Over Head Projector (OHP) in comparison to other projected media ? How will you prepare OHP transparencies ?6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Choose a topic of your interest from the subject of the area you are teaching in your school. Develop programmed learning material on it using linear style.

  506 Hits
506 Hits


PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Answer the following in about 600 words.Clarify the concepts of growth and development. Discuss the role of a teacher in facilitating the growth and development of the higher secondary school students.2. What do you mean by Cognitive Development ? Explain Piaget's theory of cognitive development.3. Answer the following in about 600 words.Explain different factors that affect the development of personality. Describe the impact of mass media on the personality development of adolescents.4. Explain the concept of learning and briefly describe its different theories.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each(i) Explain with examples emotional development of an individual.(ii) What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics.(iii) What do you mean by domains of learning ? Give suitable examples for different domains.(iv) Explain the concepts of intelligence, aptitude and creativity, with suitable examples.(v) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with suitable examples.(vi) Define the concepts of heredity and environment. How do heredity and environment influence the growth and development of an individual ?(vii) Explain the nature and process of verbal learning.6. Answer the following in about 600 words.How will you identify maladjusted students in your class ? How will you as a teacher solve the psychological and social problems of such students ? Explain,1. Explain the concept of development. Discuss the role of the teacher in facilitating human development.2.Explain the concept of cognitive development with special reference to Piaget's framework for conceptualising child development. Discuss factors facilitating cognitive development,3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss Bio-social and Psychoanalytical approaches to personality giving propositions of prominent propounders of these approaches.4. List major tenets of the Humanistic approach to learning. Discuss the contributions of Maslow towards Humanistic Psychology.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Discuss personal factors influencing the process of learning.(ii) Explain any three levels of cognitive domain or area.(iii) Discuss in brief the nature and development of values in school system.(iv) Define the concept of `Locus of Control' and explain its dimensions giving examples.(v) Explain the nature and types of psychological conflicts.(vi) What is meant by Defence Mechanism' ? Discuss any three defence mechanisms giving suitable examples.(vii) What do you understand by `Social Maturity' ? Explain briefly its relationship with social adjustment.6. - Answer the following question in about 600 words.Suppose you have identified one backward and one gifted student in your class. Describe the method you used to identify each of them. Discuss the principles you would follow in guiding ; A - the backward student and B --the gifted student. Summarise the contrasting characteristics of A and B.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate between the concepts of growth and development. Discuss adolescence as the crucial stage of human development.2. Explain the concept and nature of personality. Discuss the psychoanalytical and psychosocial approaches in understanding personality.3. Answer the following question, in about 600 words.Explain the psychometric approach to understand the concept of intelligence. Discuss appropriate instructional strategies for handling individual differences of the learners at various levels of intelligence.4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss various characteristics of learning with suitable examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Explain the principles of learning deduced from the learning theory of Thorndike.(ii) Explain nature of social adjustment and social maturity with examples.(iii) Discuss briefly the relationship between heredity and environment on growth and development of the individual.(iv) Define the concept of motivation and explain its role in learning.(v) Discuss teachers' role in improving group relationship in a school.(vi) Briefly discuss broad classification of students with special needs with reference to physical and mental aspects.(vii) Discuss impact of various mass media on personality development of school children.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.One of your students has secured 95% in the Board's examination. How will you find out whether he is gifted or creative ? In case you have identified him as a gifted student, what steps would you follow while guiding him in the school ?1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the behaviourist approach to learning. Discuss its educational implications.2 Explain the concept of transfer of learning. Discuss different types of transfer of learning and explain their educational implications.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the genetic basis of individual differences. Discuss the role of heredity in influencing the mental development of the learners.4. Discuss special needs of learners/children from the deprived section of society. What role will you play in fulfilling those needs ?5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) What do you understand by affective domain ? Discuss the main organising principles in affective domain.(ii) Discuss the importance of social maturity.(iii) Discuss any three characteristics of gifted children.(iv) Discuss the relationship between maturity and learning. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.(v) Explain any three basic assumptions that are necessary for providing guidance to the learners.(vi) What are the various causes of conflicts ? How would you resolve the conflicts among your students ?(vii) Describe the characteristics of a creative child.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How will you identify socially maladjusted students in your class ? How will you help them in making their social adjustment better ? Justify your answer with suitable examples.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe various stages of human development. Discuss the role of teacher in facilitating the development of the learners.2. What is meant by 'individual differences' ? Discuss the factors producing individual differences.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Define the students with special educational needs. Describe the teacher's role in meeting the educational, social and psychological needs of such students.4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss personal factors that influence learning, with suitable examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Explain Piaget's views on moral development.(ii) Discuss the role of teacher in the development ofadolescent personality.(iii) Explain the meaning of interest and its development in studies at school.(iv) Discuss the implications of verbal learning for class-room practice.(v) Briefly discuss the environmental factors influencing learning.(vi) Mention the different types of conflicts and explain the measures for resolving them.(vii) Differentiate between Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss some effective methods of learning which you would like your students to practice in the class and home. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the characteristics of socio-emotional development of secondary and senior secondary school students. Discuss teacher's role in facilitating their development.2. Explain the concept of personality. Dscuss the main hereditary and environmental factors which influence the personality development.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. .Explain the concept of learning. Discuss main characteristics of Piaget's cognitive approach to learning.4. Explain the concept ol adjustment. Discuss chamcteristics of a well-adjusted and a maladjusted person giving suitable examples.5- Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) "Adolescence. is a period of stress and strain. " Explain.(ii) Explain the characteristics oI language development in children.(iii) Explain the nafure and types of motivation.(iv) Briefly discuss the misconcepts regarding heredity and environment.(v) Explain . the main factors that influence classroom learning.(vi) Explain the characteristics of the gifted and talented students.(vii)Differentiate between guidance and counselling with suitable examples.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the concept of group dynamics. Describe five activities which you would like to undertake in the class for improving the group relationship among your students.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate between growth and development with the help of suitable examples. Why should a teacher study the principles governing growth and development ?2. Explain the concept of individual differences. Discuss the individual differences in intelligence and creativity with suitable examples.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the concept and types of motivation. How does motivation contribute to enhance children's academic achievement ?4. Discuss the influence of personal and environmental factors on classroom learning. Give examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) "Adolescence is a period of storm and stress." Elaborate.(ii) What should a school do to ensure healthy social development of children ?(iii) How do children attain new concepts ?(iv) How does cognitive domain of learning differ from affective domain ?(v) How will you facilitate students' adjustment in schools ? Discuss.(vi) Explain the meaning and nature of guidance. How is it related to counselling ?(vii) Explain the situations in which you can use the method of spaced and unspaced learning.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Prepare a plan for the identification of emotionally maladjusted children in your class. Discuss the strategies you shall devise to help such children.

  1022 Hits
1022 Hits


PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Answer the following in about 600 words.Clarify the concepts of growth and development. Discuss the role of a teacher in facilitating the growth and development of the higher secondary school students.2. What do you mean by Cognitive Development ? Explain Piaget's theory of cognitive development.3. Answer the following in about 600 words.Explain different factors that affect the development of personality. Describe the impact of mass media on the personality development of adolescents.4. Explain the concept of learning and briefly describe its different theories.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each(i) Explain with examples emotional development of an individual.(ii) What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics.(iii) What do you mean by domains of learning ? Give suitable examples for different domains.(iv) Explain the concepts of intelligence, aptitude and creativity, with suitable examples.(v) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with suitable examples.(vi) Define the concepts of heredity and environment. How do heredity and environment influence the growth and development of an individual ?(vii) Explain the nature and process of verbal learning.6. Answer the following in about 600 words.How will you identify maladjusted students in your class ? How will you as a teacher solve the psychological and social problems of such students ? Explain,1. Explain the concept of development. Discuss the role of the teacher in facilitating human development.2.Explain the concept of cognitive development with special reference to Piaget's framework for conceptualising child development. Discuss factors facilitating cognitive development,3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss Bio-social and Psychoanalytical approaches to personality giving propositions of prominent propounders of these approaches.4. List major tenets of the Humanistic approach to learning. Discuss the contributions of Maslow towards Humanistic Psychology.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Discuss personal factors influencing the process of learning.(ii) Explain any three levels of cognitive domain or area.(iii) Discuss in brief the nature and development of values in school system.(iv) Define the concept of `Locus of Control' and explain its dimensions giving examples.(v) Explain the nature and types of psychological conflicts.(vi) What is meant by Defence Mechanism' ? Discuss any three defence mechanisms giving suitable examples.(vii) What do you understand by `Social Maturity' ? Explain briefly its relationship with social adjustment.6. - Answer the following question in about 600 words.Suppose you have identified one backward and one gifted student in your class. Describe the method you used to identify each of them. Discuss the principles you would follow in guiding ; A - the backward student and B --the gifted student. Summarise the contrasting characteristics of A and B.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate between the concepts of growth and development. Discuss adolescence as the crucial stage of human development.2. Explain the concept and nature of personality. Discuss the psychoanalytical and psychosocial approaches in understanding personality.3. Answer the following question, in about 600 words.Explain the psychometric approach to understand the concept of intelligence. Discuss appropriate instructional strategies for handling individual differences of the learners at various levels of intelligence.4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss various characteristics of learning with suitable examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Explain the principles of learning deduced from the learning theory of Thorndike.(ii) Explain nature of social adjustment and social maturity with examples.(iii) Discuss briefly the relationship between heredity and environment on growth and development of the individual.(iv) Define the concept of motivation and explain its role in learning.(v) Discuss teachers' role in improving group relationship in a school.(vi) Briefly discuss broad classification of students with special needs with reference to physical and mental aspects.(vii) Discuss impact of various mass media on personality development of school children.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.One of your students has secured 95% in the Board's examination. How will you find out whether he is gifted or creative ? In case you have identified him as a gifted student, what steps would you follow while guiding him in the school ?1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the behaviourist approach to learning. Discuss its educational implications.2 Explain the concept of transfer of learning. Discuss different types of transfer of learning and explain their educational implications.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the genetic basis of individual differences. Discuss the role of heredity in influencing the mental development of the learners.4. Discuss special needs of learners/children from the deprived section of society. What role will you play in fulfilling those needs ?5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) What do you understand by affective domain ? Discuss the main organising principles in affective domain.(ii) Discuss the importance of social maturity.(iii) Discuss any three characteristics of gifted children.(iv) Discuss the relationship between maturity and learning. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.(v) Explain any three basic assumptions that are necessary for providing guidance to the learners.(vi) What are the various causes of conflicts ? How would you resolve the conflicts among your students ?(vii) Describe the characteristics of a creative child.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How will you identify socially maladjusted students in your class ? How will you help them in making their social adjustment better ? Justify your answer with suitable examples.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe various stages of human development. Discuss the role of teacher in facilitating the development of the learners.2. What is meant by 'individual differences' ? Discuss the factors producing individual differences.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Define the students with special educational needs. Describe the teacher's role in meeting the educational, social and psychological needs of such students.4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss personal factors that influence learning, with suitable examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) Explain Piaget's views on moral development.(ii) Discuss the role of teacher in the development ofadolescent personality.(iii) Explain the meaning of interest and its development in studies at school.(iv) Discuss the implications of verbal learning for class-room practice.(v) Briefly discuss the environmental factors influencing learning.(vi) Mention the different types of conflicts and explain the measures for resolving them.(vii) Differentiate between Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss some effective methods of learning which you would like your students to practice in the class and home. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the characteristics of socio-emotional development of secondary and senior secondary school students. Discuss teacher's role in facilitating their development.2. Explain the concept of personality. Dscuss the main hereditary and environmental factors which influence the personality development.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. .Explain the concept of learning. Discuss main characteristics of Piaget's cognitive approach to learning.4. Explain the concept ol adjustment. Discuss chamcteristics of a well-adjusted and a maladjusted person giving suitable examples.5- Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :(i) "Adolescence. is a period of stress and strain. " Explain.(ii) Explain the characteristics oI language development in children.(iii) Explain the nafure and types of motivation.(iv) Briefly discuss the misconcepts regarding heredity and environment.(v) Explain . the main factors that influence classroom learning.(vi) Explain the characteristics of the gifted and talented students.(vii)Differentiate between guidance and counselling with suitable examples.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the concept of group dynamics. Describe five activities which you would like to undertake in the class for improving the group relationship among your students.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Differentiate between growth and development with the help of suitable examples. Why should a teacher study the principles governing growth and development ?2. Explain the concept of individual differences. Discuss the individual differences in intelligence and creativity with suitable examples.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the concept and types of motivation. How does motivation contribute to enhance children's academic achievement ?4. Discuss the influence of personal and environmental factors on classroom learning. Give examples.5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :(i) "Adolescence is a period of storm and stress." Elaborate.(ii) What should a school do to ensure healthy social development of children ?(iii) How do children attain new concepts ?(iv) How does cognitive domain of learning differ from affective domain ?(v) How will you facilitate students' adjustment in schools ? Discuss.(vi) Explain the meaning and nature of guidance. How is it related to counselling ?(vii) Explain the situations in which you can use the method of spaced and unspaced learning.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Prepare a plan for the identification of emotionally maladjusted children in your class. Discuss the strategies you shall devise to help such children.

  473 Hits
473 Hits



  569 Hits
569 Hits


EDUCATION AND SOCIETY1. "Education is not only preparation for life, it is synonymous with life." Discuss bringing out the definition and aims of education.2.Discuss the role of community in education and its relationship with school as an agency of education.3. Compare the ideas propagated by Naturalism, Idealism and Pragmatism with respect to the curriculum development. Which philosophy do you think is the best ? Why ?4. Discuss the role of education in the context of the aspirations of the Indian society, particularly the spirit of . nationalism. What do you as a teacher do in this regard ?5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(a) Universalization of Elementary Education in the Indian context(b) Education and National Development(c) Education as a Fundamental Right(d) School based evaluation(e) Education and Culture in the Indian context(f) Role of teacher in inculcating values(g) Concept and philosophy of Distance Education6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :Vocational Education is the need of the society. But there are certain problems in fulfilling the aims of Vocationalization of Education. Discuss these problems with students and parents and suggest improvements to fulfil the aims of Vocationalization of Education.1. Answer the following question in about 600- words."Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man" -- Vivekananda. Define education and discuss the aims of education in the light of the above statement.2.Describe the media as an important agency of education. Discuss the relationship between Home, School, Community and Media.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How is Educational Evaluation an ' important aspect of the Education System ? Discuss innovations in the examination system in India with suitable examples.4. What is the meaning of Vocationalisation of Education ? Discuss its various merits and demerits in the context of Secondary Education.5. Write short notes on the following in . about 150 words each(i) Social stratification(ii) Open learning system(iii) Universalism(iv) Non-formal education(v) Pragmatism and Curriculum(vi) Role of teacher in promoting national integration and education(vii) Education - its role in developing democratic outlook6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.You as a school teacher might have realized that in a culturally diverse country like India only a common school system seems to alleviate educational inequality. Discuss the statement with your colleagues and prepare a critical report highlighting the recommendations..1 Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the basic aims of education in a democratic society ? What should be the role of teachers and students in the programme `Education for All' ? Discuss.2. Define Naturalism. What is the contribution of Naturalism in Education ? Discuss various roles of the teacher according to Naturalism.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How does vocationalisation lead to increase in productivity of the country ? Discuss.4. Define wastage and stagnation. Discuss the various innovative strategies to reduce wastage and stagnation.5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each :(i) Socialization and Acculturation(ii) Recommendations of Yashpal Committee regarding examination reform(iii) Education as a social sub-system(iv) Explain Pluralism in the context of the Indian Education System(v) Globalisation and its impact on education Impact of philosophy on the educational system(vii) Impact of dialect and medium of instruction on academic performance of students6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Through your teaching experience you might have felt that the school can create conditions for positive social change in the community. Discuss with your colleagues and prepare a critical report highlighting recommendations to bring about social change in the community.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you mean by the term Education ? Discuss spiritual, developmental and social mould of Education with suitable illustrations.2. Describe community as an important agency of education. Discuss its relationship with school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the essential tenets of `Naturalism' as an educational philosophy and explain its importance in the light of curriculum and the role of teacher.4. Describe various functions of the school in a democratic society.5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(i) Indian Social Structure and its nature(ii) Education - its role in national development(iii) Globalisation - its features and effect on education(iv) The Common School System - its salient features(v) NPE-1986 - its salient features in relation to teacher education(vi) Semesterisation - need, importance and implementation6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you must have visited the nearby locality and listed the different kinds of media available in the locality for children. You must also have evaluated their utilisation for children's education in consultation with parents. Write a report on the availability of different kinds of media and their utility for children's education.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the aims of education and discuss how these can be realized in a democratic set-up like India.2. Describe school as a formal agency of education and discuss its ,relationship with home.3 .Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss essential tenets of 'Pragmatism' as a school of philosophy and explain its importance in the light of curriculum' and 'the role of teacher'.4. How can students' and community participation be made effective for proper management of the school ? Explain your answer with suitable illustrations.5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(i) Education - its role in preservation of culture(ii) Education an instrument of social change(iii) Vocational Education - its need and importance(iv) Open Schooling - its need and importance(v) Inequality in Education measures to minimise it(vi) Grading in Examination - its ne,ed and significance6. Answer the following question in about 600 wordsAs a teacher, you must have come across some students who have dropped out and a few of them were also repeaters. List the different causes of their drop-outs and stagnation which you have found after interaction with students. Suggest measures for reducing stagnation and drop-out.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the structure of Indian society. and its nature. 2. Define Pragmatism. What is the contribution of pragmatism in education ? Discuss various roles of the teacher according to Pragmatism.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Media is playing an important role in education. What are its educational functions ? Discuss.4. Discuss intervention strategies to reduce inequality in education.5. Write short notes/answer of the following in about 150 words each :. (i) How does the community influence the school ?(ii) Why was Acharya Rama Murthi Committee set up ? Describe its recommendations.(iii) School as a miniature society.(iv) National Open School - its objectives and functions,(v) What are the advantages of semester system ?(vi) What are the benefits of . grading over numerical marking system ?(vii) Describe the important recommendations of NPE 1986 on Teacher Education.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.While teaching you might have noticed that some students have problems at home. For this you might have met the students and their parents to know their relationship. On this basis prepare a report about child - parent relationship and also illustrate its impact on the education of the child.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the problems of Indian society in the context of National Development.2. Mention the shortcomings of the present examination system. Also suggest some innovative ways for improvement.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss education as an instrument for social change. 4. Explain important functions of home as an agency of education, with suitable examples.5. Write short notes or answer of the following in about 150 words each :(i) Vocationalization of Secondary Education - its concept, need and importance.(ii) Common school system - its concept and importance.(iii) Describe minimum level of learning.(iv) According to the Education Commission, what. are the three ways in which education can respond to challenges of modernization ?(v) Discuss the role of NGOs in educational programme.(vi) What are the determinants of aims of education ?(vii) What are the criteria of social stratification ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What can be, in your opinion, the important steps that may be taken by the Government to remove disparities in education ? To collect the opinion of the community and your colleagues on this aspect you must have done a survey. Prepare a report on this.

  882 Hits
882 Hits


EDUCATION AND SOCIETY1. "Education is not only preparation for life, it is synonymous with life." Discuss bringing out the definition and aims of education.2.Discuss the role of community in education and its relationship with school as an agency of education.3. Compare the ideas propagated by Naturalism, Idealism and Pragmatism with respect to the curriculum development. Which philosophy do you think is the best ? Why ?4. Discuss the role of education in the context of the aspirations of the Indian society, particularly the spirit of . nationalism. What do you as a teacher do in this regard ?5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(a) Universalization of Elementary Education in the Indian context(b) Education and National Development(c) Education as a Fundamental Right(d) School based evaluation(e) Education and Culture in the Indian context(f) Role of teacher in inculcating values(g) Concept and philosophy of Distance Education6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :Vocational Education is the need of the society. But there are certain problems in fulfilling the aims of Vocationalization of Education. Discuss these problems with students and parents and suggest improvements to fulfil the aims of Vocationalization of Education.1. Answer the following question in about 600- words."Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man" -- Vivekananda. Define education and discuss the aims of education in the light of the above statement.2.Describe the media as an important agency of education. Discuss the relationship between Home, School, Community and Media.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How is Educational Evaluation an ' important aspect of the Education System ? Discuss innovations in the examination system in India with suitable examples.4. What is the meaning of Vocationalisation of Education ? Discuss its various merits and demerits in the context of Secondary Education.5. Write short notes on the following in . about 150 words each(i) Social stratification(ii) Open learning system(iii) Universalism(iv) Non-formal education(v) Pragmatism and Curriculum(vi) Role of teacher in promoting national integration and education(vii) Education - its role in developing democratic outlook6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.You as a school teacher might have realized that in a culturally diverse country like India only a common school system seems to alleviate educational inequality. Discuss the statement with your colleagues and prepare a critical report highlighting the recommendations..1 Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the basic aims of education in a democratic society ? What should be the role of teachers and students in the programme `Education for All' ? Discuss.2. Define Naturalism. What is the contribution of Naturalism in Education ? Discuss various roles of the teacher according to Naturalism.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How does vocationalisation lead to increase in productivity of the country ? Discuss.4. Define wastage and stagnation. Discuss the various innovative strategies to reduce wastage and stagnation.5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each :(i) Socialization and Acculturation(ii) Recommendations of Yashpal Committee regarding examination reform(iii) Education as a social sub-system(iv) Explain Pluralism in the context of the Indian Education System(v) Globalisation and its impact on education Impact of philosophy on the educational system(vii) Impact of dialect and medium of instruction on academic performance of students6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Through your teaching experience you might have felt that the school can create conditions for positive social change in the community. Discuss with your colleagues and prepare a critical report highlighting recommendations to bring about social change in the community.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you mean by the term Education ? Discuss spiritual, developmental and social mould of Education with suitable illustrations.2. Describe community as an important agency of education. Discuss its relationship with school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the essential tenets of `Naturalism' as an educational philosophy and explain its importance in the light of curriculum and the role of teacher.4. Describe various functions of the school in a democratic society.5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(i) Indian Social Structure and its nature(ii) Education - its role in national development(iii) Globalisation - its features and effect on education(iv) The Common School System - its salient features(v) NPE-1986 - its salient features in relation to teacher education(vi) Semesterisation - need, importance and implementation6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you must have visited the nearby locality and listed the different kinds of media available in the locality for children. You must also have evaluated their utilisation for children's education in consultation with parents. Write a report on the availability of different kinds of media and their utility for children's education.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the aims of education and discuss how these can be realized in a democratic set-up like India.2. Describe school as a formal agency of education and discuss its ,relationship with home.3 .Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss essential tenets of 'Pragmatism' as a school of philosophy and explain its importance in the light of curriculum' and 'the role of teacher'.4. How can students' and community participation be made effective for proper management of the school ? Explain your answer with suitable illustrations.5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :(i) Education - its role in preservation of culture(ii) Education an instrument of social change(iii) Vocational Education - its need and importance(iv) Open Schooling - its need and importance(v) Inequality in Education measures to minimise it(vi) Grading in Examination - its ne,ed and significance6. Answer the following question in about 600 wordsAs a teacher, you must have come across some students who have dropped out and a few of them were also repeaters. List the different causes of their drop-outs and stagnation which you have found after interaction with students. Suggest measures for reducing stagnation and drop-out.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the structure of Indian society. and its nature. 2. Define Pragmatism. What is the contribution of pragmatism in education ? Discuss various roles of the teacher according to Pragmatism.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Media is playing an important role in education. What are its educational functions ? Discuss.4. Discuss intervention strategies to reduce inequality in education.5. Write short notes/answer of the following in about 150 words each :. (i) How does the community influence the school ?(ii) Why was Acharya Rama Murthi Committee set up ? Describe its recommendations.(iii) School as a miniature society.(iv) National Open School - its objectives and functions,(v) What are the advantages of semester system ?(vi) What are the benefits of . grading over numerical marking system ?(vii) Describe the important recommendations of NPE 1986 on Teacher Education.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.While teaching you might have noticed that some students have problems at home. For this you might have met the students and their parents to know their relationship. On this basis prepare a report about child - parent relationship and also illustrate its impact on the education of the child.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Describe the problems of Indian society in the context of National Development.2. Mention the shortcomings of the present examination system. Also suggest some innovative ways for improvement.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss education as an instrument for social change. 4. Explain important functions of home as an agency of education, with suitable examples.5. Write short notes or answer of the following in about 150 words each :(i) Vocationalization of Secondary Education - its concept, need and importance.(ii) Common school system - its concept and importance.(iii) Describe minimum level of learning.(iv) According to the Education Commission, what. are the three ways in which education can respond to challenges of modernization ?(v) Discuss the role of NGOs in educational programme.(vi) What are the determinants of aims of education ?(vii) What are the criteria of social stratification ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What can be, in your opinion, the important steps that may be taken by the Government to remove disparities in education ? To collect the opinion of the community and your colleagues on this aspect you must have done a survey. Prepare a report on this.

  478 Hits
478 Hits


TEACHER AND SCHOOL1. Answer the following in about 600 words.Explain the relationship between school and community. Specify the roles of parents and community in-the effective functioning of the school, with suitable examples.2. What do you mean by `Management Processes' ? Explain the different management processes in the school.3. What do you mean by `physical infrastructure' ? How far is the physical infrastructure important for the successful conduct of the programmes and activities in a school ? Discuss.4. Mention various organisations created by the Central Government to assist school education and discuss the functions of any three of them.5. . Answer the following questions in about 120 words each(i) "Communication plays a vital role in all aspects of school life." Discuss.(ii) Explain briefly the functions of different types of hierarchies of school system.(iii) What is the concept of `profession' ? What are the different characteristics of a teaching profession ?(iv) Explain briefly the role of a teacher in decision making in schabi.(v) What is Action Research ? How does it help a teacher in the classroom ?(vi) Explain the functions and importance of school time-table.(vii) Discuss briefly the importance of school libraries.(viii) What co-curricular activities would you like to introduce in your school and why ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning and purpose of a school budget ? Prepare a school budget following the steps used in the preparation of a school budget.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by the term `communication' ? What are the main steps of communicative process ? Discuss how do the communication barriers disrupt the effective communication i process.2. What are group decision-making techniques ? Discuss the appropriate group decision-making techniques to deal with the problems of regular latecomers in the school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the Ieadership roles of teachers, principals and students can enhance the school management environment.4. Explain the importance and objectives of Parent-Teacher Association. Discuss the activities which need to be organised in a Parent-Teacher Association.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) Explain the functions of N.C.E.R.T. and N.C.T.E.(ii) Explain how education is a socialization process.(iii) Up to what stage in India is general education provided to students and why ?(iv) Explain the role of a teacher as a manager of instruction.(v) Discuss how realities in the community can be transformed as learning experiences by the school.(vi) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of students' evaluation of teachers.(vii) Explain with examples the different types of school climate.(viii) Explain the four types of school budget.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you are supposed to organise various co-curricular activities in and out of the class. Identify a few such activities which you have been organizing in your school/class. Explain the various skills you used in organizing them and classify the activities in various categories of co-curricular activities.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words."Not all the administrators `administer', not all workers `work', not all teachers `teach', not all students 'study' - at least in the same way." Discuss this statement in the light of school as a social system.2. What is the meaning of decision making ? What are the steps involved in the decision making process ? Mention a few decisions taken by students of your school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How do you justify that the principal is a leader in the school management ? What types of positions does he hold in the school ? List the various activities under these positions.4. Discuss the different types of time-tables. Which principles will you keep in mind while preparing a time-table ? Using some of these principles, prepare a time-table for Class IX of your school.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) What are the functions of CABE and CBSE ?(ii) "School is a formal system for socializing the young generation of society." Explain it.(iii) "Teaching is a complex process." Discuss.(iv) Explain the role of teacher as a facilitator of learning.(v) Explain the statement "Society is a system and education is a sub-system of the social system".(vi) Briefly mention the anxieties which teachers might harbour about students' evaluation of teachers.(vii) Differentiate between open climate and autonomous climate.(viii) What are the steps for preparing a school budget ?6. As a teacher in your school you must have observed certain school management related problems. How did you identify these problems, and what steps did you take or suggest to tackle these problems ? Prepare a report in about 600 words.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the meaning of professional development of teachers. Discuss the importance and modes of providing inservice training for continuous professional development of teachers2. "A teacher is both an instructional input and a manager of teaching - learning process." Explain.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the management processes in a school ? Discuss the role of a teacher in each of these processes.4. Explain the meaning and need of performance appraisal of teachers. Discuss the various means of carrying out appraisal of teacher performance.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each(i) Discuss different modes of education with examples.(ii) Explain the role of Board of Secondary Education in school education.(iii) What are different types of hierarchies of school education ? Which one do you prefer and why ?(iv) What is inter-personal interaction ? How is it helpful. for the progress of school system ?(v) Differentiate between administrative and instructional leadership of the principal of a school.(vi) What is organizational climate ? Discuss the dimensions of organizational climate.(vii) Explain the meaning and importance of school time-table.(viii) Discuss the importance of co-curricular activities in the school curriculum.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you are supposed to maintain cumulative record card for all students of your class. Prepare a detailed cumulative record card for a student of Class IX of your school.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain how school is a formal social organisation. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of various members of the school organization2. Justify teaching as a profession. Examine the professional competencies required of a teacher 'to be, effective.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the meaning and dimensions of school effectiveness. How does school effectiveness affect school climate ?4. Explain the role of a teacher as an instructional input. How is it different from her/his role as a facilitator of learning and as a counsellor ?5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) What is a learning resource centre ? How is it beneficial to teachers and students ?(ii) Explain with examples the role of a teacher as a manager of innovation and as a manager of conflict.(iii) What is the peer evaluation of teachers ? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.(iv) What is National Open School, presently known as National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) ? What are its major objectives ?(v) What is a school complex ? Briefly describe its benefits for a school.(vi) How is a school budget prepared and managed ?(vii) Explain with examples the meaning of action research. How is it helpful for a teacher in performing instructional function ?(viii) What is school leadership ? Discuss the types of school leadership with their advantages and disadvantages.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Suppose you have been given the responsibility of conducting the annual examination of your school. Prepare a detailed scheme for the smooth conduct of examination.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the specific competencies required of a teacher for performing the roles of a manager, a participant, a facilitator, a counsellor and a community participant.2. What are manpower resources in school organization ? Discuss their roles for effective functioning of school organization.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning of management processes ? Discuss the different management processes and their importance in a school setting.-4. What are the different types of co-curricular activities ? Explain their need and importance in the development of a child's personality.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) Explain how education is a socialization process.(ii) Parents form a viable link between .school and community.' Discuss the statement with examples.(iii) Discuss the constitutional provisions for education of minorities, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.(iv) Discuss the important qualities and competencies which a principal of a school should possess.{v) Discuss the benefits that a teacher derives from the induction phase of teacher-training programme.(vi) Explain the four characteristics of the dimensions of organizational climate.(vii) What is performance appraisal ? Why is it considered important in school system ?(viii) What are the instructional leadership roles of a teacher ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the problems you face while teaching in the classroom and the steps you would take to solve them. Suggest the different modalities you would take for the attainment of your personal and professional growth.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by `hierarchies in school system' ? Discuss the models of hierarchies of structure generally found in school system with their merits and demerits.2. Discuss personal qualities and professional competencies that need to be acquired to become an effective teacher.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Why is knowledge of various management processes of school essential for a teacher ? Discuss different managerial functions a teacher performs in a school.4. What are the decision-making techniques used in the management process ? Which decision-making technique would you use to address the problem of regular late-corners in the school ? State the reasons for selecting that technique.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) How can realities in the community be transformed as learning experiences in the school ? Discuss with suitable examples.(ii) Discuss the key elements in organizational behaviour.(iii) Explain the need of inservice training for school teachers.(iv) Discuss the criteria that you would keep in mind while evaluating yours peers.(v) Describe the leadership roles of students in the school.(vi) Define action research. Discuss its role in improving school system.(vii) Discuss the functions that school time-table performs.(viii) "Cumulative Record Card is the reflection of what a student is." Discuss the statement.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the need and importance of co-curricular activities. Discuss the skills that a teacher uses to organise co-curricular activities in school.

  1463 Hits
1463 Hits


TEACHER AND SCHOOL1. Answer the following in about 600 words.Explain the relationship between school and community. Specify the roles of parents and community in-the effective functioning of the school, with suitable examples.2. What do you mean by `Management Processes' ? Explain the different management processes in the school.3. What do you mean by `physical infrastructure' ? How far is the physical infrastructure important for the successful conduct of the programmes and activities in a school ? Discuss.4. Mention various organisations created by the Central Government to assist school education and discuss the functions of any three of them.5. . Answer the following questions in about 120 words each(i) "Communication plays a vital role in all aspects of school life." Discuss.(ii) Explain briefly the functions of different types of hierarchies of school system.(iii) What is the concept of `profession' ? What are the different characteristics of a teaching profession ?(iv) Explain briefly the role of a teacher in decision making in schabi.(v) What is Action Research ? How does it help a teacher in the classroom ?(vi) Explain the functions and importance of school time-table.(vii) Discuss briefly the importance of school libraries.(viii) What co-curricular activities would you like to introduce in your school and why ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning and purpose of a school budget ? Prepare a school budget following the steps used in the preparation of a school budget.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by the term `communication' ? What are the main steps of communicative process ? Discuss how do the communication barriers disrupt the effective communication i process.2. What are group decision-making techniques ? Discuss the appropriate group decision-making techniques to deal with the problems of regular latecomers in the school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the Ieadership roles of teachers, principals and students can enhance the school management environment.4. Explain the importance and objectives of Parent-Teacher Association. Discuss the activities which need to be organised in a Parent-Teacher Association.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) Explain the functions of N.C.E.R.T. and N.C.T.E.(ii) Explain how education is a socialization process.(iii) Up to what stage in India is general education provided to students and why ?(iv) Explain the role of a teacher as a manager of instruction.(v) Discuss how realities in the community can be transformed as learning experiences by the school.(vi) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of students' evaluation of teachers.(vii) Explain with examples the different types of school climate.(viii) Explain the four types of school budget.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you are supposed to organise various co-curricular activities in and out of the class. Identify a few such activities which you have been organizing in your school/class. Explain the various skills you used in organizing them and classify the activities in various categories of co-curricular activities.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words."Not all the administrators `administer', not all workers `work', not all teachers `teach', not all students 'study' - at least in the same way." Discuss this statement in the light of school as a social system.2. What is the meaning of decision making ? What are the steps involved in the decision making process ? Mention a few decisions taken by students of your school.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.How do you justify that the principal is a leader in the school management ? What types of positions does he hold in the school ? List the various activities under these positions.4. Discuss the different types of time-tables. Which principles will you keep in mind while preparing a time-table ? Using some of these principles, prepare a time-table for Class IX of your school.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) What are the functions of CABE and CBSE ?(ii) "School is a formal system for socializing the young generation of society." Explain it.(iii) "Teaching is a complex process." Discuss.(iv) Explain the role of teacher as a facilitator of learning.(v) Explain the statement "Society is a system and education is a sub-system of the social system".(vi) Briefly mention the anxieties which teachers might harbour about students' evaluation of teachers.(vii) Differentiate between open climate and autonomous climate.(viii) What are the steps for preparing a school budget ?6. As a teacher in your school you must have observed certain school management related problems. How did you identify these problems, and what steps did you take or suggest to tackle these problems ? Prepare a report in about 600 words.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the meaning of professional development of teachers. Discuss the importance and modes of providing inservice training for continuous professional development of teachers2. "A teacher is both an instructional input and a manager of teaching - learning process." Explain.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What are the management processes in a school ? Discuss the role of a teacher in each of these processes.4. Explain the meaning and need of performance appraisal of teachers. Discuss the various means of carrying out appraisal of teacher performance.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each(i) Discuss different modes of education with examples.(ii) Explain the role of Board of Secondary Education in school education.(iii) What are different types of hierarchies of school education ? Which one do you prefer and why ?(iv) What is inter-personal interaction ? How is it helpful. for the progress of school system ?(v) Differentiate between administrative and instructional leadership of the principal of a school.(vi) What is organizational climate ? Discuss the dimensions of organizational climate.(vii) Explain the meaning and importance of school time-table.(viii) Discuss the importance of co-curricular activities in the school curriculum.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.As a teacher, you are supposed to maintain cumulative record card for all students of your class. Prepare a detailed cumulative record card for a student of Class IX of your school.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain how school is a formal social organisation. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of various members of the school organization2. Justify teaching as a profession. Examine the professional competencies required of a teacher 'to be, effective.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the meaning and dimensions of school effectiveness. How does school effectiveness affect school climate ?4. Explain the role of a teacher as an instructional input. How is it different from her/his role as a facilitator of learning and as a counsellor ?5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) What is a learning resource centre ? How is it beneficial to teachers and students ?(ii) Explain with examples the role of a teacher as a manager of innovation and as a manager of conflict.(iii) What is the peer evaluation of teachers ? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.(iv) What is National Open School, presently known as National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) ? What are its major objectives ?(v) What is a school complex ? Briefly describe its benefits for a school.(vi) How is a school budget prepared and managed ?(vii) Explain with examples the meaning of action research. How is it helpful for a teacher in performing instructional function ?(viii) What is school leadership ? Discuss the types of school leadership with their advantages and disadvantages.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Suppose you have been given the responsibility of conducting the annual examination of your school. Prepare a detailed scheme for the smooth conduct of examination.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the specific competencies required of a teacher for performing the roles of a manager, a participant, a facilitator, a counsellor and a community participant.2. What are manpower resources in school organization ? Discuss their roles for effective functioning of school organization.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is the meaning of management processes ? Discuss the different management processes and their importance in a school setting.-4. What are the different types of co-curricular activities ? Explain their need and importance in the development of a child's personality.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) Explain how education is a socialization process.(ii) Parents form a viable link between .school and community.' Discuss the statement with examples.(iii) Discuss the constitutional provisions for education of minorities, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.(iv) Discuss the important qualities and competencies which a principal of a school should possess.{v) Discuss the benefits that a teacher derives from the induction phase of teacher-training programme.(vi) Explain the four characteristics of the dimensions of organizational climate.(vii) What is performance appraisal ? Why is it considered important in school system ?(viii) What are the instructional leadership roles of a teacher ?6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the problems you face while teaching in the classroom and the steps you would take to solve them. Suggest the different modalities you would take for the attainment of your personal and professional growth.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What do you understand by `hierarchies in school system' ? Discuss the models of hierarchies of structure generally found in school system with their merits and demerits.2. Discuss personal qualities and professional competencies that need to be acquired to become an effective teacher.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Why is knowledge of various management processes of school essential for a teacher ? Discuss different managerial functions a teacher performs in a school.4. What are the decision-making techniques used in the management process ? Which decision-making technique would you use to address the problem of regular late-corners in the school ? State the reasons for selecting that technique.5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :(i) How can realities in the community be transformed as learning experiences in the school ? Discuss with suitable examples.(ii) Discuss the key elements in organizational behaviour.(iii) Explain the need of inservice training for school teachers.(iv) Discuss the criteria that you would keep in mind while evaluating yours peers.(v) Describe the leadership roles of students in the school.(vi) Define action research. Discuss its role in improving school system.(vii) Discuss the functions that school time-table performs.(viii) "Cumulative Record Card is the reflection of what a student is." Discuss the statement.6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Explain the need and importance of co-curricular activities. Discuss the skills that a teacher uses to organise co-curricular activities in school.

  497 Hits
497 Hits


TEACHING OF SCIENCE1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Illustrate instructional objectives for Science teaching under cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, with examples.2. What is meant by `Project' ? Explain the use, advantages and disadvantages of `Project method' for teaching of Science.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :(i) Man and his relationship with Environment(ii) Periodic Classification4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :(i) Science Education in India(ii) Diagnostic Tests in Science(iii) Scientific Method(iv) Laboratory Method(v) Problem Solving Approach(vi) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation(vii) Teaching of Deficiency Diseases(viii) Teaching of `Allotropy' in Carbon compounds5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Techniques of assessment in Science Practicals are different from those in Science Theory. Briefly discuss techniques of assessment of Science Practicals which you have utilised in your school and also construct a test-paper of Science Practicals at Secondary level in the _light of assessment technique of Science Practicals mentioned by you.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.What is science ? What should be done in your opinion to improve the teaching - learning process of science in secondary schools of our country ?2. Write down the names of five effective methods of teaching science at secondary stage. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using any one of them for teaching in a class. Give appropriate examples to explain your answer.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching - learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level(i) Chemical Equilibrium(ii) Conservation of Momentum4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :(i) Importance of teaching science in secondary schools(ii) Demonstration method in teaching of science(iii) Need for planning a lesson(iv) Merits and demerits of objective type tests(v) Improvised teaching aids(vi) Important points in teaching "refraction of light"(vii) Different teaching methods used in teaching `chemical bonding'(viii) Teacher = pupil activities used while teaching "Food Preservation"5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Discuss the importance of laboratory work in science teaching. How will you plan and organise your laboratory so that students can learn `scientific method' and develop `scientific attitude' ?1. Answer the following queslion in about 600 words.Justify the place of science in secondary school curriculum. Give suggestions for the modification of methods of teaching as well as evaluation being used currently for teaching science at secondary level.2. Distinguish between assessment and evaluation. What are the irnportant stepsiof test construction ? Describe the main points to be considered when setting a science theory paper.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level :(i) Hydrocarbon(ii) Origin of the Universe4. Write notes on the following in about 720 words each :(i) Project method of teaching science(ii) A good lesson plan(iii) Essay type tests(iv) Maintenance of laboratory equipment(v) Diagnostic tests and remedial measures(vi) Teaching of laws of motion(vii) Teaching of modern periodic table(viii) Teaching of nutrition and health5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Why is a science laboratory essential for teaching science in secondary schools ? How will you plan, organise and maintain an ellective science laboratory in your school ? What safety measures are needed in the laboratory ?1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Justify the place of Science in Secondary school curriculum in view of aims and objectives of- teaching Science at Secondary level.2. What is inquiry approach ? Discuss ifs advantages, disadvantages and use of this approach for teaching of Science at Secondary level.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in ' behavioural terms and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at Secondary level :(i) Magnetic effect of current(ii) Chemical bonding4. Write notes on the following in about 120 words each :(i) Nature of Science as a process(ii) Laboratory method(iii) Monitoring of learner's progress in Science(iv) Science education in India(v) Teaching of Allotropy(vi) Teaching of Meiosis(vii) Teaching of Second Law of Motion(viii) Planning of Science Laboratory5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.While teaching Science at Secondary. level, you must have taught some topics through project method. Mention that topic and explain the various steps involved in carrying out the project. Write the project report.1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Justify the nature of Science as a process and product, with suitable illustrations.2. Discuss nature, steps involved, advantages and disadvantages of problem solving approach of teaching Science at Secondary level.3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :(i) Cell Structure(ii) Chemical Formulae4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :(i) Goals for Science Teaching(ii) Principles of Science Curriculum Construction(iii) Demonstration Method of teaching Science(iv) Planning of Science Laboratory(v) Diagnosis and Remedial measures in Science(vi) Teaching of Conservation of Momentum(vii) Teaching of Refraction of Light(viii) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.Select a topic from Science at Secondary level. Prepare a blueprint for the test to be prepared to assess the learner's progress. Construct the test, taking into consideration all the criteria of a good test. The test must have at least 2 to 3 test items of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.

  929 Hits
929 Hits
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