Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

Education and society papers

EDUCATION AND ITS NATUREQUESTION:-1. Prepare lists of educational aims for different levels of school education. Compare your aims with aims of education in a democratic set-up. Also, find out in what ways these aims can take care of individual and social interests.2. The spiritual, developmental and the social mould of education are actuallycomplementary to each other. Comment.3. Find out how school education today helps individual development and social progress.4. Do you feel that education in India today has been able to strike the right balancebetween coercion, persuasion and modelling? How?

AGENClES OF EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. Visit a nearby home and discuss with parents how they are contributing to the educationof their children. Evaluate the behaviour of parents in the light of their understandingof their children.2. Visit a school in your vicinity and discuss with teachers and students the variousactivities being organised which facilitate children's growth and development.3. List the different kinds of, media available in the cornrnunity/school and evaluate whetherthese are properly and adequately being, utilized for children's education.

PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. What is Plato's conception of curriculum? How can its elements be brought intomodern curriculum construction?2. Do you think philosophical basis is inherent in modern Indian education? Discuss withthe help of your experiences as a teacher.3. How important is the study of philosophy of education for a teacher? How does it helpto solve the day-to-day problems that the teacher faces in the classroom?4. Collect material on the life of eminent philosophers, and analyse how their ideas andthoughts have been affected by their circumstances.5. How much is experience important for the educand and the educator? Is experience thebasis of all knowledge and learning?6. As a teacher, what do you feel would be the optimum philosophical combination in amodern teacher-learning situation?

DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES IN EDUCATIONQUESTION:-1. Keeping in view the present status of democracy in India, suggest some ways andmeans of qualitative democratization of education.2. What are your suggestions for introducing the true spirit of democracy in our educational institutions?3. What should be the role of teachers and students in the "Education for All" Project?How Fan every member of the educated community assist in making this programmea success?4. How can students' participation in the management of school and colleges be mademaximally useful?5. How can our schools train students in citizenship?6. Collect materials pertaining to Total Literacy Campaigns in the country. Suggest waysof making these programmes more effective.

  471 Hits
471 Hits

Journalism and Mass Communication

Journalism and Mass Communication 1. Outline role and place of the Editor in a daily newspaper.2. Critically evaluate the social impact of mass media.3. Outline the role of traditional folk media in present time4. Define "Ethics of journalism" giving suitable example5. Discuss the key recommendation of the second Press Commission6. What do you understand by educational 20 television ? Discuss the growth of educational TV in the country7. What are the characteristics of mass media ? Compare the impact of print and television.8. Explain Gerbner's Model of Communication with a diagram. Critically evaluate its relevance.9. Do you think that television news channels are functioning irresponsibly ?10.Discuss the various methods of inireasing the efficacy of communication strategy.11.Explain the communication process with reference to message and feedback12.Write short notes on : (a) Press Council of India(b) Indian Federation of Working Journalists(c) Editors Guild of India(d) Press Trust of India (PTI)13. Develop a questionnaire for assessing the popularity of a TV proagramme.14. what do you mean by market based audience feedback system15. Discuss the role of Press Commission16. What is a news agency ? What role does a news agency play in the overall media set-up of the country17. Discuss the code of ethics of journalist

  547 Hits
547 Hits


REPORTING, WRITING1.How 1egal reporting is different from general news reporting?2.What are the basics of a good news script in Radio ?3. To be a successful reporter one must possess some essential qualities. Enumerate and explain4. What are the essential elements of court reporting ? How is it different from other catagories of reporting ? Explain.5. What is the difference between hard and softnews ? Explain news values with examples.6. What is a News feature ? Explain the techniques of good writing.7. How do the multi-edition newspapers affect small newspapers in India ? Explain with examples.8. Do you think that television news channels are functioning irresponsibly ?9. What is editing ? Explain the duties of a chief sub editor10. Discuss the differences in designing a magazine and a broadsheet daily11. Explain Changing patterns of lay out and design in newsPapers.12. Discuss the essential qualities and responsibilities of a reporter.13. Explain the essentials Of a goOd lead and enumerate THE different types of leads ?14. What is the importance of sources in news gathering process ?15. Discuss the Inverted Pyramid style and explain its relevance in news writing.16. explain Importance of layout and design in a newspaper

  682 Hits
682 Hits


BROADCAST JOURNALISM 1. Explain the impact of new technologies on broadcasting in India. What are the benefits of Internet Broadcasting ? 2. How will you as a listener ? evaluate, the effectiveness of a Radio Programme ? Illustrate your answer with examples. 3. Describe the functions of mass communication with special reference to radio broadcasting. 4. Elaborate the advantages of new broadcasting technologies citing suitable example 5. Describe the various marketing shategies for FM radio citing suitable exampies 6. Examine the drfferent stages of radio programme planning. 7. Describe the structure and functioning of a TV news room 8. What is rundown ? Prepare a rundown for 60 minutes news bulletin. 9. Discuss ihe various methods of TV audience measurements 10.Justify the need for interactive programmes and explain the process involved in their production

  848 Hits
848 Hits


BROADCAST JOURNALISM 1. Explain the impact of new technologies on broadcasting in India. What are the benefits of Internet Broadcasting ? 2. How will you as a listener ? evaluate, the effectiveness of a Radio Programme ? Illustrate your answer with examples. 3. Describe the functions of mass communication with special reference to radio broadcasting. 4. Elaborate the advantages of new broadcasting technologies citing suitable example 5. Describe the various marketing shategies for FM radio citing suitable exampies 6. Examine the drfferent stages of radio programme planning. 7. Describe the structure and functioning of a TV news room 8. What is rundown ? Prepare a rundown for 60 minutes news bulletin. 9. Discuss ihe various methods of TV audience measurements 10.Justify the need for interactive programmes and explain the process involved in their production

  520 Hits
520 Hits


If you want any type of 3d , autocad or any help just sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3D ANIMATION SOLVED PAPERS 1. What is Image Stabilization ? Explain any one. 2.What is Back Story, how do you build a back story ? 3. What is Dolly, explain how is it done ? 4.Describe Grayscale and Bitmap Mode 5.Explain what is Motion Tracking ? 6. Describe Chroma and cite a example for a Bollywood Film Explain Bitrate in Multimedia 7.What is Editing 8.Describe Hertz 9.. What are Mapping Coordinates ? 10. What is a Schematic View ? 11. Define Transform References. 12. Create a 3D Head with complete Texturing and 3Point Lighting. 13. Create a 3D Room with complete Texturing and Mood Lighting 14. What is a Bones System ? 15. Explain Inverse Kinematics 16. Explain the concept of Motion Flow in Character Studio. 17. Create a complete Biped Rig (With bones and IK) and create a 100 frame walk cycle. 18 Define NURBS. 19. What is the advantage of using Mudbox over regular 3D Modeling ? 20. What are Subdivision Surfaces ? 21. Create a Detailed 3D Head in grey (non-textured). Mudbox can be used for detailing. 22. Define Extreme Long Shot. 23. What makes a good Story ? 24. What is Lens in a camera 25. The process of Batch Rendering in After Effects. 26. The concept of Matte Painting. 27. Grayscale and Bitmap Mode. 28. Explain Non Linear Editing. 29. What is Audio Compression ? 30. Describe Hertz.

  899 Hits
899 Hits


If you want any type of 3d , autocad or any help just sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3D ANIMATION SOLVED PAPERS 1. What is Image Stabilization ? Explain any one. 2.What is Back Story, how do you build a back story ? 3. What is Dolly, explain how is it done ? 4.Describe Grayscale and Bitmap Mode 5.Explain what is Motion Tracking ? 6. Describe Chroma and cite a example for a Bollywood Film Explain Bitrate in Multimedia 7.What is Editing 8.Describe Hertz 9.. What are Mapping Coordinates ? 10. What is a Schematic View ? 11. Define Transform References. 12. Create a 3D Head with complete Texturing and 3Point Lighting. 13. Create a 3D Room with complete Texturing and Mood Lighting 14. What is a Bones System ? 15. Explain Inverse Kinematics 16. Explain the concept of Motion Flow in Character Studio. 17. Create a complete Biped Rig (With bones and IK) and create a 100 frame walk cycle. 18 Define NURBS. 19. What is the advantage of using Mudbox over regular 3D Modeling ? 20. What are Subdivision Surfaces ? 21. Create a Detailed 3D Head in grey (non-textured). Mudbox can be used for detailing. 22. Define Extreme Long Shot. 23. What makes a good Story ? 24. What is Lens in a camera 25. The process of Batch Rendering in After Effects. 26. The concept of Matte Painting. 27. Grayscale and Bitmap Mode. 28. Explain Non Linear Editing. 29. What is Audio Compression ? 30. Describe Hertz.

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Solved assignments gitam university

MPDBA-101/MPDHR-101] MBA (GEN) & MBA (HRM) Degree Examination I YEAR / I SEMESTER PERSPECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT & BEHAVIOUR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION-A 1. Answer any Five of the following: a) Managerial skills b) Difference between choice making and decision making c) Contingency approach to conflict management d) Stroking e) Grapevine f) Laissez faire g) Formal organisation h) Group dynamics SECTION-B Answer all questions 2. a) What are the tasks of a Professional Manager? OR b) ‘In order to be effective, a Manager must possess and continuously develop several essential skills’. Discuss 3. a) What is MBO? Explain the process of MBO OR b) Define Decision Making. Explain the need for and the factors involved in decision making 4. a) What is change agent? What functions are performed by a change agent in the process of organizational change OR b) Discuss some conflict resolution techniques. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? 5. a) What are the barriers to communication? Suggest measures to overcome these barriers OR b) What is delegation? Explain the factors affecting delegation of authority and its process 6. a) What is transactional analysis? How does it help in improving interpersonal relationships OR b) Elucidate various leadership styles and suggest which leadership style is effective and give supporting view points SECTION-C 7. Case Let (Compulsory): 15 Arjun Das had been working with Belta Cables Ltd (BCL) for several years, during this time he had worked his way up from the bottom to a position of foreman. He was proud of what he had achieved, and he liked his work at BCL. He had recently bought a flat and his wife and children were happy with their new neighbours. In recent months, the company had lost two good contracts and as a result had been forced to lay off some employees. They had for the most part, laid off employees with least seniority, although this was not required. Now, there was a rumour circulating that they were going to loose another contract. As Arjun Das considered the situation, he realized he now had the least seniority of the foreman in his division. Thus, he concluded that the company was going to loose more business and owing to lack of his seniority, he was going to be given a `Golden handshake’. As a result of this painful conclusion, Das become extremely despondent, his interest in his job deteriorated badly and he began to have a hard time getting along with his co-workers. Actually, the rumour circulating in the company was incorrect. Instead of losing business, BCL was anticipating some new contracts. Further, management was very pleased with Arjun Das as an employee and had no intention of letting him go. Questions: a) In what ways, if any, has poor communication caused this problem? b) How might this situation be improved? c) What is the basis for Arjun Das’s anxiety?


R b) How is demand for new products estimated? 4. a) Define production function. Explain and illustrate isoquants and isocost curves OR b) Explain with the help of imaginary figures the relationsjip between fixed cost, variable cost, total cost and marginal cost 5. a) What are the features of perfect competition? How do you fix price under perfect competiton? OR b) What are the different types of pricing strategies? Also discuss their relative uses 6. a) Review the growth in basic and cellular market OR b) What are the important pricing issues relating to telecommunication sector in the wake of competition?

[MPDBA-102/MPDHR-102/CPDCO-102] MBA (GEN & HRM) & M.Com. Degree Examination I YEAR / I SEMESTER MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (Effective from the admitted batch 2009-10) Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION-A 1. Answer any Five of the following: (5x4=20) a) Scope of managerial economics b) Price elasticity c) Incremental costs d) Market structure e) Pricing strategy f) Monopoly g) Business cycle h) apital gearing SECTION-B Answer all questions (5x10=50) 2. a) Outline the chief characteristics of managerial economics. How is macro economics useful in managerial activities? OR b) “Managerial economics consists of the use of economic modes of thought to analyse business”-comment 3. a) What is meant by elasticity of demand? Explain giving a suitable illustration. How elasticity of demand determines the price policy of a firm? OR b) How is demand for new products estimated? 4. a) Define production function. Explain and illustrate isoquants and isocost curves OR b) Explain with the help of imaginary figures the relationsjip between fixed cost, variable cost, total cost and marginal cost 5. a) What are the features of perfect competition? How do you fix price under perfect competiton? OR b) What are the different types of pricing strategies? Also discuss their relative uses 6. a) Review the growth in basic and cellular market OR b) What are the important pricing issues relating to telecommunication sector in the wake of competition? [May-15] [MPDBA-102/MPDHR-102/CPDCO-102] MBA (GEN & HRM) & M.Com. Degree Examination I YEAR / I SEMESTER MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS SECTION-A 1. Answer any Five of the following: (5x4=20) a) Scope of managerial economics b) Price elasticity c) Incremental costs d) Market structure e) Pricing strategy f) Monopoly g) Business cycle h) apital gearing SECTION-B Answer all questions (5x10=50) 2. a) Outline the chief characteristics of managerial economics. How is macro economics useful in managerial activities? OR b) “Managerial economics consists of the use of economic modes of thought to analyse business”-comment 3. a) What is meant by elasticity of demand? Explain giving a suitable illustration. How elasticity of demand determines the price policy of a firm?

OR b) How is demand for new products estimated? 4. a) Define production function. Explain and illustrate isoquants and isocost curves OR b) Explain with the help of imaginary figures the relationsjip between fixed cost, variable cost, total cost and marginal cost 5. a) What are the features of perfect competition? How do you fix price under perfect competiton? OR b) What are the different types of pricing strategies? Also discuss their relative uses 6. a) Review the growth in basic and cellular market OR b) What are the important pricing issues relating to telecommunication sector in the wake of competition?

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Human resource management solved questions


1)Write a comprehension on the emerging dimensions of HRM. 2) Discuss the challenges associated in the HRM in present business scenario. 3) Describe the guidelines for better HRM.2)1. What is “Human Resource Management”? 2. What functions does a human resource department normally perform? 3. Explain the new roles of HR managers.3)1) Trace the evolution of HRM. 2) Discuss the importance and scope of HRM. 3) Explain different perspectives on HRM. 4) Describe the components of HRM.4)1) What is the relevance of job analysis in the modern times? 2) Discuss the methods used job analysis. 3) Discuss the salient features of job analysis 4) How relevant is the understanding of job design for developing organizational effectiveness.5)1) Explain the objectives of HRP. 2) Describethe process of HRP with illustrations. 3) Discuss the problems in HRP and state measures to overcome them. 4) Briefly review the forecasting techniques.6)1) What do you understand by recruitment? Explain the process of recruitment. 2) Discuss critically the various sources of recruitments. 3) Explain the various types of tests used in selection process. 4) What are the objectives of interview? Describe the process of interview. 5) Explain the ‘outsourcing’ function in an organization with suitable examples.7)1) What does one gain by perceiving organizations as social systems? 2) Discuss how motivation patterns, role, and status have influenced your interactions with others today. What is your primary motivation pattern? 3) Discuss the statement: A manager cannot satisfy a worker only as an “employee” because each worker has many work roles. 4) From your experience cite examples of poor status congruence. 5) Compare the ideas of system equilibrium and employee adjustment. 6) Define distributive justice and its relation to lay off.8)1) Discuss the concept of “Competency Mapping”. 2) Describe the roles that are necessary in group discussion citing suitable examples. 3) Write short notes on: a) Assessment Centre b) Psychometric Tests c) Interview Techniques9)1) Explain the Performance Appraisal System. Either suggest improvements to an existing appraisal system in your organisation or design an appraisal system which would meet the objectives outlines in this chapter. 2) Describe the 360 degree appraisal with the help of examples. 3) Write short notes of: a) Management by objectives b) Behaviourly Anchored Rating Scale c) Performance Counselling10)1) Explain the concept of ‘potential appraisal’ with illustrations. 2) What is career planning? Discuss its needs, purpose and objectives. 3) Is assessment centre same with development centre? If not, what are the differences? 4) Write a comprehensive note on succession planning citing suitable examples11)1) Write a comprehensive note on HR Audit. Process with the help of illustrations. 2) Define ‘Benchmarking’. What are the types of benchmarking process? 3) Discuss the concept of HR Information System and its applicability. 4) Write short notes on: a) HR Research b) HR Audit Reports c) Exit Interview12)1) Describe the concept of HRD and its need in present industrial scenario. 2) Write short notes on: a) Communiction b) Developing equitability c) Coping with collective power 3) Discuss how organisational culture can be developed. 4) What are the principles in designing a HRD system? 5) Write an overview of the changing boundaries of HRD13)1) Define performance coaching and write its objectives. 2) Describe the process of performance coaching. 3) Discuss the phases of performance coaching with suitable examples. 4) Write a note on the process of mentoring, citing examples14)1) Define “role” and distinguish role from position, citing examples. 2) Write a comprehensive note on “role efficacy” and enumerate its different aspects. 3) Discuss different approaches to team development with illustrations.15)1) List out the various deductions under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936. 2) What is the procedure the government has to follow in fixing and revising minimum wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948? 3) The Payment of Bonus Act has no relevance in the present economic situation of the industry. Discuss. 4) What are the obligations of an employer under the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976? 5) What are the statutory social security benefits available to workmen/employees in India?16)1) What are the basic principles of compensation administration? 2) What are the characteristic features of executive compensation? 3) What type of compensation system normally motivate the executives? 4) Analyse the future trend of employee compensation in India. 5) Briefly explain the major components of industrial wage structure of India. 6) Compare and contrast individual, group, and organisation-wide performance bonus systems. How are they alike? and/or Different?17)1) “An organisation cannot attract and retain competent employees today without a good benefit package.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? 2) In future, the compensation policies, programmes, and practices of an organisation will revolve around newer reward systems and benefits. Discuss. 3) When an organisation is designing its overall compensation programme, one of the critical areas of concern is the benefits package. Explain.18)1) What is the role of I.D. Act, 1947 in statutory mechanisms in industrial relations? 2) Write short notes on: a) Litigation b) Mediation 3) What are the voluntary machineries available for settling industrial dispsutes? 4) Write a brief note on Lok adalats and its functions.19)1) Narrate the growth of trade unions in India. 2) Write a note on the theories of trade unionism. 3) Describe the classification of trade unions citing examples. 4) Discuss the measures required to strengthen trade union movement in India. 5) Write down the differences between blue-collar and white-collar workers. 6) Discuss the growth of employers’ associations. 7) Why managerial association is required? Discuss. 8) What are the EOs exist in India? Write down their objectives and functions. 9) Describe the management and organisation of EOs in India.20)1) What is the rationale for industrial democracy? 2) Review the schemes of industrial democracy. 3) Discuss the function of quality circle to achieve democracy at workplace, citing suitable examples. 4) What are the levels and forms of workers’ participation in management? 5) Compare the forms of workers’ participation in management in Germany and Yugoslavia.21)1) Discuss the causes and effects of grievances. 2) Briefly outline the features of a grievance procedure and the steps involved in it. 3) Why should organisations have a formal grievance procedure? 4) Explain the meaning and concept of discipline with examples. 5) Describe briefly the stages of disciplinary action procedure.+


Human resource management solved questions


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MBA finance Annamali assignments all annamali solved assignments available please sent email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




1. ‘Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organization in the

accomplishment of pre-determined objectives’. Do you agree or disagree? Justify.

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1. ‘Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organization in the

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1. ‘Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organization in the

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1. ‘Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organization in the

accomplishment of pre-determined objectives’. Do you agree or disagree?


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