Ms-21 Question bank (12)
Ms-21 Question bank
MS-21 December,
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMANAGEMENT PROGRAMME
December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. All
questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
1. What are the strategies available to a manager in an organisational set to enhance employee motivation ?
2. Briefly describe the components of Emotional intelligence and its importance in organisations. Can emotional intelligence be learnt ? Discuss in brief.
3. Briefly discuss different group decision makingtechniques and their strengths and weakness.
4. Describe Johari Window Model and Transactional analysis. Discuss how these models help in strengthening interpersonal relations ?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Qualities of an effective Counselor.
(b) Preventing Inter-group conflict.
(c) Referrent Power.
(d) Characteristics of Learning organization
(e) Cultural Shock.
6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :
Dharam Singh, general manager at 'Prithviraj Chemicals' was worried about his future, even though he had been told that after 'Prithviraj Chemicals' is merged with Orchid Pharmaceuticals he would be promoted and also be required to shoulder the additional responsibility of identifying those who should be retained as employees even after the merger. Dharam was concerned because he had heard that the organisational culture at 'Orchid' was computer driven, while at 'Prithviraj Chemicals', the focus was on "relationship"
A month later after the official merger of the two companies, the new management took the decision to shift the headquarters to Bangalore from Mysore. This decision was communicated to its employees, (many of 'Prithviraj Chemicals'). They approached Dharam Singh to ask 'Why was the new management shifting its Headquarters to a new place (Bangalore)', Was it because the two managements did not trust each other ?' This question was posed especially because most of Prithviraj's employees had become used to the'quiet, risk averse and friendly work environment' and were worried whether in Bangalore, with its 'cosmopolitan outlook, it would lead to cultural clashes.
As anticipated there were certain instances which had Dharam Singh wondering how to solve such cultural differences. The 'Prithviraj employees' consensus, relationship-result oriented approach always believed in an open communication system with all employees keeping each other informed about any decision and bringing about a consensus in all the decisions taken. On the other hand, the 'Orchid' employees were individually only concerned with their 'individual' work i.e., they were more focused on ambitious cost-cutting goals and each employee was individually responsible for quantifiable results.
• Whenever any work related problem arose,the 'Prithviraj' employees adopted an attitude 'Tell us about the problem from all angles and we will discuss and tell you how best to handle it.' In contrast, the 'Orchid' employees attitude was 'just tell me how this problem will/may affect my work, I am not interested in the whole problem.
. Many of 'Orchid' employees had worked in other cities of North India and few of them had also travelled abroad for official work and thus were more confident, more computer savvy, tough and didn't mince words. Because of this, the 'Prithviraj' employees felt threatened and preferred to describe 'Orchid' employees as 'loners','tough' and 'hard working.'
• At 'Prithviraj', employees were required to make weekly financial and staffing updates to their 'bosses'. However, at 'Orchid' this formality was considered to be a waste of time and they didn't adopt or accept this practice.
Dharam Singh had been with 'Prithviraj since the last 12 years and knew that 'Sudhir' (the M.D. at 'Prithviraj') had a lot of confidence in him when he had said "Dharam, I am very sure that we can count on you to see that there is no dissent among the employees after the merger. The new company is looking upon you to solve the societal-level cultural difference which is prevailing among the employees, so that we can have our own unique culture which would be a blend of both 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid's way of doing business."
Questions :
(a) Critically analyse the core issues of the case.
(b) Understanding the type of culture followed by 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid', what type of culture should the newly merged company follow ?
(c) Can you suggest ways to help Dharam Singh to cope with the existing cultural differences ?
MS 21 JUNE 2015
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMANAGEMENT PROGRAMME
Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. Describe the process of Perception and the external and internal factors influencing selective
attention. Explain how perception plays an important role in organizations.
2. Distinguish between group and team. Briefly discuss guidelines for developing effective teams
and their sustenance.
3. Discuss the importance of Behaviour modification in organisations and ethical issues related to it with examples.
4. Describe the nature of functional and dysfunctional conflicts and discuss the positive
and negative consequences of conflict withsuitable examples. MS-21 1 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Learning organisations.
(b) Attributes of work culture.
(c) Structural sources of power.
(d) Porter and Lawler's Model of motivation.
(e) Dynamics of downsizing.
Ms-21 june 2007
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMS-21 June, 2007
1. Describe different sources of power and discuss its dynamics in an organisatioh, with relevant examples.
2. What is motivation ? Discuss the Maslow's and McClelland's theories of motivation and their relevance in the present day context.
3. Discuss the importance of counselling in organisations and discuss the ethical issues involved in counselling in organisations.
4- Describe various roles in group process and discuss how group effectiveness can be increased.
5- write short notes on any three of the following :
(i) Cross-culture differences
(ii) Role of leader in Team-Building
(iii) Halo effect and Stereotyping
(iv) Barriers to communication
(v) Process of conflict
6- Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end.
Anju and Ria are two sisters and the daughters of Mr. o.P. Sharma and Shama Sharma. Mr. Sharma is a well known advocate practising in Surat (Gujarat State), while shama sharma is a housewife. Right from childhood, the two sisters had shown different personality traits. Anju was an introvert, quiet, did not express much
and was always involved in doing her own things. By contrast Ria was a typical extrovert always speaking her mind, bubbling with enthusiasm, sociable. Though Ria
was usually the centre of attraction at social events and gatherings, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma never differentiated or favoured any one child. Mr. Sharma was very busy in his professional life and so management of the house and family was totally Mrs. Sharma's priority/concern. Mrs. Sharma was very clear in her belief that if one wants anything, nothing is impossible and also nothing can come in the way of achieving that something. Mrs. Sharma was responsible in shaping her childrens' aspirations. She always encouraged her daughters to pursue their dreams by overcoming obstacles. Anju completed her M.Sc. in Microbiology and left for the U.S., to study as a research scholar in her area of specialisation. Ria after graduation, did her M.B.A. from one of the premier institutes and through campus recruitment was placed in an MNC 'TCOLEE LTD.' This company also had a competitive culture which suited Ria's personality. Her former colleagues used to say "Ria was unafraid to speak her mind and always had an inner drive to seek greater responsibilities and promotions." Recognising her talent, the company promoted her as a team facilitator, within one and a half years, and sent her to their Singap ore branch, where 150 persons were employed. Within a few months in her new position, Ria realised that her immediate superior Rajesh's personality was very different from that of her former boss. Rajesh believed that situations determined behaviour and in case of situational requirement would hire persons at random and then structure the situation accordingly. As a result, Ria noticed that members of her team were finding it difficult to work together. She realised that it was a classic case of personality conflict as they (team members) didn't like each other and this could prove to be disruptive
Ria called the team members and gave them a time frame within which they had to work things out. she was very firm when she spoke to the team members. "l have communicated to you all about the problems your behaviour is causing, but I hope you realise that the work has to be completed in the required time irrespective of how you get along." But even alter another six months,
Ria realised that the team was still not working well together, the productivity was inadequate and the morale was also low. Ria thought "l know I have to do
something because it is affecting their work. " After a lot of introspection, Ria decides that the best way of solving the problem was by simply dissolving the team and placing its members elsewh ere rather than trying to determine who was right or wrong.
(a) What could be the key determinants involved in shaping Ria's personality ?
(b) There is a popular saying 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going'. In Ria's case, what are the implications of the goal orientation exhibited, and why ?
(c) If you are asked to select candidates for developing a team at Ria's office, what traits will you look out for in prospective employees ? Why ?