Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects





IFHE Hyderabad

The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education is a deemed University established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Dehradun

The ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand was established under the ICFAI University Act 2003.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Tripura

The ICFAI University, Tripura was established in 2004 through an Act of State Legislature (Tripura Act 8 of 2004).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Sikkim

The ICFAI University, Sikkim has been established under Section 4 (2) of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Sikkim Act 2004    »»»

The ICFAI University, Meghalaya

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Meghalaya was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Act, 2005    »»»

The ICFAI University, Jharkhand

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Jharkhand was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Act, 2006    »»»

The ICFAI University, Nagaland

The ICFAI University, Nagaland has been established under the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Nagaland Act 2006.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Mizoram

The ICFAI University, Mizoram was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Mizoram Act 2006, (Act No. 4 of 2006).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Raipur

The ICFAI University, Raipur has been established under Section 9(2) of the Chhattisgarh Private Universities Act 2005 and notified on March 25, 2011    »»»

The ICFAI University, Jaipur

The ICFAI University, Jaipur has been notified by the Government of Rajasthan (Act No. 20 of 2011).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh

The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh has been notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh in July, 2011.    »»»



Principles of Management Question bank


Q. 1. What is `management' ? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations.


Define 'management'. What is the importance of management in today's business world ?


"Management is the ordering and coordinating of functions and of the men fulfilling these functions in order to achieve a given purpose." Discuss.


"Management is the art of setting things done through and with the people in formally organised groups." Explain this statement.

Q. 2. Define `management' and discuss its characteristic features.


Discuss the nature of management.


What are the characteristics of management? Discuss its nature as art and a science.


Discuss the nature and characteristics of management. Is management a science, an art, or a profession?


Is management a profession? Discuss.


"Management is an art of setting things done, and a science of decision making." Discuss.

Q. 3. What are the functions of management ?


"Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organisation in the accomplishment of predetermined objectives." Discuss.


"Management is what management does." Discuss.


"Management has to perform a series of jobs." Discuss.


Describe the essential functions which constitute the process of management. What is the relative importance of such functions?

Q 4 . Write short notes on the following :

(a) Levels of Management; (b) Managerial skills.


"Levels of management refers to a line of separation between different positions held by seniors and juniors drawn with a view to distinguish each-other in respect of their duties, responsibilities, rights and authority." Explain this statement.


"Different skills are needed at different managerial levels." What are these levels and skills ? Discuss fully.


Identify and briefly explain the different kinds of skills needed by managers to perform the task of management in organisation. What is the relative mix of these skills at different levels of organisational levels ?


What are the different levels of management ? Describe the role of the people at each such level.

Q 5 . Critically examine the managerial roles approach to management as t forth by Mintzberg.

Q .6.Briefly describe the evolution of management thought from early days to modern times.


Give a brief account of the growth and development of management till modern era.


Examine the evolution of management thought from the early pioneers to modern thinkers.


Describe briefly various schools of management thought prevalent from time to time.

Q 7. What is scientific management ? Discuss the main elements of scientific management.


Discuss the contribution of Frederick W. Taylor to the theory of management.


Who is recognised as the father of scientific management? What is meant by scientific management ? What weaknesses in scientific management did lead to the emphasis on human relations ?


Assess the contribution of scientific management to the development of management thought.


"Scientific management aims to develop each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity." Discuss.


Present a case for and against of scientific management.


"The principles of scientific management mark the beginning of management movement." Discuss. Bring out clearly the broad principles of  scientific management.


Discuss the techniques of scientific management.


"One of the basic principles of scientific management is mental revolution. " Explain this statement.


"Scientific management involves in its essence a complete mental revolution on the part of the workmen and an equally complete mental revolution on the part of those on managerial side." Examine.


"Scientific management is nothing, but a mental revolution." Discuss this statement.

Q. 8. Describe in brief the administrative theory of management.


Briefly explain the Fayol's general principles of management.


"To manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control." Discuss.


Discuss the contribution of Fayol to the science of management.


Write a critical note on Fayol's contribution to the theory of management.

Q. 9. Who is the father of managementTaylor or Fayol ? Discuss.


Write a comparative note on the contributions of Taylor and Fayol.

Q. 10. "The terms management and administration are interchangeable and are often used as synonymous." Critically examine this statement.


"Admin4stration is the determinative function. Management, on the other hand, is an executive function that is primarily concerned with carrying out the broad policies laid down by the administration." W.R. Spriegel. Elucidate.


Are `management' and `administration' different ? How will you comment on their terminologicalconflicts ?

Q 11. What are management principles ? Explain the nature of management principles.                                                               Or

Why management principles are needed? What are their limitations ? What is meant by management principles ? Enlist the imporant principles of management.


Explain the management principles and give their importance.


"Principles of management are helpful in increasing productivity  Elucidate this statement. In this connection, briefly discuss the management principles.


"principles of management are flexible and not absolute, but must be utilised in the light of changing and special conditions. Fayol Comment and summarise the principles of management as enunciated by Henri Fayol.

Q. 12. Are management principles universal in nature ?


Give arguments for and against the universality of the management concept.


The fundamental principles of scientific management are applicable to all human activities from our simplest individual acts to the work of our great corporations." (Taylor) Bring out the universality of management principles.


What is the concept of universality of management ? Do you think that there are universal principles of management that effect the success of all organisations and managers ?


Express your views about the universality of management principles.


Do you agree that management principles are of universal application ? Explain and illustrate your answer.


"The principles of management are not the monopoly of economic sector alone." Discuss.

Q 13 . What is human relations approach to management ? Critically evaluate its contribution to management theory.


Discuss the impact of Hawthorne Experiments on management thought.


Describe the main elements of human relations approach to management.

Q.14. . Write a comprehensive note on behavioural approach to management.


Explain the significance of the behavioural approach to management.

What are its main features ? Discuss.


Consider the principal focal points of social science approach to management

Q.15.. What is management science approach to management ? Critically examine it.


Define management science approach and explain the characteristics of the situations in which management science applications are usually made.

Q. 16. Write an explanatory note on `systems approach' to management.


What is systems approach to management ? Explain salient characteristics of the system.


Explain the systems approach to management. Discuss with example how does it provide feedback mechanism to continue the whole cycle.

Q.17. Write an explanatory note on Contingency Approach to Management.


Critically evaluate contingency approach to management.


What is contingency theory of management ? How do you evaluate it ?


Describe the situational theory of management.

Q 18 . Write an essay on `Management Development in India.'


Attempt an essay on `Professionalisation of Management in India.'


"The importance of formal management education is not suffieient!v recognised in this country." Is this true ? What steps would you suggest to bring a wider recognition for a formal management education in India ?


"Industrial management is a profession like any other technical branch and men acquiring specialised knowledge and skill pertaining to this discipline can be utilised in managing business and industry in this country, yet (here is no recognition of a formal management education in this country." Elucidate the statement.


What future do you visualise for management education in India ? Are present facilities adequate to cater to the national requirements ? Discuss.


What are the different institutions that promote management in India ? What role private sector has played ? Discuss.


Q.19.  How can managers deal with their organisation's environment ? Explain.


"For the survival and growth of the organisation, the managment has to cope successfully with the environment of its organisation." In the light of this statement discuss various ways open to managers to cope with organisation's environment.

Q.20 What is internal environment ? How managers can match the internal environment with the external environment of their organisation ?


Explain the meaning of `internal environment'. What are the tools available to managers for matching the internal environment with the external environment.


Explain some important techniques by means of which proper organisational strategy may be systematically developed to match the internal environment with the external environment.

Q 21 . What do you understand by `Management by Objectives'? Describe the process Management by Objectives.


Define Management by Objectives. Discuss its benefits and limitations. What do you suggest to improve the effectiveness of Management by Objectives "


What do you mean by Management by Objectives ? Explain the goal-setting process through Management by Objectives.


Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Management by Objectives. What are the minimum requirements of an Management by Objectives programme ?


"Efficient management is management by objectives." In the light of this statement, discuss the essential characteristics of Management by Objectives.


Define Management by Objectives. Explain the Management by Objectives Cycle.


What is meant by Management by Objectives ? What are the different steps involved in it .

Q 22  What do you understand by the term 'forecasting' ? How is it related to planning ? Explain its significance.


"Looking ahead is the essence of managment." (Henri Fayol) Discuss the statement bringing out clearly the meaning of forecasting.


"'Sound forecasting are the foundations of business management." Discuss the statement.


What do you understand by forecasting ? Explain its nature and significance.


What are elements of forecasting process ? Discuss its advantages and limitations.


"Planning and forecasting arc inextricably, intertwined." Discuss.

Q.23. Briefly explain the various techniques used in business forecasting.


Discuss the forecasting methods as used by managers to forecast the future. What are the limitations of statistical methods of forecast 7 How would you select a suitable forecasting technique

Q 24  What do you understand by decision making ? What are its basic elements ?


"Decision is an art of choice wherein an executive forms a conclusion about what must not be done in a given situation." Comment. In the light of this statement bring out clearly the meaning and characteristics of decision making.


"Decision making is the primary test of management." Discuss this statement and explain the process of decision making.


"Whatever a manager does, he does through decision making." Critically examine this statement.


What is the significance of decision making ? What procedure should be followed in arriving at a correct decision ?


"Decision making is the vehicle for carrying managerial workload and discharging the managerial responsibilities." Evaluate the statement and examine the significance of rational decision making in management.


"Decision making is at the core of planning." Discuss this statement and spell out the nature of decision making.


What is decision making ? What are the important factors that influence decision making ?

Q.25 . Discuss in brief different theories of decision making.


What are the principles of decision making ? How and why the employee participation in decision making process should be introduced ?


Make out a case for employees' participation in decision making.

Q.26 . "Policies are guide-posts for managerial action." Discuss this statement and give at least two examples of policies in any area of business management.


What is `policy' ? What characteristics do policies have ? Also discuss various classifications of an industrial policy.


"Policies establish the framework upon which planning procedures and programmes are constructed." Discuss the statement bringing out the meaning and characteristics of policy.


What is `policy formulation' ? What is the process of policy formulation ?


What is `policy' ? What are the essentials of a sound policy ?

Q. 27. Explain the models of decision making behaviour of managers.


What are the approaches to decision making behaviour of managers ? Discuss.


Discuss and compare the classical and behavioural models of decision making.


What is bounded rationality ? Discuss the limits to rationality.

Q 28 . What is meant by `leadership' ? What are its important characteristics ? Spell out the significance of leadership.


What is leadership ? Why is there a need for leadership ? Discuss various styles of leadership.


Define leadership. Explain the nature of leadership. What is the importance of leadership ?


"Management is executive leadership; it makes things happen and gets things done through others." Discuss.


Briefly discuss various leadership styles and also refer to their advantages, disadvantages and conditions of use. Which is the best style in your opinion ?

Q 29 . Briefly describe various theories of leadership.


Discuss different approaches to leadership.


Explain the main theories of leadership.


Differentiate between tratist and situationalist theories. Which of the

two is near to the modern thinking?


Ely crate the qualities of leadership.

Q. 30 How would you define motivation ? Set out the importance of motivation in an organisation.


What is motivation ' Discuss its nature and process.


Define motivation. Explain important characteristics of motivation and the motivational process.


Explain the meaning and significance of motivation. What would be important elements of a sound motivation system ?


`Magic power of liquid cash is still an important motivator'. Comment and set out the essential requirements of a motivation system.


Explain the term motivation. What does motivate people in an organisation "


"Motivation is getting the members of the team to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to group, to carry out properly the activities allocated and generally to play an efficient part in the purpose or task that the organisation has undertaken." Discuss the importance of motivation with reference to this statement. Explain the methods of motivation that can be adopted by the management.

Q 31  Briefly describe the modern theories of motivation.


How do McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y of human behaviour help motivation of employees ? Do you think an integrated approach, an amalgam of these two theories may be more effective in our country 7 Comment.


"A more complete theory of motivation recognises that an individual works to fulfil a variety of need" Examine critically. (Maslow's Needs Hierarchy).


Discuss Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.


Define and distinguish between Theory X and Theory Y of motivation.


Distinguish between Maslow's need priority model and Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.


Examine Abraham Maslow's theory. How does this theory help managers in motivating employees ?


Identify and briefly explain the various approaches to motivation.

Q.32.. What is morale ? How do you measure it ? Explain the techniques of ``maintaining and improving employee morale.


How morale is related with motivation and productivity ? What measures would you take as a manager-leader to build the morale of your men ?

Q.33 Briefly describe Ouchi's Theory Z.


What is Theory Z management ? Discuss briefly.

Q 34.  Define communication. What is the purpose of communication in an organisation? Discuss the nature of communication process in the direction of men at work.


What is management communication? Explain its importance in business management.


What are the elements of the communication process? Detail out the factors responsible for ever-enlarging scope and importance of communication.


What are various types of communication? Briefly discuss them.


Explain the principal barriers to managerial communications. Suggest maesures for removing them.


What is communication? What steps would you suggest to make the communication network effective in an industrial undertaking?


What is the importance of communication in an industrial organisation? How will you ensure effective communication in a large manufacturing organisation? Explain.


Define communication. Mention the essential elements of communication.

Q. 35. What is coordination ? Explain its importance.


Define `coordination'. What are its important features ? Discuss salient techniques of coordination.


"Coordination is the essence of management." Discuss the importance of coordination in the light of this statement.


"Each of the managerial functions is an exercise contributing to coordination" Discuss. Explain the importance of coordination,


' Explain meaning of coordination. What are the principles of coordination ? Explain the need of coordination.

Q 36 . What is meant by managerial control? Explain the nature of control


Define control. Discuss the importance of control in organisational system. Explain the elements of control.


What are the basic steps of control? Discuss the requirements of an effective control system.


Define control. Explain various types of control used in an organisation.


"Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back." Comment.


"Planning is meaningless without control and control is aimless without planning. " Discuss


"Planning and control are the inseparable twins of management." Comment.


"Control is best aimed at results not at people as such." Discuss the essentials of an effective control in the light of this statement.

Q 37 Discuss briefly the various managerial control techniques.


Discuss the objectives of budgetory control. What are the benefits and limitations of budgetary control?


Explain the term `budgetary control.' What are the prerequisites for effective budgetary system?


"Budgetary control still continues to be an effective technique of managerial control" Discuss this statement and suggest steps to make budgetary control more effective.

Q 38 . Define the term 'social responsibility'. is it necessary that a company should feel responsibility towards social and community development ?


What do you understand by corporate social responsibility ? The objective function of a business is to maximise profits. It has nothing to do with the social responsibilities. Do you agree with this ?


"The responsibility of business do not end with caring for their own factories, their own business and their own men. They owe a debt to society". Comment.


Discuss in brief the major social responsibilities of a business manager.


"Economic goals and social obligation of business are always in conflux with each other and cannot be reconciled" Comment.


Discuss the arguments for and against the social responsibility of business.


"Social responsibility, of business is an exercise of balancing of objectives of society on one hand and the objectives of the business on the other hand" Discuss.

Q.39. What is the concept, nature and process of planned change ? Discuss.


flow a planned change can be introduced in an enterprise ? Explain.


Why do people resist change ? Suggest measures to overcome resistance to change.


What is change ? Discuss how a manager manages change effectively ?

Q.40. Write a note on 'emerging horizons of management in changing environment.'


Discuss the tasks expected to he performed by future management to effectively deal with the various challenges in future.


Write an explanatory note on challenges of management in future.


"Managerial environment in future is going to be more challenging requiring high degree of professionalisation from managers." Comment.


Discuss the important challenges to management in future. How can they be met ?


"The manager of tomorrow will not be a bigger man than his father was before him." In the light of this statement discuss the tasks expected to he performed by future managers to affectively deal with management challenges.

Q 41 Define organisation. What are its basic principles? Explain.

Q.42. What are organisation charts ? Discuss their advantages and limitations.

Q.43.. What do you understand by span of management? Explain the factors that determine the span of management. What is its impact on organisation?


`The span of management is the corner-stone concept in traditional management theory.' Do you agree?

Q.44. What is an informal organisation? How does it differ from a formal organisation ''


Define a formal and an informal organisation. Explain the difference between the two.

Q.45. What is informal organisation numerate the salient characteristics of informal organisations.


What do you understand by informal organisation ? Why informal organsiations emerge ? Explain.


Discuss the managerial implications of informal organisations.


What are the benefits of informal organisations ? Explain their dysfunctions too.

Q 46  Discuss the meaning, methods and importance of departmentalisation. What basic factors would you keep in mind while creating departments in an enterprise?


"The organisation structure should divide and group the activities of an enterprise that they contribute most effectively and efficiently to the attainment of enterprise purpose." Discuss the statement and short' the place of `departmentalisation' in an organisation.


What is departmentalisation? What are its bases? Explain its need.

Q47.  What do you understand by the term `authority' in relation to an organisation ? Row Max Weber distinguishes between organisation types on the. basis of authority ?


"Authority does not always exact obedience." Explain.


Explain the reasons as to why subordinates comply with their superior's authority ?


Explain the concept of `responsibility'. Can responsibility be delegated ?


Explain in brief the vertical dimensions of the organisation.


What is `managerial hierarchy' ? Explain this concept with the help of a diagram.

Q.48. What is meant by delegation of authority? What are the elements of the process of delegation? Explain the benefits of delegation.


Define delegation of authority. Briefly discuss the principles of delegation. What are barriers to effective delegation?


"Delegation has been called as the hey to organisation. " Discuss explaining the meaning and basic principles of delegation.


What is delegation of authority? Bring out the difference between delegation and decentralisation.


What are the obstacles in effective delegation? What would you suggest to achieve effective delegation?

Q.49. What are centralisation and decentralisation ? Explain the merits and limitations of decentralisation.


Define delegation and decentralisation. Explain the difference between delegation and decentralisation. What factors determine the degree of decentralisation? How would you measure the degree of decentralisation?

Q 50 . What do You understand by `staffing' ?


Define `staffing' a Describe the need and importance of staffing function in an enterprise.


"Staffing the formal process of ensuring that the organisation has qualified workers at all levels to meet its short-term and long-term objectives". Elucidate. Briefly explain the major principles of staffing.

Q 51 . What is the staffing process ? Explain the steps involved in this process.


Briefly describe the elements of staffing functions.


What is the importance of placement and orientation for effective job performance of a new employees.

Q. 52  Explain the sources of recruitment  of new employees.


What are the different sources of recruitment ? Discuss their advantages and limitations.

Q.53. Explain in detail the process of selection.


Discuss the various steps or elements involved in the`3elect,on process.


Do you agree that combination of written test and interview provides better results in selection.

Q.54. What are the objective of training and development? Discuss their need and importance.


Explain in brief the various methods adopted for training the employees in an organisation.


Why is training so important for manpower development ?


Describe in brief the techniques used under off-the-job training.


What are the steps involved in the training and development process ?

Q 55. Write a note on `Organisation as a socio-technical system'.


"Organisation is a socio-technical system". Explain. Also describe briefly the principles which the socio-technical approach follows.

Q.56. Discuss the Concept of Organisational Climate. What are its important Elements ? Explain the Nature of Organisational Climate


What is Organisation climate ? Discuss its impart on the working of an Organisation and its members

Q.57. What is status ? What are its Determinants ? What are the various categories of status ? Explain.


Discuss the relevance and functional value of status systems.


Explain the dysfunctions of status systems and distinctions.


Write notes on : (r) Status Systems (ii) Status Equity (iii) Status Symbols (iv) Status motive.

Q.58. What is conflict ? What are its sources ?


What do you understand by conflict ? Discuss various consequences of conflict.


What are causes of conflict ? How would you resolve them ?


What are the main strategies to deal with conflict ? Explain them in brief.


How would you manage conflict in your organisation ? Explain.


"Modern approach to conflict in quite different from traditional approach". Explain.

Q.59. Define Organisation Development. What are Organisation Development values Explain.


What do you understand by Organisation Development (Organisation Development) ? Briefly explain the objectives of Organisation Development.


What is Organisation Development process ? Explain.


What is an Organisation Development intervention ? Explain any two Organisation Development interventions.


Explain the concept of Grid Organisation Development.


Write notes on the following :

  1. I.      Role analysis
  2. II.      Team building
  3. III.      Sensitivity training
  4. IV.      Transactional analysis
  5. V.      Survey feedback
  6. VI.      Third party peace making.
  7. VII.      Confrontation meeting.
  8. VIII.       Quality of work life (OWL)

Business Environment


Q. 1.  Define environment and explain various critical elements of macro-economic environment Also examine the interaction between economic and non-economic environment.

Q.2. Explain the trends in industrial policy in India.  What measures have been taken recently to liberate the industry  from excessive controls?

Q.3.  Discuss the problem of poverty in India.  What measures has the Government taken for the removal of poverty in India?

Q.4.  What do you mean by privatisation?  Why is privatisation advocated these days?  Indicate possible areas of privatization in India.

Q.5 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is increasingly important in economic development because f its close links in trade, financial flows and technology transfer  Explain the above statement and examine the policy of the government regarding promoting foreign capital in India.

Q.6.  What do you understand by Social responsibilities of Business?  Pont out the various elements involved in this .

Q.7.  Critically examine the rationale behind establishing Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) inIndia.  What are the reasons for unsatisfactory performance of these enterprises?  What should be the future policy towards PSEs?

Q.8.   Explain the concepts of (a)  monopolistic trade practices,  (b)  restrictive trade practices and (c)  unfair trade practices under the MRTP Act 1969.  Has India succeeded in preventing concentration of economic power through MRTP?  Illustrate with suitable examples.

Q.9.  Explain the objectives of economic planning in India.  Discuss the achievements of economic planning in our country in the light of these objectives.

Q.10.  Point out the need for providing protection to consumers.  What measures have been taken by the Government of India to protect the interest of the consumers? [Faculty notes]

Q.11.  What do you mean by Industrial Sickness?  What factors are responsible for this ?  What has been the Government policy to avoid industrial sickness? [Faculty notes]

Q.12.  Analyse the framework of the Indian financial system.  What are the main recommendationsof the Narasimham committee on financial sector reforms?

Q.13.  What circumstances lead to preferring foreign capital to foreign aid and debt?  Criticallyevaluate the policy  measures adopted by the Government of India to encourage inflow of foreign capital.

Q.14.  Explain the major objectives of the public sector, Give different criteria t evaluate the performance of public enterprises.  Comment on hw to resolve the possible conflict between autonomy and public accountability of public enterprises.

Q.15.  Discuss the balance of payments crisis in India.  Explain critically the emerging trade policy issues.

Q..16     a)       Define the following:

Balance of trade; balance of invisible transfers; current account balance; capital account balanceand balance of payments.

Q.17 .  Collect data on foreign technical and financial collaborations for two different periods 1985-90          and 1991-2001 and write a detailed note on the annual trends of these collaborations.

Q.18 a)   Distinguish between basic restructuring and financial restructuring.

Q.19.   write short notes on :

Q20. write short notes on :

  1. Black economy
  2. Inflation


Financial Management QUESTION BANK

                                                              Financial Management question bank 

Repeated questions for all indian universities



Q.1 Define the term Financial Management. What are the characteristics of Financial Management?

Q.2 Explain the basic characteristics of a sound financial plan?

Q.3 Explain EBIT-EPS analysis and the methods determining indifference level of EBIT.

Q.4 Discuss the assumptions of MM Hypothesis and the criticism of this hypothesis

Q. 5. How would you measure the cost of capital in making investment decision?


How is the cost of different types of capital measured? Illustrate and explain.


How should a business firm compute the cost of long-term debt? Is debt financing always the cheapest mode of raising funds?

Q.6 Explain different theories of Capital structures with imaginary figures.

Q.7 Discuss the approaches to the Management of Working Capital.


Discuss the factors determining the working capital requirements.

Q.8 Explain in brief the provisions of Company Law relating to them and the guidelines issued by the Controller of Capital Issues in respect of them.

Q.9 Both over-capitalisation and under-capitalisation are harmful to the financial interest of a corporation." Discuss.


Write short note on `Effects of under-capitalisation.'


"In industries over-capitalisation is as dangerous as under capitalisation". Discuss.

Q.10 �The need for maintaining case balance arises form the non-synchronization of the inflows of cash. Elucidate the statement. Also point out the role of shout costs in determining the cash needs.

Q.11 Wealth maximisation is only a decision criterion and not a goal." Explain.

Q.12 Discuss the relationship between leverage and cost of capital s per the net income approach. How is it different form net operating income approach?

Q.13 What are the five traditional Cs the Finance Manager might consider in evaluating the credit worthiness of a potential customer?

Q.14 Explain and illustrate Arbitrage Process of MM theory of Capital structure.

Q.15 The key argument of Walter�s Model is the a firm would have an optimum dividend policy. Comment and explain taking suitable illustration.

Q.16 What is `Capital Gearing' ? What are the effects of high aqd low gearing on the financial position of a company during the vafious phases of trade cycle ?


Illustrate the meaning and significance of `Gearing Ratio'. Discuss the effects of capital-gearing during trade cycles.


Write a short note on `Capital Gearing'.


What do you mean by Capital gearing or form of Capital ?

Q.17 "Changes in capital structure may be sought as a means of easing tension and giving a better opportunity to the corporation to pursue its purposes." In the light of this statement advocate readjustment in the capital structure of a business corporation.

Q.18 In what circumstances would you recommend debt-financing as against equity financing ? Outline a suitable debt-management policy of a firm whose objective is to Iron-out the fluctuations in the earning per share.

Q.19 . Discuss each of the following measures of company's gearing and state which in your opinion provides the best indicator

Q.20  What are the essentials of Gordon's model of dividend effect? Does dividend policy affect the value of the firm under Gordon's model?

Q.21 . Explain the Lintner's model of dividend. How does the study of Fama and Babiak substantiate the concept of dividend policy of Lintner?

Q.22. What is Modigliani-Miller's irrelevance hypothesis? Explain and evaluate it.

Q.23 Critically evaluate the assumptions of Modigliani-Miller's irrelevance hypothesis.

Q.24 Define operating and financial leverage from an economic and social standpoint. Is the use of financial leverage Justifiable ? Explain by listing some advantages and disadvantages.


Attempt a comprehensive note on types of leverage


Explain the concept of financial "leverage. What are the managerial limitations to leverage ? Explain.


Write short note on 'Financial leverage

Q.25 What is relationship between fixed costs and operating leverage ?

Q.26 Discuss the impact of leverage on earnings per share and dividend per share in various conditions. Explain the effect of leverage on market prices of shares also

Q.27 What is Modigliani-Miller approach to the problem of capital structure? Under what assumption do their conclusion hold good?


What are the different approaches to the problem of cost of capital ?


Do your agree with the view point that a firm�s capital structure does not affect its cost of capital? Given your argument for and against the view>


Briefly discuss the Modigliani �Miller approach abut cost of capital

Q.28 Explain the 'Discounted Cash Flow Methods' of evaluating capital investment proposals.


Explain the following 'Time Adjusted Techniques' of appraising capital projects :

  1. i. Net Present Value Method
  2. ii. Present Value Index Method
  3. iii. Internal Rate of Return Method


Explain the salient features of the present value Method of project evaluation and examine its rationality.


What is the distinguishing feature of  Present Value Technique over the other methods of investment appraisal ? is the former superior to the latter in all cases?

Q.29 Define risk and uncertainty. What are the various methods available for considering risk and uncertainty in capital budgeting decisions.

Q.30 Explain various methods used for evaluation fo Capital expenditure proposals. Bringing out their relative merits and demerits


Explain the various methods used for Evaluation of Capital


Mention the characteristics and the relative merits an demerit of the different Methods of Appraising Capital Investment proposal. Which method would you prefer and why?


Give a comprehensive description of Various Methods of  Ranking Investment proposals.

Q. 31. Explain clearly the Pay-back method of evaluating alternative capital requirement. What are the advantages and limitations of this method ?


Explain with the help of suitable illustrations the Pay back Criterion of Evaluation Investment Proposals.


Explain the concept of 'Payback Period'. Why does the Payback Period. Method has acquired such popularity among businessmen ? What are its limitations ?


"Since Payback Period does not really measure profitability at all, of what value is it in Capital Budgeting ?" Comment.


"Despite all limitations of the Method of Payback Period, It has still got significance in Project Approval" Explain.


"Payback Period Method of Project Evaluation is a test of liquidity and not profitability." Discuss.


Discuss the Payback Criterion of Investment Decisions. What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Q. 32. How is the `Average Rate of turn' on an investment determined ? What are the merits and demerits of the `Average Rate of

Return Method' ?


Discuss the "Rate of Return Method" of evaluating alternative capital requirement. What are itsadvantages and disadvantages ?

Q.33 What do you understand by Capital Structure of a corporation? Distinguish between Capitalisation and Capital structure. Discuss the basic qualities of a sound Capital structure.


What are the characteristics of a sound Capital structure?


What do you mean by capital structure ? Discuss the points one should bear in mind while designing a suitable Capital structure for a business.


Discuss the factors that should enter into designing an ideal capital structure of a Company.


"Types of securities issued by a corporation depends among other factors upon the nature of its business, the state of market and the classes of investors to whom it can appeal" Discuss.

Q.34 Discuss the Dividend Policy & Goals, its legal aspects.


Write down the factors affecting the dividend policy.


Discuss the significance of dividend policy in business decisions. How can dividend policy decision influence value of firm.

Q. 35. Discuss the Baumol Model and 1lillter-Orr Model of cash Management.

Q. 36 . Discuss the Technique or Process of Cash Management.

Q.37 Role of Financial Manager in a modern enterprise.

Q.38 Time Preference of Money.

Q.39 Factors affecting the dividend policy of a company

Q.40 What is an appropriate capital structure of a company? Explain

Q.41 Explain the role working capital Management as part of overall Financial Management.

Q.42 Factors affecting Capital Structure

Q.43 Is Profit Maximisation the sole objective of Financial Management? 

Q.44 Objectives of Cash Management.

Q.45 Meaning of Financial Risks

Q.46 Importance of Cost of Capital in Financial Decision-making. 

Q.47 Operating cycle.

Q.48 Risk and Return trade off.

Q.49 Wealth Maximisation.

Q.50 Adequacy of working capital

Q.51 cash budget

Q.52 lock box system

Q.53 Receivables Management.

Q. 54 the need for maintaining cash balance arises form the non synchronization of the inflows and outflows of cash, Elucidate the statement. Also poking out role of short costs in determining the cash needs.

Q.55 How should a business firm compute the cost of long term debt? Is debt financing always the cheapest mode of raising funds.

Q.1 X Ltd. has operating profit of Rs.8,60,000 and a fixed finance burden of Rs. 60,000. The company is subjected to income tax payment of Rs. 2,00,000. The company has 3,00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 30,00,000 and 18% Debentures of Rs. 3,12,500. The market price of Equity share is Rs. 12 find:

Q.2 SIP Corporation wishes o replace its existing machine. The following information is available:

Q.3 A firm has sales of Rs. 75,00,000 variable cost of Rs. 42,00,000 and fixed cost of Rs. 6,00,000. it has a debt of Rs. 45,00,000 at 9% and equity of Rs. 55,00,000.

Q.4 Form the following data compute the duration of the operating cycle for each of the two years and give reasons for the increase\decrease.

Q.5 From the following information prepare an estimate of working capital requirements:

Q.6  Companies U and L are  identical in every  respect except that U is unleveled while L has Rs. 20 lakh of 8% debt. EBIT of both firms is Rs. 6 lakh and tax rate is 35% Equity capitalisation rate for U is 10%

Q.7 D company currently has 10 lakh  equity shares outstanding. Current market price  per share is Rs. 150. the net income for the current years is Rs 150. The net income for the current year is Rs. 2 corer and investment budget is  Rs. 4 crore  Cost of equity is 12% . the company is contemplating declaration of  dividend @  Rs. 8 per share. Assuming M-M approach

Q.8 Equity share of A Ltd. is currently selling in the market at Rs. 100 Dividends paid in the last 5 years are Rs. 4.00 Rs. 4.25 Rs. 4.60 Rs.4.85 and Rs. 5.05. the  company wants to issue new equity shares and has been advised to piece them at Rs. 90 floatation costs alkali to be s. 8 per share. Calculate the growth rate cost of existing and new equity for the company.

Q.9 Equity share of P Ltd is currently priced at Rs. 60. Dividend Expected at eh end of one year form now s Rs. 6. cost of equity for companies of similar risk is 18%. What is the expected growth rats?

Q.10 From the following data, Calculate:

(i) Operating financial and combined leverage

(ii) Financial Break even point.

(iii) Percentage drop in sales to make the earnings per share zero.

Q.11 The following annual figures relate to  ABC Ltd.

Q.12 The management of Z Ltd. subscribes to the No. 1 approach and believes that its cost of debt and overall cost of capital will remain at 9% and 12% respectively. If the debt-equity ratio is 0.8, what is the cost of equity?

Q.13  The relevant information for XYZ Ltd. for the year ended 2004 is given below:


Q.14 Arvind Textile Mill currently has 10,00,000 shares of equity outstanding with a market price of Rs. 50 per share. It also has Rs. 4 crore in 12% bonds. The company is considering a Rs. 5 crore expansion programme that it can finance through:

Q.15 A companys share is quoted in the market at Rs. 40 currently. The company pays a dividend of Rs.2 per share and investos expect a growth rate of 10% per year. Compute:

Q.16 Pranshu Ltd. plans to sell 30,000 units next year. The expected cost of goods is as follows:

Q.17 XYZ company is considering replacement of its existing machine by anew machine which is expected to cost Rs. 1,60,000. The new machine will have a life of 5 years and will yield cash revenues of Rs. 2,50,000 and incur annual cash expenses of Rs. 1,30,000. The estimated salvage value of the new machine is nil. The existing machine has book value of Rs. 40,000 and can be sold for Rs. 20,000 today. It is good or next 5 years ad is estimated to generate annual cash revenue of Rs.2,00,000 and to involve annual cash expenses of Rs. 1,40,000. its salvage value after 5 years is zero. Corporate tax rate is 40% . Depreciation rate is 25% on W.D.V. method. The companys opportunity cost of capital is 20% .

Q.18  Surabhi Co. Ltd. Currently provides 36 days of credit to its customers. The present level of sales is Rs. 50 crores. The firms cost of capital is 10% and the ratio of variable cost of  sales is 0.80. The company is considering to extend its credit period to 72 days. Such an extension  likely to push sales by Rs. 5 crores. The bad debt proportion on additional sales.  Would be 8% . The company is under 40% tax bracket. Should the credit period be extended?

Q.19 The earnings per share of a company are Rs. 10. It has rate of return of 15% and the capitalisation rate of risk class is 12.5%. If Walters model is used:

Q.20 . A company believes that it is possible to increase sales if credit terms are relaxed. The profit plan, bases on the old credit terms, envisages projected sales at Rs. 10,00,000 a 30 percent profit volume ratio, fixed cost at Rs. 50,000  bad debts of 1.00 percent and an account receivable turn over ratio of 10 times

Q.21 Two firms X and Y are  identical in all respects including risk factors except for debt/equity. X has issued 10% debentures of Rs. 18 lakhs while Y has issued only equity both the firms earn 20% before interest and taxes on their total assets of  Rs. 30 lakhs.

Q.22 Use Walters modal to determine the value of the firm in 3 cases:

Q.23 Estimate the net working capital of Firm X on the basis of the given data:


Cost per units


Q.24  On the basis of the data given below calculate:

Q.25 Chandra Ltd. purchased a special machine one year ago at a cost of Rs. 12,000. At that time the machine was estimated to have a useful life of 6 years and no salvage value. The annual cash operating cost is approximately Rs. 20,000. A new machine has just come in the market which will do the same job but with an annual cash operating cost of only Rs. 17,000. The new machine costs Rs. 21,000 and has an estimated life of 5 years with zero salvage value. The old machine can be sold for Rs. 10,000 to a scrap dealer, straight line depreciation is used, and the company's income tax rate is 40 percent. Assuming a cost of capital of 8%, you are required to compute the incremental cash flows after taxes.

Q.26 The earning per share of Dig Ltd. for the past 10 years is given below:

Q.27 ABC Ltd. expects its cost of goods sold for 2000-2001 to be Rs. 600 lakhs. The expected operating cycle is 90 days. It wants to keep a minimum cash balance of Rs. one lakh. What is the expected working capital requirement ? Assume a year consists of 360 days.

Q.28 S Ltd. and T Ltd. are in the same risk class and are identical in all respects except that company S uses debt while company T does not use debt. The levered firm has Rs. 9,00,000 debentures carrying 10% rate of interest. Both the firms earn 20% operating profit on their total assets of Rs. 15 lakhs. The company is in the tax bracket of 35% and capitalisation rate of 15% on all equity shares.

Q.29 Raja Ltd. wants to replace its existing plant. It has received three mutu�ally exclusive proposals I, II and III. The plants under the three proposals are ex�pected to cost Rs. 2,50,000 each and have an estimated life of 5 years, 4 years and 3 years respectively. The company's required rate of return is 10%. The anticipated net cash inflows after taxes for the three plants are as follows:

Q.30 Amar Ltd. is evaluating two financing plans alpha and Beta. The revenant data about the plans are given below:

Q.31 AB Ltd. provides the following particulars relating to its working:

Q.32 M Ltd. is  considering  a major expansion of its  production facilities and want to raise Rs 50 lakhs for the purpose.  The following alternatives are available to raise the required amount:

Q.33  A company has issued 14% Rs. 100 each Preference shares aggregating Rs. 1,00,000 to be redeemed after 10 years. Floatation cost  around 5%. Determine the true cost of Preference shares.

Q.34  A firms earnings per share is Rs. 8 its cost of Equity is 15% its rate of  return on investment is 10%. What will be the market price of the firm�s share as per Walter�s model of dividend payout ratio is (i) 25% ; (ii) 50% or (iii) 100%. What conclusion will you draw form these prices?

Q.35 The income Statement of X Ltd. for the current years is as follows:

Q.36 A company is currently engaged in the business of manufacturing computer component. The computer component is currently sold for Rs. 1,000 and its variable cost is Rs. 800. For the year ended 31�12�2002  the company sold on an average 500 components per month.

Q.37  A Rs. 100 perpetual bond is currently selling for Rs. 95. The coupon rate of interest is 13.5 percent and the appropriate discount rate is 15%. Calculate the intrinsic value of bond. Should it be bought? What is it yield to maturity?

Q.38 The Balance sheet of  M/s XYZ Company shows the following items as at 31st December 2002:

Q.39 The Balance sheet of Shaw & Co. is as follows:

Q.40 The  Following Data relate to two companies:

Q.41 International foods Limited has the following capital structure:

Q.42 Management of Talash Ltd. has the option to buy either Machine  A or Machine B. Machine A has a cost of Rs. 75,000 its expected lire is 6 years with no salvage value at the end. It would generate net cash flows of Rs. 20,000 per years

Q.43 H. Ltd. has a present annual sales level of 10,000 units at Rs. 300 per unit. The variable cost per unit is Rs. 200 per unit and fixed costs amount to Rs. 3,00,000 per annum. the present credit allowed by the company is one month. The company is considering a proposal to increase the credit period to two months and three months and has made the following estimates:

Q.44 A share  of the face value of Rs. 100 has current market price of Rs. 480. annual expected dividend is 30%. During the fifth year, the shareholder is expecting a bonus in the ratio of 1:5.  Dividend raster is expected to be Rs. 1,000. incidental expenses at time of purchase and sale sere estimated at 5% on the market price. there is no tax on dividend income and capital gain. The shareholder expects  minimum return of 15% per annum.

Q.45 The following data pertain to forge limited:

Q.46 Your company�s share is quoted in remarket at Rs. 20 currently. The company pays a dividend of Re. 1 per  share and the investor�s market expects a growth rate of 5  percent per year. You are required to compute:

Q.47 A trader whose current sales are Rs. 15 lakhs per annum and average collections period is 30 days want to pursue a more  liberal credit policy to improve sales.  A study made be a consultant firm reveals the following information:

Q.48 From the following information taken form the books of  a manufacturing Concern, compute the operating cycle in days:

Q.49 Satija Company has the following capital structure on 1 July 2002;

Q.50 Prepare an estimate of net-Working capital requirements of Zero company for the data given below:

Q.51 A project requires investment of Rs. 75,80,000 (With nil salvage value after 5 year) in the beginning of the years 2003. You are given the following annual operating data to compute the selling price per unit of the single production to be  production and sold:

Q.52  A firm selling a consumer durable item to its two retail dealers in considering relaxation in its credit policy. The credit terms and the expected quantity (no. of units) to be sold to these two dealers is to be as follows:

Q.53 A business firm wants to convert its 8% Convertible Debentures of Rs. 100 each into shares of Rs 10 each. 5,000 such debentures are outstanding in the books. The price Earning Ratio  before this conversion is 20:1 which is expected to be 25:1 after the conversion. The present share capital comprises 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each.  Firm�s EBIT is Rs. 2,00,000. Tax Rate applicable is 40%. Debentures are commanding a premium of 10% in the open market now.

Q.54 The management of a standard firm requests Y as to advise about the economic viability of a capital investment project for expansion purposes. Relevant in formation is as under:

Q.55 A companys current market price per equity share is Rs. 40,  required rate o return 14% , EPS last year was Rs. 4 and D/P  65%. It is know that DPS will grow at an annuals rate of 8% infinitely n the future. Find its equilibrium price per equity shares.

Q.56 A company desires to take up a capital project under its expansion programme involving an outlay or  investment of Rs. 10,00,000. if it sis financed through issue of Debentures (Debt) carrying 14% interest rate, the Price Earnings Ratio will be 6 times. However, if it is finance through Equity Capital issued at premium of Rs.15. then the Price Earning Ratio is to be 7 times. This expansion programme is likely to enhance firm�s sales by Rs. 6,00,000 a year with a net return of 15% on these additional sales before interest and tax.

Q.57 The capital structure of SV LTD. consists of 8% Debentures 6% preference Shares and some equity shares of Rs. 100 each in the ratio of 3:2:5. the company is considering to introduce additional capita to met the needs of diversification plans by rising 9% loan form financial instantiations. As a result of above source would  come down by 1/10 , 1/15 and 1/6 respectively.

Q.58 Mr. X is planning for his retirement. He is 45 years of age now. He wants to have Rs. 3,00,000 when he attains the age of 60. he also wants to exposit a constant amount @ 12% p.a. at the end of each of these 15 years in a PPF account for this  Money. How much should he invest annually at the beginning of each of these 15 years obtain a sum of Rs. 3,00,000 at the end of this 15 years period?

Q.59 A company issues 10% debentures of Rs. 10,00,000 (i) at per , or (ii) at 10% discount and (iii) at 20% premium, assuming the tax rate to be 28%

Q.60 A company has 11% debentures of Rs. 5,00,000 standing in its Balance sheet as on 31-3-2002maturing after 5 year. Assume the same debentures could be ssued now only at a discount of 20%

Q.61 A company has issued equity share capita at a premium of 10% incurring 5% of the issue price as cost of issue. The expected rate of dividend is 20% what is the cost of equity capital issued if the market value of equity share is Rs. 15.

Q.62 A companys present capital structure is as under:

Q.63  From the following particulars of a capital project find (i) pay back period,(ii) Rate of Return (R.O.I.) (iii) present Value Index (Cost of Capital is 10%

Initial Capital Rs.12,000 Annual Cash inflow Rs. 2,000, Life in years 8. Present value of Rs. 1 received annually for 8 years is Rs. 5.3349 [Faculty notes]

Q.64 M/s Avi Om Gupta & Co. is considering to purchase a machine.  Two machines are available X and Y each costing Rs. 1,00.000. Earning after taxation are expected to be as follows-[Dec 2001]

Q.65 M/s G.K. Dass & Co. is considering two investment proposals each of which requires an initial investment of Rs. 90,000. The total cash flows, that is, Profits after taxes and depreciation charges for each profits are as follows-[June 2003]

Q.66 Rank the investment proposals in order of their profitability according to (a) Pay back method (b) Rate of return (c) Present value method (cost of capital 10%)[Faculty notes]

Q.67 M/s Ashutosh & Co. Ltd. Is considering the purchase of a machine.  Two machines A and B are available each costing Rs. 80,000. Earnings after taxations

Are expected to be as follows:  [Faculty notes]

Q.68 M/s Mangla & Co. has got upto Rs. 3,30,000 to invest.  The following proposal are under consideration: [Dec 98]

Q.69 The engineering Department of a Company has suggested a change in operating methods and has asked for a budget appropriation of Rs. 3,200,000 for the necessary equipment.  Annual Operating Costs of the Present and Proposed methods are as follows: [Faculty notes]

Q.70 An investment of Rs.1,00,000 ( having scarp value of Rs. 5000) yields the following return-[June 2002]

Q.71 Sh. Durga Types company has a total invested capital of Rs. 10,00,000 out of this Rs. 5,00,000 has been raised through equity capital and remaining Rs. 5,00,000 through 5% debentures.

Q.72 Following is the information of capital employed by M/s Vinod Bansal & Co.

Q.73 The  Indo-American Co. Ltd. had the  following capital structure on December 31,1973 :-

Q.74 There are three companies namely A,B and C whose owned capital in each company is Rs.  1,00,000. They earn Rs. 10,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs.3,000 respectively. Each company is in need of Rs. 1,00,000 as additional capital. If they issue 6% debentures what will be the impact on equity?

Q.75 If a company has 30% debt and 70% equity and earns 15% on total capital before taxes, what is the recent on equity, assuming it pays 10% for debt capital an taxes are 50%?

Q.76 The Boots corporation is a new form that wishes to determine an appropriate capital structure. It can issue 8% debt and 6% preferred and has a 50% tax rate. The initial capitalization the form will be Rs. 50 lakes. The  possible capital structure is:


Q1. Why should an organisation introduce a grievance procedure ? Explain the pre-requisites      of a grievance procedure briefly outline the features of a grievance procedure and the steps in grievance handling.


Briefly outline the features of a grievance procedure and the steps involved in grievance handling.

Q2. Why should organisations have formal grievance procedure

Q3.  Explain the meaning of grievence. Explain the causes of grievances

Q4. Explain machinery for  redressal of grievances

Q5. What is the role of workers participation in management ?discuss. Briefly discuss the level and forms of workers participation in management. Comment upon the. Effectiveness of any one of the forms discussed


Q6. Describe the objectives and significance of workers participation

Q 7.  Distinguish between career and succession planning suggest the measures for effectivecareer planning and development.

Q 8 . Define performance appraisal. What are its objectives discuss different methods of appraisal and their merits and demerits

Q 9. Explain the purpose of induction and how it should be conducted. How can it be made more effevtive ? Discuss.

Q 10 . Discuss the significant processes of collective bargaining. What are the objectives and functions of collective bargaining ? Explain the different forms  of collective bargaining. Is the scope of collective bargaining widening in the present scenario ? Discuss.


what is the importance of collective bargaining ? Explain the process of collective bargaining and factors essential for successful functioning of collective bargaining

Q 11 . Define and discuss the relationship between job analysis, job descriptions and jobspecifications. Explain the objectives of job evaluation and the procedure for evaluating jobs suitable examples.


Q12. Identify the similarities and differences between maslows theory of motivation and herzbergs theory. Discuss critically.


what is motivation ? Discuss how mallows theory of motivation differs from herzberg's theory and describe the relevance of these heories

Q 13.what is the process involved in selection ?  How does it differ form placement ? Explain the steps involved in an effective selection programme.

Q 14 define recruitment. What are the methods and techniques of recruitment ? Explain the advantages and limitations of recruiting from internal sources and external sources.

Q 15. Define the term discipline. Discuss different approaches to discipline. Explain the context in which disciplinary procedure is conducted.

Q 16. What is the use of job analysis in managing human resources ? Explain  the methods that can be used to analyse jobs and dicuss the advantages and limitations of them.

Q 17. Explain the essential pre-requisites for a good training programme and evaluate various types of training programmes prevalent in the organisational set-up.


what principles to be kept in mind while designing a sound employee training programme

Q 18. Distinguish between motivation and morale. Discuss the signifiance of morale and its relation to productivity

Q 19. Describe the various kinds of punishments, which are inflicted on a worker for misconduct and explain the procedure of domestic enquiry and the importance of it.

Q. 20. Explain the objectives and significance of labour welfare measures ands social security benefits.

Q 21. Explain briefly important interview techniques used for selecting managerial staff.

Q 22. Discuss the concept and evolution of social security.  Briefly examine the legislative measures adopted in india to ensure social security benefits to industrial workers.

Q 23. Explain the concept and forms of industrial democracy.  Discuss how industrial democracy is practiced in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 24. Explain the objectives and  importance of workers participation in management

Q 25. Explain the relationship between motivation and rewards.  Bring out the different reward systems in an organisational setting.  Describe the role of financial and non-financial reward system in improving organisational performance with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q. 26. Explain the meaning, need, importance and methods of training.  Discuss the existing training system of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Describe how an organisation identifies the needs of training and comes up with the appropriate training programmes. Describe the organisation you are referring to. 

Q 27. Explain competency approach to job analysis (june 2005)

Q 28 . Describe the process of human resource planning with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Suggest some measures for improvement of the existing hrp system.  Describe the organisation you are referring to

Q 29.   Define hrm.  Discuss the importance and scope of hrm citing suitable examples.  List the functions of hrm in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 30. Define industrial relations in your organization also explains its objectives and significance. Briefly explain various approaches to industrial relations

Q 31 . Discuss the concept of human resource audit, its benefit and scope.  Collect few hr audit reports of your organisation or an organisation where hr audit is carried out and write down your comments regarding their relevance.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 32. Explain the concept of human resource accounting, its objectives and its role in human      resource management. Describe the human resource accounting (hra) system being       practiced in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe     the        organisation you are referring to.

Q 33. What is performance appraisal? Discuss its advantages and limitations

Q 34. What are the aims and objectives of the employers organizations in india? Describe the structure and functions of employers organization

Q 35. What do you understand by the term empowerment?  Make an assessment of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and prepare a report as to whether any of the empowerment activities have been undertaken or not.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 36.explain different types of incentive systems. Discuss, the incentive scheme being followed in your organization or an organization you are familiar  with.  Bring out the advantages and limitations of this scheme. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 37. Write short notes

  1. manpower planning
  2. retrechment vs dismissal
  3. motivation and morale
  4. collective bargaining
  5. career planning and succession planning
  6. training and developments
  7. fringe benefits
  8. industrial tribunal
  9. tripartite wage board

10.  theory x and y of motivation

11.  gripe box

12.  dearness allowance

13.  wage boards


Q. 1  Distinguish between formal and Informal Organization

Q.2. Distinguish between line organisation vs. Line & Staff organisation.

Q.3. What do you understand by (i) line organisation (ii) Functional organisation and (iii) Staff organisation?

Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. What are the likely sources of conflict between line and Staff in an organisation?

Q.4 Write short notes on Quality of working like

Q.5 Write short note on classical vs. Neo-classical organisation Theory

Q.6 Write short note on role of change agent

Q.7 Write short notes on Management objectives.

Q 8. Distinguish between mechanistic structure and organic

Q.9 Explain the salient characteristics of organizational development. Cite examples to illustrateyour answer

Q.10 Explain the benefits of organisation Development.

Q.11 Describe different approaches to organisation and their relevance.  Explain 7Ss Model and its significance in organisations.  Discuss with suitable examples.

Q 12. Explain the concept of quality of working Life  (QWL) in broader societal perspective. Discuss how does socio-cultural conditions affect the QWL in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and suggest some methods to improve the QWL in the organisation.  Briefly describethe organisation you are referring to.

Q 13. Discuss the concept of organisational analysis and organisational diagnosis.  Describe the different perspectives of organisational analysis by citing examples.  Describe how organisationalanalysis is conducted in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  How far it was successful?  Describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 14. Discuss the meaning, purpose and approaches of job design with suitable examples. Describe how job design is carried out in your organisation or an organisation you are referring to.

Q 15. The dysfunctional aspects of bureaucracy tend to overshadow the functional aspects over a period of time.  In the light of above statement, examine the merits and demerits of bureaucracy for the organisation you are working for or familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 16. What is the impact of work redesign on different aspects of the organisation.  Evaluate this taking into consideration your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with

Q 17. How do you construct a questionnaire for the purpose of organisational diagnosis?  Discuss this with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Describe the organisation you are referring to. uestionnaire Design

Q.18.  Discuss the impact of work structuring on different organisational roles citing suitableexamples.[June 2003, Faculty notes]

Q.19 Describe different phases of a planned change.  Discuss how resistance to change can be reduced with suitable examples.  Describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.20 . What do you understand by change?  Explain the factors which trigger for change by citingsuitable examples, with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar withDescribe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.21.  Discuss some of the cross-cultural experiences of organisational culture and change in the Present scenario.  Illustrate with reference to an organisation where culture change has taken place.  What steps could be taken to close cultural gaps?  Discuss.

Q.22.  Explain the concepts of delegation of authority and Decentralisation.  What are the individual and organisational factors that influence the decentralization process?

Q.23. Who is a transformational leader?  Discuss the importance of being transformational leader and factor required to be transformational leader.

Q.24. Describe the salient features of Role Analysis Technique (RAT).  If you are asked to undertake the RAT exercise then explain how would you carry it out in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.

Q.25.  What are the factors you shall keep in mind while designing an organisation ?  Re these factors taken care of by the organization you are familiar with ?  How do you evaluate the organisation in this regard ?  Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.26.  Explain technology and organisation structure.

Q.27 What are the characteristics of bureaucracy ?  Under what conditions is bureaucracy encouraged in organisations? Discuss

Q.28.Explain the organisational environment and its significances in studying the organisationaldevelopment.

Q.29.  Differentiate between mechanistic and organic structures.  Under what circumstances would each type of structure be more beneficial in achieving  organisational goals.?

Q 30. Distinguish between tasks and activities in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Suggest measures to improve the organization structure, which would enhance its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 31. What are the general sources of conflict in an organization also explain the ways how conflictcan be managed.   Which way of managing conflict you feel better and why  particularly in the organizational situation where you are working or familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 32. Define role descriptions and discuss its uses.  List out the factors contributing to role changes in the context of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 33. What is the purpose and meaning of an OD intervention?  Describe any two interventions and their merits and demerits with reference to an organisation.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 34. List out the skills required for the role of a change agent.  Describe yourself as a change agent and the tasks you perform as a change agent in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.


Q1.(a). In Human Relations Movement, according to Fred Luthans three major events took place, describe these with suitable examples.

(b).  Define Organizational Behaviour, what are the basic assumptions, which you come across during the study of this subject.

Q2.      (a).  Enumerate the basic Fundamental Concepts of Oranizational Behaviour. Also, give out various 4 models with facets one can read in this subject study.

(b).  Describe the theory of unconscious behaviour as shaped by Sigmund Freud. Give out the characteristics of needs or motives, which are directed to satisfy by Human behaviour

Q3.      (a).  Defense mechanism serve as an important function of keeping the human personality integrated, bring out these dense mechanism including the psychological process with illustrations

(b).  Discuss the major differences between content and process work theories.  Explain Abraham Maslows theory of Need-Hierarchy.

Q4.      (a).  Enumerate Herzbergs two factors theory of motivation including principle of job enrichment.

(b).  Define morale, it is said, the higher the morale the higher is the productivity.  However, it may not be true in all cases, illustrate this through a graph.

Q5.      (a).  Explain the various Ego states through which a person oscillates during has daily activities.

(b).  Often the choice of wrong kind of personality proves disastrous for any organization,elucidate?  Bring out the major determinants of any personality

Q6.      Write short notes: -

(a).  Perception

(b). Attitude, Belief & Ideology

(c).  Stress & State of Exhaustion

(d). Leadership & its styles

(e). Path Goal theory of leadership

(f). Organizational resistance to change

Q.7 What are the various determinates or organisational culture/ How does leadership influence the culture of an organisation?

Q.8 Why do people generally resist change?  Do personal factors play a role in this process? What are the common coping strategies for change?

Q.9 Describe conflict avoidance conflict diffusion and conflict confrontation strategies with the help of suitable examples

Q.10 Distinguish between decision making under risk and decision making under uncertainty

Q.11 What kind of decisions is a manager generally required to make in organizational context?

Explain with examples as to which of these correspond to programmed and non-programmed categories

Q.12 What is the system approach to management ? Explain the salient features of this approach

Q.13 Describe various managerial skills briefly. Discuss the roles these skills could play in building an institution.

Q.14 Describe various managerial skills briefly. Discuss the roles these skills could play in building an institution

Q.15. Explain the approaches to leadership and discuss which could be the best suitable style of leadership. Give reasons

Q.16 Define organisational structure and explain with suitable examples how structure and productivity can be linked to each other.

Q.17 What are the major sources of conflict in an organisation ? Discuss the consequences of inter-group conflict and ways to reduce its negative impact.

Q.18 Compare and context theory X and Y. Discuss their relevance in Indian organizational context

Q.19 What are the salient features of different models of decision making? Making any two of them in details and compare them

Q.20 What are the consequences of intergroup conflict ? What are the ways to reduce the nagative cosequence if inter group conflict

Q.21 Define organizational effectiveness. How do you differentiate effectiveness from efficiency? Comment critically with suitable examples from Indian organizations. ?

Q.22 Identify major barriers of communication and explain why do they arise. Explain way to overcome these barriers with suitable example

Q.23 In What ways can a business enterprise discharge its social responsibility? Explain with examples

Q .24  Describe various leadership styles. What kind of leadership style is best suited for a production oriented organisation? Give reason

Q .25  Describe various leadership styles. What kind of leadership style is best suited for a production oriented organisation? Give reason

Q 26. Distinguish between the mission, objectives and goals of an organization. Explain the process of strategy formulation being followed in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.27. What is professional management? Discuss, how professional managers manage survival and growth of the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Give  three ideas  which you think can improve organisation efficiency. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 28 Distinguish between culture and climate. Explain the influence of leadership style on organisational climate in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 29. Explain different types of conflicts. Discuss the sources of conflict and strategy for resolvingconflicts in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 30. Explain the process of Communication.  Discuss various communication net works being used in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Identify which is the most effective one? Why? Briefly describe the organisation you

are referring to.

Q 31 Explain different types of organisational structures. Describe the structure of your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Suggest suitable measures for restructuring and discuss the reasons for it.

Q 32Explain different types of organisational structures. Describe the structure of your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Suggest suitable measures for restructuring and discuss the reasons for it.

Q.33  Discuss whether you  need any control when every thing going as planned. Design a control system for controlling the performance of your own subordinates, keeping in view the characteristics of effective controls.  Examine the control methods and strategies used in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 34. Explain the concept of Management by objectives (MBO). Describe some of the successes and failures associated with MBO.   How does MBO work in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Discuss its advantages and limitations. Briefly describe the organization you are  referring to.

Q 35. Distinguish between tasks and activities in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Suggest measures to improve the organization structure, which would enhance its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 36. Explain the tasks of a professional manager. Identify the  managers whose prime task is to plan and steer the future of the organization you are working in or familiar with. What are the various survival and growth options which your organization has adopted in the recent past. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.37 Give a list of the motivational techniques.  Critically evaluate the motivational techniques of your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  Do you think they are conducive for a productivity oriented work culture?

Q.38 What is professional management?  Does the management of your organization or an organization you are familiar with fit into the criteria of professional management? Discuss how would you promote professionalism in your organization.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.39 Define communication and comment on the efficacy of the communication system in your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  How can the communication system made more effective?  Discuss.  Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.40 Discuss the process of planning.  In your opinion the process of planning and controlling are interlinked or not?  Explain with suitable examples.

Q.41  Discuss Various Decision-Making Models.  Which Model According To You Is The Best Model?   Justify Your Answer With Example.

Q.42 Discuss the concept of inter-personal relationships.  Discuss the existing inter-personal relationship scenario of your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  Suggest few improvements strategies to develop the skills required for the inter-personal relationships.  Briefly describe organization you are referring to.

Marketing management question bank


Q 1. What is product life cycle? Explain its various stages

Q 2: Write Short not on Elements of Marketing Mix

Q. 3 Write Short note on Advertising and Publicity

Q.4 Discribe the functions of Packaging

Q.5 Write Short note on

(1)Factors influencing consumer behaviour

Q.6 Middlemen are Parasites  This Charge has been made by many over the centuries. Is thus likely to be case in a competitive economic system? why or why not?

Q. 7 What are  the bases for market segmentation ?

Q. 8 what is brand? What distinct advantages do companies get from branding?

Q.9 Write Short note on full cost pricing and triangular cost pricing.

Q.10 write short note on retailing)

Q. 11 write a short notes on secondary data and its resources

Q.12 What are the determinants of the promotion Mix? Explain

Q.13. Write Short note on Sales Promotion

Q. 14 Write a short note on Family brand and individual brand

Q. 15 Write short note on recruitment and selection of Sales man. [Faculty notes]

Q. 16 What are the steps in the consumer decision making products? Do all consumerdelusions in value these steps?

Q. 17. You are the marketing manger of a medium-sized manufacturing company. The president has just made the following statement: The distribution activity is not a concern of the marketing department is to sell the product- let the rest of the company handle production and distribution; How would you reply to this statement? Discuss whether you are agree or disagree with the statement and justify your answer

Q.18. Marketing management is the process of scanning the environment, analysing marketing opportunities, designing marketing strategies and then effectively implementing and controlling marketing practices. Discuss

Q.19 Write short note one:-

  1. 1. Mark up pricing


Q 20 Write short note on Product mix

Q.21 (a) Discuss fully the Stimulus Response Theory or Socio-Cultural Theory ofConsumer Behaviour

Q22. Write short notes on significance of marketing research.

Q.23 What is umbrella brand? Distinguish between brand extension strategy and multibrand strategy.

Q.24. Explain Hierarchy of Effects?

Q.25 What are the various methods for forecasting the sales of a new product.

Q.26  Marketing is a system of integrated business activates designed to develop strategic plans (in the form of marketing mixes) leading to the satisfaction of customer want of selected market segments. Explain.

Q.27 Explain some of the sales promotion methods directed at consumers.

Q.28 (a) Explain the accepts of marketing which are sought to be regulated under theConsumer Protection Act,

Q.29 Write short note on Direct Distribution

Q.30 what are channels of distribution? What channels of distribution would you suggest for marketing.

(i) Canned Food

(ii) Bicycles

(iii) Pens

(iv) Fertilizers

Q.31 Advertising and sales promotion are complementary to personal selling as tools of promotion. Comment

Q. 32 (a) What is Penetration Pricing? Describe the situations where penetration pricing is suitable.

Q 33. Discuss the role of marketing in the following context :

  1. Branded packaged product
  2. Social marketing program\

Q 34. Explain segmentation as a tool for market penetration. Discuss the bases of segmentation for the following products (i) Frost free refrigerators

(Ii) Branded atta


Q 35. List out and discuss some major sources of secondary data. What constraints marketers encounter in using secondary data in marketing decision making?

Q 36. Understanding the consumer post purchase evaluation process is important to marketers,             why ? How can marketers control cognitive dissonance? [Faculty notes]

Q 37. Packaging has a direct bearing on the consumer buying behaviour. How and why?

Q38.Distinguish transactional marketing Vs cyber marketing.

Q 39. Discuss in detail the various costs associated with the physical distribution.

Q 40. Specify both the internal and external challenges faced by Indian firms while pricing their products.

Q 41. What unique characteristics make services different from tangibles. Explain. What are the implications of these characteristics in designing a suitable business strategy?

Q42.  What do you understand from Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) strategies? What are its merits and demerits for the marketers?

Q 43. What is marketing research. ? Discuss its scope in accomplishing the marketing goal of profit maximization set by the firm. Explain with suitable examples.

Q44 criticaly evaluate the promotional packaging techniques being offered by any 3consumer non-durables of your choice.




Strategic Management question bank

Q1.  Why should a company have Mission Statement ?  Discuss its role and functions.  Give examples of mission statements in relation to any three of the following organisations:

  1. A corporate hospital in the private sector
  2. A specialised professional educational and training institution in the Government sector
  3. A technical and management consulting firm in the private sector.
  4. A electric supply undertaking in the Government sector


Briefly explain 7-S Framework.  In what way can the framework be helpful in strategic formulation and implementation?


Q.2.  Enumerate the consistent of mega and micro environments of a business firm.  How are the two types of environments interrelated ?  Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.


What are the different criteria for classifying organisational elements into strengths and weaknesses?  Illustrate with suitable example.   Are different criteria exclusive?


Q.3.   In what ways do the BOG Matrix GE Planning Grid, and Shells Directional policy Matrix differ from each other / Explain how such portfolio matrices are helpful in strategy formulation.


Briefly explain and then discuss in which situations the following strategies would be useful:

  1. Turnaround strategy
  2. Takeover strategy
  3. Vertical Integration strategy.

Q.4.  Briefly discuss the elements of successful implementation of strategies.  What checkpoints could you use in pre- implementation phase of a strategy.


What factors could corporate decline ?  What measures have been taken in India to deal with corporate/ industrial sickness?  Examine critically.


Q.5.  What role does the Board Directors (BOD) play in strategic management of a company ?  What kind of relationship may the BOD have with the top management of the company ?  Examine and discuss.


Explain the concept of corporate strategy.  What kinds of people in a company are responsible for strategic decisions and their implementation?  Is strategic planning the same as strategic management ?


Q.6. Why is competitive analysis needed for as business enterprise ? Explain how porters framework to analyze industry structure can be helpful in competitive analysis.  Explain the relevance of the model.


What criteria can be used for determining strengths and weaknesses of a corporate entity ?  what measures can be used for determining strengths and weaknesses ?  Discuss briefly.


Q.7.   What is BCGs Growth Share matrix?  Construct a BCG matrix based on hypothetical data.


What role do costs play in different market conditions?  How does this role change? Does Porters generic business strategy of cost leadership have nay relevance in this context ?


Q.8.  Distinguish between related and Unrelated diversifications.  Examine the merits and demerits of each.  What kind of trend, in this context, has been dissemble over the recent past?


It is often said that strategy; implementation is much more difficult land challenging than the strategy formulation.  Why is it so? What would you suggest to a company for effective implementation ofstrategies?

Q.9.  There are some managerially  derived expectations from the Board of Directors (BOD) of a company.  What are these expectations
?  Discuss and make a critical assessment of the role of the Board of Directors in the context of Indian corporate sector.

Q.10.  What constitutes socio- cultural and political environment for a business enterprise ?  how do the trends in such environment impact upon a company?  Illustrate with examples.


What is meant by competitive advantage?  How can a company build competitive advantage? Explain giving suitable examples.

Q.11.  What is portfolio analysis in the context of strategic management? What considerations would guide you in balancing the portfolio?


Describe the techniques of strategic financial analysis and explain one of them in detail, pointing out its merits and demerits.

Q.12.  What strategic options may a company have ? Explain and also discuss the risks attached with each option.


Distinguish between backward and forward integrations.  Pointing out the situations in which each would be advisable.  Examine the merits and demerits of both types of integration.

Q.13  (a) Is there any difference between corporate objectives and corporate values? What factors affect corporate values? Discuss briefly.

(b) What role could the Board of Directors play in the area of strategic management? Discuss.

Q.14 (a) What is "competitive advantage"? Citing some real life examples, discuss how competitive advantage could be gained

(b) "The purpose of internal analysis is to match strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats." Explain.

Q.15.(a) What factors cause Experience Curve Effect? Discuss briefly. (b) Explain briefly the PIMS model portfolio analysis.

Q.16.(a) How would you predict company failures? Discuss briefly any measurement model in this context.

(b) Differentiate between Concentric and Conglomerate diversifications, citing examples for each.

Q.17. (a) What are the characteristics of Strategic Management Decisions? Differentiate between ! Strategic Decisions and Operating Decisions.

(b) What is meant by "distinctive competence"? In what ways can a company attain distinctive competence?

Q.18(a) Discuss some tools (or frameworks) for analysing the impact of environmental opportunities pointing out their relative merits and shortcomings.

(b) Differentiate between the Economists and the Marketing viewpoints regarding the study of competition.

Q.19(a) Explain briefly Patel and Younger's approach for assessing the strategic position of a company. In what way you think, is this approach an improvement over product portfolio matrices?

(b) What is `Synergy'? What could be the different types of synergies and how can they be brought about? Explain briefly.

Q.20.(a) "Implementation of strategy requires right organisational structure" Explain.

(b) A friend of yours bring to you a proposal for the acquisition of a medium scale company. How would you judge the suitability of the proposal?

Q.21.(a) What are the various routes to building competitive advantage? Discuss them.

(b) Differentiate between the Grid Approach and the 7-S Framework for analysing strengths and weaknesses of a given corporate entity.

Q.22.(a) Explain how at different stages in the life cycle of a product, business organisations need to adopt different strategies.

(b) What do you understand by the term Diversification? When is it resorted to? Explain relevance of the concept of core competencies while evolving diversification strategy and plans.

Q.23.(a) "The success of a takeover, to a large extent, depends upon the post-acquisition management." Explain it with corporate experiences.

(b) What are the structural requirements for proper evaluation, control and updation of strategies?

Q.24.(a) Do you agree with the suggestion that it is now imperative for all enterprises to evaluate global environments for their survival? If yes, why? If no, why not?

(b) Explain what do you understand by turnaround and list various types of turnaround strategies. Discuss them briefly.

Q.25. (a)  Differentiate between strategic decisions and operating decisions, giving examples.

(b)  Evaluate the different approaches to corporate planning, pointing out their relative merits and demerits.

Q.26.  (a)  What are the uses f experience curve in competitive strategy;? Explain. (b)  One purpose of internal analysis is to match strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats. Explain.

Q.27. (a)  What are different types of synergies an how can they be brought about? Explain and illustrate.

(b)  Under what conditions are internal and external routes to growth advisable?  Support your answer with some real  life examples.

Q.28.  A company intends to take over another company and approaches you for advice.  What guidelines in general would you like to suggest to the company to follow before and after takeover?

Q.29.  (a)   Implementation of strategy requires right organisation structure. Discuss.

(b)  Indian firms have not been driven by competence  led growth.  Comment on the basis of the system of Industrial licencing prevalent in the past.[20]

Q.30. (a)   Enumerate and briefly explain the various strategies that an organization may ha.  What characteristic should these strategies have in order to be successful?

(b)  Are strategy, strategic plan and corporate plan the same? Discuss.  What could be some of the reasons for failure of plans?

Q.31.  Discuss the importance of mission statement in strategy formulation.  What does a mission statement convey?  Give examples of mission statements for the following organisation:

(a)  An organisation providing internet and related telecommunication services.

(b)  A corporate hospital in private sector.

(c )  A company manufacturing heavy machinery in public sector.

Q.32.  Discus the role and functions of Chief Executive officer (CEO) of a company.  How can he contribute in fostering appropriate values and culture for the organisation?

Q.33.  What is competitive analysis?  In what ways can a company build up competitivg3e advantage?  Explain with examples.

Q34.  Explain and indicate the uses of

  1. GE Planning Grid
  2. Arthur D. Little Companys Matrix

Q.35.  Explain with examples importance of key success factors in strategy formulation and implementation.  How wo7uld you determine them for a particular organisation?

Q.36.  Discuss the motivations for mergers and acquisition of businesses.  Why is post- acquisition management important?

Q.38. Briefly explain McKinsey 7s Framework. How can it be helpful in strategic management?

Q.39.  "The role of BOD is to govern and not to manage" Discuss the statement, bringing out the elements of corporate governance.

Q.40. Briefly explain the constituents of the micro environment of a business organisation, individually or collectively, improve industrial relations climate within and outside?

Q.41. (a)  Explain the concept of strategic choice in relation to inventory items.  What are its uses and limitations?

(b)  What ratios, do you think, can be useful to strategic analysis?  Illustrate your answer.

Q.42.  Why is pre  implementation evaluation of strategy important ?  What check-points would you like to use in the process of evaluation?

Q.43.  Distinguish between  integration and diversification.  What are the pre-requisites for success of conglomerate diversification? Explain.

Q.44.  What role does the Board of Directors play in the strategic management of an organisation? In what way is the Board of Directors (BoD) involved in corporate governance? Discuss.

Q.45.  Explain how portfolio matrices are helpful in strategic analysis. 1-low does the GE Planning Grid differ from BGG matrix?

Q.46. Differentiate between concentric and conglomerate diversification, citing examples of each. In what way is the concept of diversification related with `core competence'?

Q.47. "Strategic management without effective implementation has no meaning." Discuss. How would you ensure successful implementation of strategies?

Q.48.(a) How can a firm build 'competitive advantage'?

(b) "Business firms need to adopt different strategies during the different stages of the product cycle of a product." Explain with examples.

Industrial relations question bank

Q.1. (i)  Explain the determinants of  union  management relations.  Suggest with the help of anexample measures for improving union  management relations in organisations.

(ii)   Describe the influence of International Labour Organisation (ILO) on industrial relations system in India.

Q.2. (i)    Describe the genests and state of the present structure of trade unions in India.

(ii)    Evaluate the status of internal leadership in unions in Indian industries.  Can external leadership influence health of industrial relations. ?

Q.3.(i)  Discuss the reasons for linter group conflicts in organisation Suggest suitable interventions  for resolving ns conflicts.

(ii)   Describe negotiation  process.  Identify the skills which negotiators should possess and give suitable examples.

Q.4.(i)  Explain models in Workers Participation in Management.  What are the prerequisites for success  in Workers Participations in Management ?

(ii)  Evaluate the influence of labour legislations on industrial relations in India.

Q.5(a)   What are the salient features of labour policy, available in the Indian Constitution ? How has labour policy evolved during the five year plans.?

(b)  What are the major issues which influence industrial relations in resent India ?  Describe industrial relations  perspectives for India.

Q.6.(a)  Explain the provisions for registration of trade unions as given in the Trade Unions Act1962.  What are the obligations and rights of a registered trade union ?

(b)  What are the aims and objectives of employers organisation ?  Explain organisation and management of employers organisations in India.

Q.7. (a)  Explain structure of Collective Bargaining.  What are the emerging corners in bargaining ?

(b)   Explain various machinery for investigation and settlement of disputes as prescribed in the Industrial Disputes Act 1947.

Q.8. (a)   Identify and explain the measures required making workers participation more effective.

(b)   Explaining the emerging trend in union  - management relations in India.  What do you suggest for legislative. Intervention for better union  - management relations. ?

Q.9.  What are the broad approaches of  management towards unions and how they influence theUnion  Management  Relations ?

Q.10.  Explain the importance of the Trade Union Act, 1926 in the growth of the trade unions inIndia, State briefly the rights and obligations of trade unions under this Act.

Q.11.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  
What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of the trade unions under the code of discipline?

Q.12.  Explain the concept of class interest, How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.13.  Explain the concept of workers  participation in management.  Briefly discuss the levels and forms of workers participation in management in India.

Q.14. Which are the central trade union organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tri  partite forums Like ILO and Indian Labour Conference ?  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.15.  Briefly explain the new developments that are taking place on the Indian Economic and Industrial scene.  In what way are they likely to affect union  management relations ?

Q.16. Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under code of discipline.?

Q.17. Explain the concept of call interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour management ?

Q.18.  Critically examine the trends in Collective Bargaining with respect to

(i).            Managerial rights

(ii).            Productivity bargaining,. And

(iii).            Concession bargaining.

Q.19.  Explain the concept of workers Participation in Management Briefly discuss the levels and forms of Workers Participation in India. 

Q.20.  Which are the Central Trade Union Organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tripartite  forums like ILO and Indian Labour Conference.  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two at them.

Q.21.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i)   Strategies for interpersonal conflict resolution

(ii)  Negotiation Process

(iii) Voluntary Arbitration

(iv)  Role of state in IR

(v)   Weak Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism


Q.22.  Critically evaluate the changing role of trade unions in the liberalised economy.  Substantiate  your point of view with suitable examples.

Q.23.  What has been the impact of multiplicity of unions on the Industrial Relations ?  How can this problem be resolved ?

Q.24.  Critically examine the role of state in the resolution industrial disputes / conflicts in India.

Q.25.   For any scheme of workers participation in management to be effective both the management and workers must develop a favourable attitudes.  Elaborate the statement explain with suitable examples.

Q.26.  Examine the trends in collective bargaining with respect to

(i)   managerial rights.

(ii)  Productivity bargaining and

(iii) concession bargaining.

Q.26.  Write short notes on any three of the following

(i).            Negotiation process

(ii).            Voluntary Arbitration

(iii).            Strategies for interpersonal conflict resolution

(iv).            ILO

(v).            Employers organisations

Q.27.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline ?

Q.28.  Explain the concept of class interest.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.29.  Which are the central trade union organisations recognised by the Central Govt. for the purposes of national and international tripartite forums like ILO and Indian Labour  Conference ?  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.30.  Examine the usefulness and scope of Voluntary Arbitration  as a mode of settling industrial disputes.  What procedure is followed in general when a dispute is referred to arbitration ?

Q.31.  Workers participation in management has not made any substantial progress in India . Critically analyse this statement

Q.32.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i).            Collective Bargaining

(ii).            Week tripod

(iii).            External Leadership in TUS

(iv).            Cross Cultural Aspects of UMR

(v).            Union Elections in India.

Q.33.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of trade unions.  What are the criteriaprescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline?

Q.34. Define the concept of workers  participation in management.  Briefly discuss the levels and forms of workers participation in India.

Q.35.  Explain the concepts of class interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.36.  Examine the usefulness and scope of Voluntary Arbitration as a mode of settling industrial disputes.  What procedure is followed when a dispute is referred to arbitration?

Q.37.  What are the broad strategies for resolving interpersonal conflicts ?  Explain with suitableexamples.

Q.38.  Write shorts notes on any three of the following :


(i).            Collective Bargaining

(ii).            Negotiation Process

(iii).            Employers Organisation

(iv).            Weak Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism

(v).            ILO

Q.39.  Briefly explain the new developments that are taking place on the Indian Economic and Industrial scene.  In what way are they likely to affect union- management relations. ?

Q.40.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline ?

Q.41 Explain the concept of class interests.  How do class interests led to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.42.  Critically examine the trends in Collective Bargaining with respect to

(i).            Managerial rights

(ii).            Productivity bargaining, and

(iii).            Concession bargaining.

Q..43.  Explain the concept of Workers Participation Management,.  Briefly discuss the level and forms of Workers participation in India.

Q.44.  Which are the Central Trade Union Organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tripartite forums like ILO and Indian Labour Conference.  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.45.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i).            Strategies for inter  personal conflict resolution

(ii).            Negotiation Process

(iii).            Voluntary Arbitration

(iv).            Role of state in IR

(v).            Week Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism.


Q.46. Do you agree with the statement that he role of trade Unions is undergoing significant changes in the present era? Elaborate this statement with reasons.

Q.47.  Discuss the concept of Multiplicity of Unions and their impact on industrial relations.  How can the problem of  multiplicity of unions by resolved ?

Q.48.  Critically examine the role of the state in the resolution of industrial disputes / conflicts inIndia.

Q.49.  For any scheme of workers participation in management to be effective, both management and workers must develop a favourable attitude.  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concepts with suitable examples.

Q.50.  Explain the concept of class interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management?

Q.51.Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i).            Negotiation Process.

(ii).            Voluntary arbitration

(iii).            Collective Bargaining

(iv).            Recognition of Unions

(v).            Employers Organisation

Q.52.  What are the approaches to Industrial Relations ? Discuss the changing context of Industrial Relations.

Q.53 Predict the future of Trade Unions by briefly highlighting its genesis and growth and present trends in the Indian context.  .

Q.54.  Discuss the need for recognition of Trade Unions.  What has been the Indian experience in this regard ?  shall it be continued as a voluntary measure ?

.Q.55. Discuss the issues and trend in Collective Bargaining in India.  If is to be made compulsory, what institutional changes shall be brought?

Q.56.  Outline the design and dynamics of Workers Participation  in Management in India.  Cite suitable illustrations.

Q.57. Write short notes on any three of the following

  1. Tripartism in Industrial Relations
  2. Adjudication Machinery
  3. Concession Bargaining
  4. Unfair Labour Practices
  5. Class Conflict
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