Mba Notes , Articles , Books , Projects

Ms-51 December 2011 Operations Research

December, 2011

Ms-51 : Operations Research

1.  (a)  A company produces two products A and B, each of which requires three types of

processing. -The length of time for processing each unit and the profit per unit are given in the following table :

Process $

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750 Hits

MS-46 December 2009 Management of Financial Services

December, 2009

Ms-46 : Management of Financial Services

1. "External risk arises mainly due to certain developments that take place outside the financial services company. The sources of these risks vary for different services". Explain this statement and discuss these sources of risk that are applicable to different services.

2. What are the main aspects which the merchant banker takes into consideration while selecting a public issue proposal. Discuss the various pre-issue activities undertaken by merchant banker for raising funds from the capital markets.

3. What are the various debt instruments issued by companies, Non-Bank Finance companies and Financial Institutions to raise funds from the market ? Describe their main features.

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795 Hits

Ms-46 June 2011 Management Of Financial Services

June, 2011

MS-46 : Management Of Financial Services

1.  "In recent past Indian debt market has become more vibrant." Critically evaluate this statement

2.  Discuss different types of risks associated with financial services.

3.  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has its prime objective to protect the interest of policy holders. What regulations have been evolved by it to attain this objective.

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789 Hits

Ms-46 December 2011 Management of Financial Services

December, 2011

Ms-46 : Management of Financial Services

1.  How does the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulate brokers and sub-brokers in financial market ?

2.  Write notes on :

(a) Marine insurance

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801 Hits

Ms-46 December 2012 Management Of Financial Services

December, 2012

Ms-46 : Management Of Financial Services

1. Discuss in detail the risks affecting the business of fund based services. What are the strategies followed by them to manage these risks ?

2. Discuss in detail about the "Participants in Money Market" in India. Mention the names of instruments traded in this market.

3. What is factoring ? Explain the mechanism of factoring.

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779 Hits

Ms-46 June 2013 Management Of Financial Services

June, 2013

Ms-46 : Management Of Financial Services

1. What do you mean by 'Financial System' ? Explain the role of Financial Markets in Financial system and discuss the functions of Financial Markets.

2. "The services provided by Financial Institutions have some typical characteristics that make these products quite distinct from the products of Industrial Enterprises." Discuss this statement by bringing out these typical characteristics and significance of these services.

3. Discuss the significance of government securities market in India by bringing out the types of securities traded in it and the participants involved in this market.

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760 Hits

Ms-46 June 2010 Management of Financial Services

June, 2010

MS-46 : Management of Financial Services

1. Discuss the different types of risks faced by the financial services firms ? Explain the strategies available to manage the credit risk ?

2. What are the distinctive characteristics of financial services ? In what way does information technology affect the financial services sector from the providers' point of view ? Discuss.

3. Explain the concept of securities depositories ? Discuss the importance and functioning of the securities depository system.

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  751 Hits
751 Hits

Ms-44 December 2009 Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

December, 2009

MS-44 : Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

1. What are the objectives of security analysis ? How do you measure the risk of a security ?

2. (a) "Systematic risk cannot be controlled, but unsystematic risk can be reduced". Discuss.

(b) Mr. Ranga owns Rs. 1,000 face value bond with five years to maturity. The bond has an annual coupon of Rs. 75. The bond is currently priced at Rs. 970. Given an appropriate discount rate of 10%, should Ranga hold or sell the bond.

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  825 Hits
825 Hits

Ms-44 June 2010 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

June, 2010

Ms-44 : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

1. What do you understand by 'Investment' ? Explain the steps involved in the investment process.

2. (a) Define risk. What are the statistical tools that are used to measure risk of securities return ?

(b) Mr. Vamsi is considering the purchase of a bond currently selling at Rs. 878.50. The bond has four years to maturity, face value of Rs. 1,000 and 8% coupon rate. The next annual interest payment is due after one year from today. The required rate of return is 10%.

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  783 Hits
783 Hits

Ms-44 June 2011 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

June, 2011

MS-44 : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

1.  What do you understand by 'investment ' ? Explain the various factors, which form the basis of the investment process.

2.  (a) Discuss the main provisions of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 governing the Stock Exchange in India.

(b) The company GVK’s next year dividend per share is expected to be Rs. 3.50. The dividend is expected to grow at a  rate of 10 percent per year in subsequent years. If the required rate of return is 15 percent per year, what should be the price of its shares ? The prevailing market price is Rs. 75 per share.

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  814 Hits
814 Hits

Ms-44 December 2011 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

December, 2011

Ms-44 : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

1. 'The investment environment has undergone several changes in India since 1991'. Discuss this statement and explain the three elements of investment environment.

2. (a)  What are the objectives and functions of Securities Exchange Board of India ?

(b) A bond has a par value of Rs. 1,000. It has a coupon rate of 9%. It matures after 8 years. Its current market price is Rs. 800. What is the yield to maturity of the bond ?

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  780 Hits
780 Hits

Ms-44 December 2012 Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

December, 2012

Ms-44 : Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

1.  Explain the concept of investment. Discuss in detail the steps involved in the investment process.

2.  (a)  Critically evaluate the role of SEBI as stock market developer and regulator.

(b)  The common stock of GVK Ltd. is currently selling for Rs. 70 per share. Dividend per share has grown from Rs. 2 to the current level of Rs. 6 over the past ten years and this dividend growth is expected to continue in future also. What is the required rate of return of the GVK Ltd. ?

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858 Hits

Ms-44 June 2013 Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

June, 2013

Ms-44 : Security Analysis And Portfolio Management

1. Define investment. Describe the steps involved in the investment process.

2. (a) How is the present value of a bond determined ? What effect does the use of semi annual discounting have on the value of a bond as compared to annual discounting ? How can an investor eliminate the re-investment rate risk inherent in bonds ?

(b) A bond of Rs. 1000 face value bearing a coupon rate of 12% will mature after 7 years. What is the value of the bond if the discount rates are 14% and 12% (PVIFA 14%, 7 years 2.88, PVIFA 12%, 7 years 4.564, PVIF 14%, 7 years .400, PVIF 12%, 7 years .452)

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846 Hits

Ms-43 December 2009 Management Control Systems

December, 2009

MS-43 : Management Control Systems

1. Emphasize the importance of behavioural dimensions in Management Control Systems (MCS). For understanding the behavioural dimensions in relation to MCS which styles of management are crucial and under what conditions ? Explain.

2. What is the need for responsibility centres in an organisation ? Discuss the various types of Responsibility Centres.

3. Explain the Arm's length principle and discuss the comparable uncontrolled price (CUP) method giving a suitable example.

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  848 Hits
848 Hits

Ms-43 June 2010 Management Control Systems

June, 2010

MS-43 : Management Control Systems

1. Discuss the different forms of organizational structures and how are organization structures and control systems linked together ?

2. What do you mean by transfer pricing ? Discuss the methods and criteria of transfer pricing. What are the different types of inter-company transactions ?

3. What are the important steps involved in a budgetary control system ? Discuss the important considerations involved in capital budgeting.

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  816 Hits
816 Hits

Ms-43 June 2011 Management Control Systems

June, 2011

Ms-43 : Management Control Systems

1.  Explain the nature and purpose of Management Control Systems and discuss the considerations involved in designing Management Control System in- an organisation.

2.  Explain the concept of 'strategy' and discuss the various models used for formulating Business Unit Strategies.

3.  What is a 'cost centre' ? Explain and distinguish between engineered cost centre and discretionary cost centres and discuss the implication that they create for management control system.

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  775 Hits
775 Hits

Ms-43 December 2011 Management Control Systems

December, 2011

MS-43 : Management Control Systems

1. Briefly explain the nature and purpose of management control systems and discuss the various critical components of management control systems.

2. Explain the concept of 'Radical Performance Improvement' (RPI) and discuss the application of this frame work in the formulation of corporate strategy.

3. Explain the concept of Responsibility Accounting. Discuss the application of this concept in creating and designing various responsibility centres.

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768 Hits

Ms-43 December 2012 Management Control Systems

December, 2012

Ms-43 : Management Control Systems

1. What are Business Unit Strategies? Explain the application of BCG Model and General Electric (GE) planning model in the formulation of business unit strategies.

2. Explain the concept of responsibility Accounting and describe its benefits? Briefly explain various types of responsibility centres.

3. What do you understand by Transfer Pricing? Discuss the various categories of inter-company transfer transactions.

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  871 Hits
871 Hits

Ms-43 June 2013 Management Control Systems

June, 2013

MS-43 : Management Control Systems

1. Define the concept of strategy. Explain the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) model, General Electric (GE) planning model and highlight their usefulness in formulating business unit level strategies.

2. Explain the following:

(a) Just In Time (JIT) and Management Control System

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934 Hits

MS-42 JUNE 2012

December, 2012


 1. The existing capital structure of ABC Ltd. is as follows :


Equity shares of Rs.100   each

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972 Hits
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