MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-55 : LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT . 1. (a) "SCM is viewed as a system that links an enterprise with its customers and suppliers"-Elaborate! (b) Discuss the strategies included in Efficient Consumer Response (ECR). 2. (a) Briefly describe the main factors that contribute towards Bullwhip effect in the Supply Chain. (b) Explain the parallels between Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). 3. (a) Under which information categories a Supply Chain can be categorized ? Give examples of information contained in them. (b) What do you understand by DRP II ? How is it different from DRP ? MS-55 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) Discuss the ethical aspects of Customer Profitability analysis. (b) Describe the perspective based measurement system to measure the performance of the supply chain. 5. (a) What is Fleet Sizing ? How can it be regulated and minimized ? (b) Discuss the interdependence of location decisions and distribution decisions. How does this affect the efficiency of the supply chain ?
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination c■ I June, 2015 O MS-54 : MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1. (a) What are the typical functional information subsystems in an organisation ? Distinguish between physical structure and conceptual structure of information system. (b) Explain a system. Why 'Systems' view is needed for organisational information needs ? 2. (a) Describe the various stages of a system development life cycle. How are the efforts distributed over these phases ? (b) Explain how problems in real-time scheduling are resolved ? 3. (a) Discuss the methods used in data back-up and recovery. Why is it so important ? (b) Discuss 'peopleware' in information technology. MS-54 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) What are 'multiplexers'and `concentrators' ? Explain the main functions of data communication software. (b) Describe the main disadvantages of separately developing application systems and their associated data files. 5. (a) Why should an organisation be careful about placing over reliance on "benchmark" tests in selecting a DBMS ? (b) Explain how the computer has affected the individual in his life style and thinking ?
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 0 MS-53 : PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT . 1. (a) Define operations management. Givesystems view of production operations for any service organisation. (b) Explain some upcoming issues of production systems. 2. (a) Why are seven Q.C. tools important for process improvement. Explain each one of them briefly. (b) ISO - 9000 is important for Indian companies, why ? What help will it give to organisations ? Discuss. 3. (a) Why is forecasting important for operations management ? Differentiate qualitative types of techniques from quantitative types of techniques of forecasting. (b) What is Delphi ? Explain advantages of using Delphi. MS-53 1 P.T.O. 4. (a) Elaborate different factors involved in selecting a suitable forecasting method. (b) Give steps involved in planning and preparing the process layout. 5. (a) Differentiate time study from work sampling. Discuss steps required for conducting work sampling. (b) Why is assembly line important in mass production ? Explain with the help of suitable example the balancing of assembly lines.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 00 C Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-52 : PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. (a)Briefly describe the three distinct phases of the development process through which a typical project goes. (b) What is the need of demand forecasting ? Discuss various levels of demand forecasting. 2.(a) Explain the concept of Total slack, Free slackand Independent slack. Also give formula for their computation. (b) Justify the statement :"Meticulous management of activities on the critical path is crucial to completing projects on time". MS-52 1 P.T.O. 3. (a) What is a matrix organisation ? What are the advantages of this organisation design when used for Project Management ? (b) "Effective management of materials and equipment play a vital role in Project Management". Comment ! 4. (a) How can computers help in monitoring and control of projects ? Discuss. (b) Describe the objectives of commissioning of projects. Name two ways of handling commissioning in large organisations. How are Cybernetics concepts applied in Project Management ? Explain.Mention some of the pre-requisites for asuccessful project.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination 0 June, 2015 oo MS-44 : SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. Define 'Investment'. Explain the process and purposes of investment by the investors. 2. What are the objectives of listing of securities ?Discuss the requirements for listing of securities in stock exchange. 3. (a) Discuss the different approaches for valuation of Common Stock. (b) The book value per share of a company isZ. 145.50 and its rate of return on equity is10 percent. The company follows a dividendpolicy of 60% pay out. What is the price of its share if the capitalization rate is12 percent ? 4. How does technical analysis differ from fundamental analysis ? Discuss the various assumptions underlying in technical analysis. MS-44 1 P.T.O. 5. (a) What is Capital Asset Pricing Model ? What are the assumptions of the Capital Asset Pricing Model ? (b) From the following details, evaluate the performance of the portfolios of A and B by using Treynor's and Sharpe's Indexes and rank them. Portfolio Return Sd. Risldess return Beta (A) (B) 6.00 3.30 15.24 4.92 3.0 3.0 1.00 2.85
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-43 : MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS 1. 'Management techniques such as Just In Time (JIT) and Benchmarking are in tune with the conceptual foundation of Management Control Systems'.Explain. 2. Explain the meaning of Business Process Re-engineering ? What are the rules laid down for re-engineering and integration by Hammer ? 3. How does the top management in any organisation decide as to which particular unit of the organisation be designated as cost centre, revenue centre, profit centre or investment centre ? 4. What is transfer pricing ? Describe the traditional transaction methods for determining the transfer price. MS-43 1 P.T.O. 5. Define Budgetary Control and the steps involved in budgetary control system. In what way is standard costing different from budgetary control ?
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-42 : CAPITAL INVESTMENT AND FINANCING DECISIONS. 1. What is meant by cost of capital ? How is cost of long term debt and preference share capital calculated ? Explain. 2. What is meant by a firm's capital structure ? Explain the Modigilian - Miller (MM) theory and Traditional approach to capital structure of a firm. 3. Explain the concept of project life cycle ? How are the work breakdown structure and linear responsibility chart prepared ? 4. What is Project Risk ? Briefly explain the techniques used for the measurement of project risk. MS-42 1 P.T.O. 5. (a) What do you understand by Asset Securitisation ? Explain the process involved in asset securitisation and its advantages to the parties concerned.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination N June, 2015 MS-41 MS-41 : WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 1. Explain the concepts of Gross and Net workingcapital. Discuss in detail different components of working capital. 2. Discuss the different approaches to the determination of working capital needs of an organisation. 3. Why do organisations invest in securities ? Discuss the different types of marketable securities under the Debt category. 4. Explain the Cardinal Principles of Lending,followed by Commercial Banks. Discuss the various methods of creating charge over the assets of the borrower's in case of secured advances. 5. Write short notes on the following : (a) Syndication of credit (b) Consortium Advances (c) Inter-Corporate loans (d) Commercial papers
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination O June, 2015 O ° MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1. Explain the concept of compensation. What are the functions and responsibilities of a compensation programme ?
2. Explain the norms for fixation of wages and wage differentials. Discuss the salient features of Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
3. Explain the concept of job evaluation. Briefly discuss the various methods of job evaluation.
4. Explain the concept of performance linked reward system. Discuss the various steps involved in designing a performance linked reward system. MS-27 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Tax planning
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME O Term-End Examination June, 2015 O O MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Distinguish between 'natural' and 'created' groups. How do they manifest in organizations and what are their importance ? Explain with suitable examples. 2. Explain organisation as a system of roles and illustrate with example as to how role systems can be mapped ? 3. Define delegation. Briefly describe the concept, process forces influencing delegation citing examples. 4. Discuss the concept and process of organizational learning. MS-26 1 P.T.O. 5. Explain the relevance of ethics in modern organizations. Briefly discuss the issues involved in business ethics.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME O Term-End Examination June, 2015 O O MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Distinguish between 'natural' and 'created' groups. How do they manifest in organizations and what are their importance ? Explain with suitable examples. 2. Explain organisation as a system of roles and illustrate with example as to how role systems can be mapped ? 3. Define delegation. Briefly describe the concept, process forces influencing delegation citing examples. 4. Discuss the concept and process of organizational learning. MS-26 1 P.T.O. 5. Explain the relevance of ethics in modern organizations. Briefly discuss the issues involved in business ethics.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination 0 0 9 9 1 June, 2015 MS-25 : MANAGING CHANGE IN ORGANISATIONS 1. What are the factors which contribute to change in organisations ? Briefly discuss how organisations can prepare to adapt
2. Describe the steps to be followed in Turnaround Management. Identify the situations forcing Turn around.
3. Discuss any two types of interventions and their impact on organisational functioning with suitable examples. MS-25 1 P.T.O. 4. Discuss the importance of role of leader in transition period and explain different stages in Transition with examples.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Leveraging systems
MS-24 : EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS 1. Define industrial relations. Discuss Dunlop's approach to industrial relations. 2. Briefly explain the evolution of Managerial Unionsin India. Describe the factors influencing the formation of Managerial Unions in India. 3. Define Collective Bargaining. Examine the uniquefeatures of Collective Bargaining in Indian
contextwith illustrations. 4. Discuss the need for Workers Participation in Management (WPM). State the issues involved in participative forums in India. MS-24 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following. (a) Voluntary arbitration (b) Acts of misconduct (c) The "Red - Hot Stove" Rule (d) Managing Trade Unions (e) Discipline in Industry
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 01880 MS-23 : HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 1. What are the objectives of Human Resource Planning ? How does HRP help in determining and evaluating future organisational capabilities and needs ? 2. What is competency mapping ? Briefly describe the approaches to competency mapping. 3. Describe the process of Recruitment. Briefly discuss the methods of sourcing manpower, with examples. 4. What is Human Resource Audit ? Discuss the essential steps in auditing. MS-23 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Orientation Programme
(b) Flexi – time
(c) HR Inventory
(d) Job evaluation
(e) Helping dislocated employees
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 3 -1 3 0 MS-22 : HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1. Define and discuss the concept and objectives of Coaching and Mentoring. Briefly discuss their applications in organisational context, with suitable examples.
2. What is Organisational Development ? Discuss various dimensions and operational goals of OD, with suitable examples.
3. Define and describe objectives and advantages of Multisource Feedback and Assessment Feedback Systems (MAFS). Discuss what are the indicators of an organisation's readiness to participate in MAFS.
4. Define and describe Diversity and Power. Briefly discuss the cultural, structural, and behavioural influences on Diversity and Power, with examples. MS-22 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following
(a) Technology and Work
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-21 : SOCIAL PROCESSES AND BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES 1. Describe the process of Perception and the external and internal factors influencing selective attention. Explain how perception plays an important role in organizations. 2. Distinguish between group and team. Briefly discuss guidelines for developing effective teams and their sustenance. 3. Discuss the importance of Behaviour modification in organisations and ethical issues related to it with examples. 4. Describe the nature of functional and dysfunctional conflicts and discuss the positive and negative consequences of conflict withsuitable examples. MS-21 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Learning organisations. (b) Attributes of work culture. (c) Structural sources of power. (d) Porter and Lawler's Model of motivation. (e) Dynamics of downsizing.
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 'Term-End Examination rt June, 2015 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Briefly discuss the basic purpose oforganizational analysis, and discuss any two perspectives which could be used for analyzing organizations. 2. What is T-Group training ? Explain the benefits of T-Group training at individual, group and organizational levels with suitable examples. 3. Describe various roles of a change agent and how they help in creating a desired change. 4. Discuss the various changes taking place in the present-day work environment due to Globalization. How does it affect the quality of work life of employees ? MS-10 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Task Force (b) MC Kinsey 7S model (c) Principles of Scientific Management (d) Assessment Centres
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 'Term-End Examination rt June, 2015 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Briefly discuss the basic purpose oforganizational analysis, and discuss any two perspectives which could be used for analyzing organizations. 2. What is T-Group training ? Explain the benefits of T-Group training at individual, group and organizational levels with suitable examples. 3. Describe various roles of a change agent and how they help in creating a desired change. 4. Discuss the various changes taking place in the present-day work environment due to Globalization. How does it affect the quality of work life of employees ? MS-10 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Task Force (b) MC Kinsey 7S model (c) Principles of Scientific Management (d) Assessment Centres
(e) Bench-Marking
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 'Term-End Examination rt June, 2015 MS-10 : ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE 1. Briefly discuss the basic purpose oforganizational analysis, and discuss any two perspectives which could be used for analyzing organizations. 2. What is T-Group training ? Explain the benefits of T-Group training at individual, group and organizational levels with suitable examples. 3. Describe various roles of a change agent and how they help in creating a desired change. 4. Discuss the various changes taking place in the present-day work environment due to Globalization. How does it affect the quality of work life of employees ? MS-10 1 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Task Force (b) MC Kinsey 7S model (c) Principles of Scientific Management (d) Assessment Centres (e) Bench-Marking
MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination 1 June, 2015 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS SECTION - A 1. The cost accountant of a company has derived 15the following expression relating total cost C to the number of units (x) of a product. C=1440 +125x + 0.1x2Find : (a) The number of units (x) that will minimisethe average cost. (b) The value of average cost and total cost corresponding to above number of units. MS-8 1 P.T.O. 2. The residents of Lucknow city were surveyed 15 recently to determine readership of newspapers available. 55% of the residents read the morning paper, 65% read the evening paper, and 30% read both newspapers. Find the probability that a resident selected reads either the morning or evening paper or both the papers. 3. In a factory, four workers are assigned to complete 15 an order received for dispatching 2000 boxes of a particular commodity. Worker A takes10 minutes per box, B takes 15 minutes per box,C takes 20 minutes per box and D takes 25 minutes per box. Find the average time taken per box by the group of workers. 4. An auto company decided to introduce a new six 15 cylinder car whose mean petrol consumption is claimed to be lower than that of the existing autoengine. It was found that mean petrol consumption for the 100 cars was 15 km per litrewith the standard deviation of 5 km per litre.Test for the company at 5% level of significance whether the claim that the new car petrol consumption is 14.50 km per litre on the average is acceptable. The critical value of Z at 5% level of significance is 1.96. 5. Define Hypothesis. Explain various types of errors 15 in testing of Hypothesis. Describe various steps involved in the "Hypothesis Testing".